Max Fidelity at $$F=|\langle\psi|\phi\rangle|^2$$

In summary: Just to be clear, we are talking about the limit of a fidelity as the two states approach orthogonality, right? Yes, we are talking about the limit of fidelity as the two states approach orthogonality.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
I have two pure states i.e. initial state and final state. I should get Fidelity as 1 when #t=\pi{/2}#
But I am not getting. What is wrong in my calculation?
$$F =|\langle\psi|\phi \rangle|^2$$
$$|\phi\rangle= |\cos(t)\alpha\rangle|i\alpha\sin(t)\rangle$$
$$F=|(|\langle\alpha|\langle 0|)(|\cos(t)\alpha\rangle|i\alpha\sin(t)\rangle)|^2$$
Now simplifying $$\langle\alpha|\cos(t)\alpha\rangle$$
$$=e^{-\frac{|\alpha|^2}{2}}\sum_{n=0}\frac{(\alpha^\ast)^n}{\sqrt{n!}}\langle n|e^{-\frac{|\alpha\cos(t)|^2}{2}}\sum_{m=0}\frac{(\alpha\cos(t))^m}{\sqrt{m!}}|m\rangle$$
$$=e^{-\frac{|\alpha|^2}{2}}e^{-\frac{|\alpha\cos(t)|^2}{2}}\sum_{n=0}\sum_{m=0}\frac{(\alpha^\ast\alpha\cos(t))^n}{\sqrt{n!}}\langle n|m\rangle$$
Now simplifying $$\langle 0|i\sin(t)\alpha\rangle$$
$$=\langle 0| e^{-\frac{|\alpha\sin(t)|^2}{2}}\sum_{n=0}\frac{(\alpha i\sin(t))^n}{\sqrt{n!}}|n\rangle $$
Now when t=0 , I am getting F=1.
when $t=\pi{/2}$ I am getting F= (4.5)(10^-5)
But my teacher says that even at #t=\pi{/2}#, I should get F=1. Here alpha is the coherent state and its value is sqrt5
Why should I get 1 and Why am i not getting 1?

What's wrong with my calculation?
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  • #2
Have you resolved your errors in your previous calculation of the same type?
  • #3
Demystifier said:
Have you resolved your errors in your previous calculation of the same type?
yes. I have done
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  • #4
I see no error, but your final expression can be simplified as
$$F=e^{-2|\alpha|^2(1-\cos t)}$$
This is 1 for ##t=2\pi##, maybe that's what your teacher meant?
  • #5
No. He clearly told me I should get 1 at t= #/pi /2#.
  • #6
Sometimes even teachers make errors. :smile:
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Likes Gravity_CK and deepalakshmi
  • #7
Is there any theory that I should get constant fidelity for pure state even in different degrees i.e.0,90etc
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  • #8
I think I got what my teacher is saying.
I don't know if it make sense.
Since my state is pure, its fidelity should obey symmetry property i.e. $$F(\rho,\sigma)=F(\sigma,\rho) $$
$$|\langle\psi (\rho)|\psi (\sigma)|^2 = |\langle\psi (\sigma)|\psi (\rho)|^2$$
$$|\psi(\rho)\rangle = |\alpha\rangle |0\rangle$$
$$|\psi(\sigma)\rangle= |\alpha\cos(t)\rangle |i\alpha\sin(t)\rangle$$
$$|\langle\psi (\rho)|\psi (\sigma)|^2$$

$$=|(|\langle\alpha|\langle 0|)(|\cos(t)\alpha\rangle|i\alpha\sin(t)\rangle)|^2$$
$$= 1$$ (when t = 0)
similarly for
$$|\langle\psi (\sigma)|\psi (\rho)|^2$$
so I should get same fidelity irrespective of t
  • #9
deepalakshmi said:
I think I got what my teacher is saying.
I don't know if it make sense.
Since my state is pure, its fidelity should obey symmetry property i.e. $$F(\rho,\sigma)=F(\sigma,\rho) $$
$$|\langle\psi (\rho)|\psi (\sigma)|^2 = |\langle\psi (\sigma)|\psi (\rho)|^2$$
$$|\psi(\rho)\rangle = |\alpha\rangle |0\rangle$$
$$|\psi(\sigma)\rangle= |\alpha\cos(t)\rangle |i\alpha\sin(t)\rangle$$
$$|\langle\psi (\rho)|\psi (\sigma)|^2$$

$$=|(|\langle\alpha|\langle 0|)(|\cos(t)\alpha\rangle|i\alpha\sin(t)\rangle)|^2$$
$$= 1$$ (when t = 0)
similarly for
$$|\langle\psi (\sigma)|\psi (\rho)|^2$$
so I should get same fidelity irrespective of t
I think it doesn't make sense
  • Haha
Likes Demystifier
  • #10
When will the pure state have constant fidelity?
  • #11
Is there something wrong with my initial and final state?
"The fidelity between two states can be shown to never decrease when a non-selective quantum operation
{\mathcal {E}}
is applied to the states" what does this mean and how is it related to my problem?
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  • #12
@Demystifier I am wrong. What my teacher meant was "At t = 90(degree), the fidelity is 0.00004 which is nearly equal to 0. But fidelity will be 0 only if the two states are orthogonal. But my case is not orthogonal. So he told me my calculation is wrong". I think it makes sense right?
Therefore something is wrong. But what is wrong?
My calculation for proving it is not orthogonal:
at t = 90(degree)
$$(\langle\alpha|\langle 0|)(|0\rangle|i\alpha\rangle)$$
$$\langle\alpha|0\rangle \langle 0|i\alpha\rangle$$
$$exp({-{|\alpha|}^2}{/2}) exp({-{|\alpha|}^2}{/2})$$
But here if I substitute alpha as sqrt{5}
I am getting 0.006.
Then does it mean my state is orthogonal?( I am confused)
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  • #13
deepalakshmi said:
I am getting 0.006.
##0.006^2=0.000036\approx 0.00004##, which is the number your teacher gave. If you take my simplified expression in #4, you will see that the fidelity is really ##e^{-2|\alpha|^2}##, which is ##(e^{-|\alpha|^2})^2##.

deepalakshmi said:
Then does it mean my state is orthogonal?
No, it means that it's almost orthogonal.
  • #14
At t=90(degree)
its inner product is approximately equal to 0.
Therefore its fidelity is 0 (approximately).
Is this statement correct?
  • #15
deepalakshmi said:
At t=90(degree)
its inner product is approximately equal to 0.
Therefore its fidelity is 0 (approximately).
Is this statement correct?
  • #16
Demystifier said:
But if take smaller values of alpha, I am not getting this statement. Why? For example; take alpha= sqrt{1}. Its inner product is 0.36 and fidelity is 0.1
  • #17
deepalakshmi said:
But if take smaller values of alpha, I am not getting this statement. Why? For example; take alpha= sqrt{1}. Its inner product is 0.36 and fidelity is 0.1
What is the smallest positive number which is approximately equal to 0?

Maybe you also want to read this:
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  • #18
Now considering t = 30(degree)
$$|\phi\rangle= |\cos(t)\alpha\rangle|i\alpha\sin(t)\rangle$$
$$= |(\sqrt{3}{/2})\alpha\rangle|(1{/2})i\alpha\rangle$$
$$F=|\sqrt{3}{/4}(|\langle\alpha|\langle 0|)(|\alpha\rangle|i\alpha\rangle)|^2$$
$$=|\sqrt{3}{/4}(|\langle\alpha|\alpha\rangle)(\langle 0|i\alpha\rangle)|^{2}$$

If I consider
$$F= e^{-2|\alpha|^2(1-\cos(t))}$$
Why there is a change in fidelity?
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  • #19
deepalakshmi said:
Why there is a change in fidelity?
You made an error again; ##|c\alpha\rangle \neq c| \alpha\rangle##.
  • #20
Demystifier said:
You made an error again; ##|c\alpha\rangle \neq c| \alpha\rangle##.
Since C is just a value, can't I take it outside?
  • #21
Then how should I find inner product of the state with value inside it?
  • #22
deepalakshmi said:
Since C is just a value, can't I take it outside?
You can't. ##\alpha## is also just a value, why don't you take ##\alpha## outside instead? Think about it!
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  • #23
deepalakshmi said:
Then how should I find inner product of the state with value inside it?
The way you did it correctly in the first post.
  • #24


$$=e^{-\frac{|\alpha|^2}{2}}\sum_{n=0}\frac{(\alpha^\ast)^n}{\sqrt{n!}}\langle n|e^{-\frac{|\alpha{\sqrt{3}{/2}}|^2}{2}}\sum_{m=0}\frac{(\alpha{\sqrt{3}{/2}})^m}{\sqrt{m!}}|m\rangle$$

Simplifying $$\langle 0|\frac{1}{2}i\alpha\rangle$$

$$=\langle 0| e^{-\frac{|i\alpha/2|^2}{2}}\sum_{n=0}e^{-\frac{|i\alpha/2|^2}{2}}\frac{(\alpha i{({1}{/2}}))^n}{\sqrt{n!}}|n\rangle$$


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Likes Einstein44
  • #25
While increasing the degree( 0,30,60,etc) fidelity keeps on decreasing and reaches 0 (1,0.2,0,0,0...). So can I conclude that overlapping of the two quantum state decreases while increasing the degree(time)?
  • #26
This is graph which I got while plotting fidelity vs time. According to my graph, fidelity decreases and reaches 0 but again increases and decreases.


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  • #27
deepalakshmi said:
This is graph which I got while plotting fidelity vs time. According to my graph, fidelity decreases and reaches 0 but again increases and decreases.
From this graph what observations can be made?

FAQ: Max Fidelity at $$F=|\langle\psi|\phi\rangle|^2$$

1. What is Max Fidelity?

Max Fidelity is a measure of the similarity between two quantum states, represented by the symbols |ψ⟩ and |φ⟩. It is calculated by taking the absolute value squared of the inner product (also known as the overlap) between the two states, denoted as F=|⟨ψ|φ⟩|^2. This value ranges from 0 to 1, with a higher value indicating a closer match between the two states.

2. How is Max Fidelity used in quantum mechanics?

Max Fidelity is commonly used to measure the success of quantum operations, such as quantum state preparation and quantum state transfer. It is also used in quantum information theory for tasks such as quantum state discrimination and quantum error correction.

3. What does a Max Fidelity of 1 mean?

A Max Fidelity of 1 indicates a perfect match between the two quantum states being compared. This means that the two states are identical, or that one state can be transformed into the other with a unitary operation.

4. Can Max Fidelity be greater than 1?

No, Max Fidelity cannot be greater than 1. This is because the absolute value squared of the inner product between two quantum states is always between 0 and 1. A value greater than 1 would violate the rules of quantum mechanics.

5. How is Max Fidelity related to other measures of quantum state similarity?

Max Fidelity is closely related to other measures of quantum state similarity, such as the trace distance and the fidelity. In some cases, these measures can be converted into each other, while in other cases they have different interpretations and applications.

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