Max Diameter for a Steel Rod to Float on Water: Surface Tension Calculation

In summary, the maximum diameter of the rod before it will sink can be calculated using the equation r = √(σL/490πh), where σ is the surface tension coefficient, L is the length of the surface in contact with the water, and h is the height of the rod.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider placing a short length of small diameter steel (specific weight =490 lb/ft^3) rod on the surface of water. What is the maximum diameter that the rod can have before it will sink? Assume the surface tension forces act vertically upward.

Homework Equations

volume of cylinder = pi*r^2h

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't know if this is correct.
I am assuming the rod is lying flat on the water not standing up (like this: _ ; not like this: |) also i am assuming that the rod is half way submerged so surface tension forces are acting on on exactly half of the surface area of the rod. So the surface area of a cylinder (excluding the top and bottom) is given by 2*pi*r*h. Since i want half of that i should get pi*r*h. assume a coefficient of surface tension sigma. surface tension=sigma*pi*r*h
Since the rod has a specific weight of 490 lb/ft^3 we can multiply this by the volume of a cylinder (pi*r^2*h) and get the downward force.
Since the rod is floating these forces must be in equilibrium. Thus,

pi*r^2*h*490 = sigma*pi*r*h

so r= sigma/490
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  • #2

This solution is partially correct. You are correct in stating that the surface tension forces act vertically upward, but the rod is not necessarily half submerged. The maximum diameter of the rod before it sinks will depend on the weight of the rod and the surface tension forces acting on it. The surface tension force can be calculated using the equation F = σL, where σ is the surface tension coefficient and L is the length of the surface in contact with the water.

To find the maximum diameter, we can set the weight of the rod equal to the surface tension force. The weight of the rod can be calculated using the density of steel (490 lb/ft^3) and the volume of the rod (πr^2h).

Therefore, we can set the equations equal to each other:

490πr^2h = σL

Solving for r, we get:

r = √(σL/490πh)

So, the maximum diameter of the rod would be the value of r that satisfies this equation. Keep in mind that this is a simplified answer and does not take into account the weight of the rod itself, which would slightly decrease the maximum diameter.

Related to Max Diameter for a Steel Rod to Float on Water: Surface Tension Calculation

What is surface tension?

Surface tension is a physical phenomenon that describes the tendency of the surface of a liquid to minimize its surface area and act as if it has a thin, elastic film on top. This is due to the cohesive forces between the liquid molecules at the surface.

How is surface tension measured?

Surface tension is typically measured in units of force per unit length, such as newtons per meter (N/m) or dynes per centimeter (dyn/cm). It can be measured using various techniques, including the drop weight method, capillary rise method, and Wilhelmy plate method.

What factors affect the surface tension of a rod?

The surface tension of a rod is affected by a variety of factors, including temperature, type of liquid, and presence of impurities. It can also be affected by the length and diameter of the rod, as well as the angle at which it is submerged in the liquid.

How does surface tension impact the behavior of a rod in a liquid?

Surface tension plays a significant role in determining the behavior of a rod in a liquid. For example, it can cause a rod to float or sink depending on its density and the surface tension of the liquid. It also affects the shape and stability of the liquid's surface near the rod.

What real-world applications rely on the understanding of surface tension of a rod?

Understanding the surface tension of a rod has many practical applications in industries such as chemistry, physics, and engineering. For example, it is crucial in the design of detergents, inks, and coatings, as well as in the production of medical devices and pharmaceuticals. It also plays a role in natural phenomena such as raindrop formation and insect locomotion on water surfaces.

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