Max-Min Problems: Optimizing Fencing, Fare Charges, and Can Construction

  • Thread starter courtrigrad
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses different math problems involving maximizing and minimizing values. The first problem deals with finding the dimensions of a rectangular pasture with limited fencing to maximize the enclosed area. The second problem involves finding the number of passengers that will produce the greatest income for a train company. The third problem involves minimizing the cost of metal used to construct a cylindrical can with specific volume and varying costs for different parts of the can.
  • #1
Hello all

I have a few questions on maxima and minima

1. A farmer plans to fence in a rectangular pasture located adjacent to a river. She has 640 yards of fencing available and will need to use double fencing on the two opposite sides. What dimensions should be used so that the enclosed area will be maximum? (N0 fencing on the river)

Would the function be x(320 - 2x)?

2. If 40 passengers hire a special car on a train, they will be charged $8.00 each. For each passenger over the 40 this fare is cut $0.10 apiece for all passengers. How many passengers will produce th greatest income for the railroad?

I am not sure about the equation for this one.

3. A manufacturer wishes to construct a cylindrical can to hold 100 pi in^3. The top and bottom of the can are to be stronger than the sides. The tin used in making the top and bottom will cost 2.5 cents per square inch while the metal used in making the sides will cost 1.35 cents per square inch. What dimensions should be used to minimize the cost of the metal?

All I know it that the area of a cylinder = pi*r^2 * h.

Any help is greatly appreciated

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  • #2
1) Area = 2x(320 - 2x). So you are right.

2) confusing at first. but as i understand, assuming the number of people who will bring maximum income to be N (N>40),
I = [8 - 0.1(N - 40)] * N

3) Area of the sides = 2 pi r * h

Areas of the top and bottom = 2 * pi r^2
So find the total cost in terms of r. You have to subtitute for h from the given condition that the volume pi r^2 h = 100 pi

  • #3
thanks a lot!
  • #4
for #3 would the equation be:

5 pi r (100 / r^2) + 2.7pi r h?

  • #5
I don't know how you came up with this. I get
5 pi r^2 + 270 Pi/r

FAQ: Max-Min Problems: Optimizing Fencing, Fare Charges, and Can Construction

1. What is a max-min problem?

A max-min problem is a type of optimization problem where the goal is to find the maximum or minimum value of a function, subject to certain constraints. In this case, we will be looking at three different max-min problems related to optimizing fencing, fare charges, and can construction.

2. How do you solve a max-min problem?

The general approach to solving a max-min problem involves defining the objective function, identifying any constraints, and using mathematical methods such as differentiation or linear programming to find the optimal solution. In the context of the problems mentioned, we will use specific formulas and techniques to find the maximum or minimum values.

3. What is the significance of optimizing fencing?

Optimizing fencing is important for maximizing the use of materials and minimizing costs. By finding the optimal dimensions and layout of a fence, we can ensure that we are using the least amount of materials while still meeting the necessary requirements for a sturdy and secure structure.

4. How does fare optimization benefit transportation companies?

Fare optimization is crucial for transportation companies as it allows them to maximize their profits while still remaining competitive. By finding the optimal fare structure, companies can attract more customers and increase revenue without sacrificing their bottom line.

5. What is the relationship between can construction and max-min problems?

Can construction involves finding the optimal dimensions for a cylindrical can while minimizing costs. This is a classic example of a max-min problem as we are trying to minimize the surface area of the can while still maintaining a certain volume. By solving this problem, we can create a can that is both cost-effective and efficient in its use of materials.
