Max Vout: What is the Maximum Voltage Output?

  • Engineering
  • Thread starter luigihs
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    Limit Max
In summary: This conversation is discussing the maximum value of the output voltage (Vout) in a circuit with a diode. In summary, the output voltage is limited to a maximum of 5.7V, which is the maximum voltage that can be reached before the diode conducts and stops the voltage from going any higher. This is assuming that the diode is ideal and positively-biased. If the diode is not ideal, there is no theoretical limit on the output voltage. However, in this circuit, the output voltage can't exceed 5.7V if the diode is ideal.
  • #1
Approx what is the maximum value of Vout


I don't have any idea I am just guessing but there's not enough details I think is 0 V but I am not sure.. how am I suppose to answer this??
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  • #2
They want the maximum output voltage, which applies to all possible input values.
  • #3
I don't understand is that 5V?
  • #4
luigihs said:
I don't understand is that 5V?

Grab Vo, what if you try to force a voltage on it. (The actual forcing could be done by a source connected to Vin)
  • #5
The output voltage is limited to a minimum of 5V. ?
  • #6
luigihs said:
The output voltage is limited to a minimum of 5V. ?

You mean a maximum of 5V. If you go higher the diode turns on and there is a short to a voltage source that pins the voltage. Is there a diode drop involved?
  • #7
Ok so is maximum ?
  • #8
You can try different voltage values at the output and see how the circuit behaves.

If the diode is not ideal, then there is no theoretical limit on the output voltage due to limited positive-biased diode impedance. However, I assume that the diode is ideal and thus is positively-biased and turns once the output voltage exceeds the cathode voltage.
  • #9
Does this make it any easier to understand. It's the same circuit. If Vin >> 5V the diode conducts and stops Vout going any higher.


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  • #10
so that means it could be 5.7 V? or more
  • #11
No, it means it can't be more than 5.7V (=5V+Vf).

If Vin >> 5V current flows from Vin, through the resistor, through the diode to the +5V rail.

Related to Max Vout: What is the Maximum Voltage Output?

1. What is "Max Vout: What's the Limit?"

"Max Vout: What's the Limit?" is a scientific concept that refers to the maximum output or potential of a system or process. It is often used in the study of electronics and electrical engineering.

2. How is "Max Vout: What's the Limit?" calculated?

The calculation of "Max Vout: What's the Limit?" depends on the specific system or process being studied. In general, it involves analyzing the input and output variables of the system and determining the maximum value that can be achieved.

3. What factors can affect "Max Vout: What's the Limit?"

There are many factors that can affect "Max Vout: What's the Limit?" Some common ones include the quality of materials used, the efficiency of the system, and external factors such as temperature and pressure.

4. Why is "Max Vout: What's the Limit?" important in scientific research?

"Max Vout: What's the Limit?" is important because it helps scientists understand the capabilities and limitations of a system or process. By knowing the maximum output, scientists can optimize and improve the performance of the system.

5. Can "Max Vout: What's the Limit?" be exceeded?

In theory, "Max Vout: What's the Limit?" cannot be exceeded as it represents the maximum potential of the system. However, in practice, it is possible for external factors or errors in calculations to result in a slightly higher output.

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