Maximize xy when x + y + z = 3

  • Thread starter Mr Davis 97
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In summary, the problem is to find the maximum value of xy for positive x, y, z where x ≤ y ≤ z and x + y + z = 3. While the solution x = y = z = 1 may seem to be the optimal solution, it is not the case. By changing variables and minimizing a convex function, it can be shown that the unique solution is x = 0.7, y = 1.1, z = 1.2, with a maximum value of 1.32 for xy.
  • #1
Mr Davis 97

Homework Statement

For positive x, y, z where ##x \le y \le z## such that x + y + z = 3, what is the maximum value of ##xy##?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

First, before I attempt a solution, isn't it the case that ##x=y=z=1##, since the only partition of 3 into three terms is 1+1+1? I feel like if this would the case the problem would be way too simple, which is why I'm asking.
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  • #2
Only if x,y,z have to be integers. In optimisation problems, one usually assumes they can be any real numbers, unless advised otherwise. So here are three other possibilities:

x=0.1, y=0.2, z=2.7
x=0.5, y=1, z=1.5
x=0.7, y=1.1, z=1.2

The set of allowable points will be a solid polygon.
  • #3
Mr Davis 97 said:

Homework Statement

For positive x, y, z where ##x \le y \le z## such that x + y + z = 3, what is the maximum value of ##xy##?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

First, before I attempt a solution, isn't it the case that ##x=y=z=1##, since the only partition of 3 into three terms is 1+1+1? I feel like if this would the case the problem would be way too simple, which is why I'm asking.

You have found the globally optimal solution over the region ##\{x >0,y \geq x,z \geq y, x+y+z=3 \}## but proving that this is the case may be tricky (because you have a non-convex optimzation problem, so in principle could have numerous local maxima). However, a bit of further re-writing shows this to not be the case: there is only one solution, and you have found it.

First, re-write your final constraint as ##x+y+z \leq 3##; it will be satisfied as an equality at the maximum, (because for any point where the inequality is strict, we can move it out a bit to the boundary and keep the other constraints satisfied, while also increasing ##x y##).

So now we want to maximize a non-convex function ##xy## but over a convex region. As is done in so-called Geometric Programming, we can change variables to ##x=e^u, y = e^v, z = e^w##. We want to minimize ##x^{-1} y^{-1}##, so our problem becomes to minimize ##f(u,v) = -u-v##, subject to constraints ##u-v \leq 0,## ## v-w \leq 0## and ##e^u + u^v + e^w \leq 3##. The function ##g(u,v,w) = e^u + u^v + e^w## is strictly convex, so the region ## g(u,v,w) \leq 3## is convex. Altogether, we have a convex programming in ##(u,v,w)##, and so any local constrained minimum (of ##f(u,v)##) is automatically a global constrained minimum. In other words, the solution is unique and can be found from the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
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Related to Maximize xy when x + y + z = 3

1. What is the maximum value of xy when x + y + z = 3?

The maximum value of xy occurs when x = y = 1.5 and z = 0, resulting in a maximum value of xy = 2.25.

2. Can the maximum value of xy be achieved with non-integer values of x and y?

Yes, the maximum value of xy can be achieved with non-integer values of x and y. In fact, the maximum value occurs when x and y are equal, regardless of whether they are integer or non-integer values.

3. How does changing the value of z affect the maximum value of xy?

Changing the value of z does not affect the maximum value of xy. As long as x + y + z = 3, the maximum value of xy will remain the same.

4. Is there a way to prove that the maximum value of xy occurs when x = y = 1.5?

Yes, the maximum value of xy can be proven by taking the derivative of xy with respect to x and setting it equal to 0. This results in x = y = 1.5 and z = 0, as well as a second derivative test to confirm that this is a maximum point.

5. How does this equation relate to real-world applications or problems in science?

This equation can be used in optimization problems, such as maximizing profits or minimizing costs in business or economics. It can also be applied in various fields of science, such as chemistry and physics, when trying to find the maximum value of a certain variable while keeping other variables constant.

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