Max Angle of Rod w/ Clay Ball: Rotational Problem 2

  • Thread starter Anthonyphy2013
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In summary: I is the moment of inertia and ω is the angular velocity. In summary, the problem involves a 75 kg rod with a 15 g ball of clay attached to the bottom, hanging vertically on a frictionless horizontal axle. A 15 g ball of clay traveling at 2.2 m/s horizontally collides with the bottom of the rod and sticks. To find the maximum angle, conservation of energy and conservation of angular momentum equations are used, taking into account the moment of inertia of the rod and the kinetic energy of rotation. It is ultimately determined that the kinetic energy is 1/2 Iω^2 and that the moment of inertia of the rod is not Mr^2.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 75 kg , 34 cm long rod hangs vertically on a frictionless , horizontal axle passing through its cener. A 15 g ball of clay traelling horizontally at 2.2m/s hits and sticks to the very bottom tip of the rod. To what maximum angle , measured from vertical , does the rod ( with the attached ball of clay ) rotate ?

Homework Equations

KE= 1/2 (m+M)V^2 , U= Mg(L-Lcosθ) , mvi=(m+M)(L/2-L/2cos)

The Attempt at a Solution

Energy is conserved , Ei=Ef. Ei= 1/2(m+M)v^2 , Ef = Mg(L-Lcosθ) +(m+M)(L/2-L/2cos) or should i consider K rot as well ?
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  • #2
Energy is conserved , Ei=Ef. Ei= 1/2(m+M)v^2
Start from before the collision - is the collision elastic?

Ef = Mg(L-Lcosθ) +(m+M)(L/2-L/2cos) or should i consider K rot as well ?
The kinetic energy left after the collision turns into gravitational potential energy right - so what would be the rotational KE when the rod reaches it's maximum angle?

note: the rod is pivoted through it's center - how does it's grav PE change with angle?
  • #3
inelastic collision . Thats I am wondering the kinetic rotational energy is concluded and I am wondering the kinetic rotational energy is 1/2IW^2 and I = 1/2MR^2 + (M+m)R^2 ? how can I find angular velocity in this case ?
  • #4
You need to do conservation of angular momentum for the initial collision, use that ##\omega=v/r##
So at the instant just before the collision, the mass m (given) is moving at speed u (given) a distance r (given) from the pivot (the rod has length 2r) then it's moment of inertia is ##I_m=mr^2## and it's momentum is ##L=(mr^2)(u/r)## ... afterwards: the instant after the collision, the mass m is moving with a (different) tangential velocity v, which gives angular velocity for both the mass and the rod (since they are turning at the same rate). Note: moment of inertial of the rod is not Mr^2. Look it up.

The kinetic energy will be ##\frac{1}{2}I\omega^2##
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  • #5

I would approach this problem by first identifying the key concepts and equations that are relevant to the situation. In this case, the key concepts include conservation of energy, rotational motion, and the equations for kinetic and potential energy.

To determine the maximum angle of rotation, we can use the principle of conservation of energy. This means that the initial kinetic energy of the clay ball must be equal to the final potential energy of the system (rod with attached clay ball). We can set up an equation using the kinetic energy of the ball and the potential energy of the system, and solve for the maximum angle θ.

We also need to consider the rotational kinetic energy of the system, which can be calculated using the moment of inertia of the rod and the angular velocity of the system. This additional term will affect the maximum angle of rotation, so it should be included in the equation.

Once we have the equation set up, we can plug in the given values for the mass of the rod, the velocity of the clay ball, and the length of the rod to solve for the maximum angle of rotation. It may also be helpful to draw a diagram and use trigonometric functions to relate the angle θ to the length of the rod and the position of the clay ball.

In conclusion, to determine the maximum angle of rotation of the rod with the attached clay ball, we need to consider the conservation of energy and the rotational motion of the system, and use the relevant equations to solve for the angle θ.

FAQ: Max Angle of Rod w/ Clay Ball: Rotational Problem 2

1. What is the purpose of this rotational problem?

The purpose of this rotational problem is to calculate the maximum angle at which a rod with a clay ball attached to it can be rotated before the ball falls off. This is a common problem in physics and helps to understand rotational motion and forces.

2. How do you calculate the maximum angle of the rod?

The maximum angle of the rod can be calculated using the formula θ = tan^-1 (μs), where θ is the maximum angle, and μs is the coefficient of static friction between the rod and the ball. This formula takes into account the forces acting on the ball and the angle at which they are applied.

3. What factors influence the maximum angle of the rod?

The maximum angle of the rod is influenced by the coefficient of static friction between the rod and the ball, the mass and size of the ball, the length and material of the rod, and the surface on which the rod is rotating. These factors affect the forces acting on the ball and the stability of the rod.

4. How does the maximum angle change if the mass of the ball is increased?

The maximum angle of the rod will decrease if the mass of the ball is increased. This is because a heavier ball will create a greater force of gravity pulling it downwards, making it more difficult for the rod to maintain its stability at higher angles.

5. Can the maximum angle be calculated for any type of ball and surface?

Yes, the maximum angle can be calculated for any type of ball and surface as long as the coefficient of static friction between them is known. However, the values may vary depending on the material and surface properties, and this should be taken into consideration when solving the problem.

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