Max Deflection of Thin Steel Plate w/Wall Support

In summary: The maximum stress and deflection are both within the acceptable limits for the material. I hope this clarifies your doubts and helps you with your homework assignment.In summary, the thin steel plate will not undergo plastic deformation due to its own weight. The maximum stress and deflection are calculated to be 87.3937MPa and 0.07053m, respectively, both of which are within the acceptable limits for the material.
  • #1
The Engineer

Homework Statement

Will the following thin steel plate plasticly deform due to its own weight, what is the maximum deflection of the plate? Plate dimensions 0.25 cm thickness, 3.0 m length, 3.0 m width. The plate is supported on two ends, by a wall (welded).

Homework Equations

σ = (pb^2)/[(2t^2)((0.623{b/a)^6)+1)]

y = (0.0284pb^4)/[(Et^3)((1.056[b/a]^5)+1)]

The Attempt at a Solution

density = 8050 kg/m^3
area = (3m)(3m) = 9m^2
volume = (3m)(3m)(0.0025m) = 0.0225m^3
weight = (8050kg/m^3)(0.0225m^3)(9.81m/s^2) = 1776.83N

p = 1776.83N/9m^2 = 197Pa

σmax = ((197)(3^2))/{(2[0.0025^2])((0.623([3/3])^6)+1))} = 87.3937MPa
Therefore, no plastic deformation.

ymax = (0.0284(197)(3^4))/[((200x10^9)(0.0025^3))((1.056[3/3]^5)+1)] = 0.07053m
Therefore, the deflection is 0.07053m.


Well, that's my attempt at this problem. Not 100% sure if it's right though. :(
Physics news on
  • #2

Thank you for your question. I would like to provide you with a more comprehensive answer to your inquiry.

Firstly, let's define what plastic deformation means. Plastic deformation is a permanent change in shape or size of a material due to applied forces or stresses, which exceed the yield strength of the material. In this case, the thin steel plate is subjected to its own weight, which can be considered as a distributed load. Therefore, we need to determine the maximum stress and deflection that the plate can withstand without undergoing plastic deformation.

To calculate the maximum stress, we can use the equation σ = (pb^2)/[(2t^2)((0.623{b/a)^6)+1)], where p is the distributed load, b is the width of the plate, t is the thickness of the plate, and a is the length of the plate. Using the values given in the problem, we can calculate the maximum stress as follows:

p = (1776.83N)/(9m^2) = 197Pa
σmax = ((197)(3^2))/{(2[0.0025^2])((0.623([3/3])^6)+1))} = 87.3937MPa

Now, we need to compare this value with the yield strength of the material. The yield strength of steel can vary depending on the grade, but for this calculation, we will assume a yield strength of 250MPa. Since the maximum stress calculated is lower than the yield strength, we can conclude that the plate will not undergo plastic deformation.

Next, let's determine the maximum deflection of the plate. We can use the equation y = (0.0284pb^4)/[(Et^3)((1.056[b/a]^5)+1)], where E is the modulus of elasticity of the material. For steel, the modulus of elasticity is typically around 200GPa. Using this value, we can calculate the maximum deflection as follows:

ymax = (0.0284(197)(3^4))/[((200x10^9)(0.0025^3))((1.056[3/3]^5)+1)] = 0.07053m

Therefore, the maximum deflection of the plate is 0.07053m, which is well within the acceptable limits for a steel plate.

In conclusion, based on

Related to Max Deflection of Thin Steel Plate w/Wall Support

1. What is the definition of max deflection of thin steel plate with wall support?

The maximum deflection of a thin steel plate with wall support refers to the largest amount of displacement or bending that the plate can experience while still maintaining its structural integrity.

2. How is the max deflection of a thin steel plate with wall support calculated?

The max deflection can be calculated using the equation: D = (wL^4)/(8Eh^3), where D is the deflection, w is the distributed load, L is the length of the plate, E is the modulus of elasticity of steel, and h is the thickness of the plate.

3. What factors affect the max deflection of a thin steel plate with wall support?

The max deflection is affected by the plate's dimensions, material properties, and boundary conditions. Additionally, the applied load and type of support (fixed or simply supported) also play a role in determining the max deflection.

4. What are the practical applications of studying the max deflection of thin steel plates with wall support?

Understanding the max deflection of thin steel plates is crucial in designing and constructing various structures such as bridges, buildings, and other load-bearing systems. It helps engineers ensure that the plates can withstand the expected loads and do not exceed their allowable deflection limits.

5. How can the max deflection of thin steel plates with wall support be controlled or minimized?

The max deflection can be controlled or minimized by adjusting the thickness or dimensions of the plate, using different materials with higher stiffness, and providing additional support or reinforcement at critical points.
