Maximizing Attic Efficiency: A Scientific Approach to Heat Transfer

In summary, you are suggesting that in order to transfer the heat from the attic into a robot, you need to create a gradient across which the heat flows. You also suggest that in order to create this gradient you need to have openings down low and others up high so the air can flow in and out. Finally, you advise someone else to tell you how to build the robot, as you are not an expert in this area.
  • #1

My attic gets blazing hot in the summer days, i have installed more than enough electric fans, my house just never gets shaded and the attic is quite small.

my first idea was to build a giant shade producing robot.

after that, I decided to vent all of my A/C air into the attic.

after the heat stroke, i decided it was time to figure out a clever and tricksy method of heat transfer.

basically i want to transfer the heat into a robot that then turns that heat into direct current, whereupon I run my microwave and toaster off of the stored energy. I just don't know how.

i am rich and highly educated. your quadratic equations and stuff won't be abstruse for me.
Science news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Quadratic equations may not escape you, but the second law of thermodynamics does. You cannot convert heat to electrical energy without a sink for the heat to go to.

Why don't you just install fans in your attic to ventilate it with outside air? Sending your air conditioned air into the attic won't cool your house it will heat it, since your house will have to replace that air with hot outside air.
  • #3
that sink for the heat to go to, that is the robot. bam.

how do you like that? Now how do I build it?

I installed two electric fans. i did not actually pump my a/c air into the attic.

two fans do not help, so i have an abundance of heat at my disposal. I need to either transfer it elsewhere, or use it.

you know this
  • #4
VaqarAhmed said:
that sink for the heat to go to, that is the robot. bam.

how do you like that? Now how do I build it?
Not sure you realize what a heat sink is. Or a robot. :wink:

Anyway, the issue here is not to try to actively cool the attic but to let it cool itself. I'll bet dollars to donuts you do not have ventilated soffits in your eaves. What you want is an airflow that enters underneath your eaves troughs and flows up the inside of the peaked roof in your attic, and out the top. Without it, all the fans in the world will do you little good.

This is the problem with my attic. It too gets hot as blazes, and the reason is because when the attic was finished they did not allow enough soffit ventilation.
  • #5
VaqarAhmed said:
that sink for the heat to go to, that is the robot. bam.

how do you like that?
Fix your attitude, please.

A device that is doing the conversion cannot act as its own sink.

Consider a peltier device, which converts heat to electricity. One side is heated and the other side must be cooled, creating a gradient across which heat flows. The larger the gradient, the greater the heat flow and the greater the energy that can be extracted. Similar to a hydroelectric dam.
  • #6
Anyway, the issue here is not to try to actively cool the attic but to let it cool itself.

So you need some openings down low and others up high so as to create natural flow of air. warm air rises and as it does will pull in cooler outside air from below. And of course you should insulate the ceiling in the attic...There are standards for setting such ventilation areas.

Like Dave, I had to add soffit ventilation area as well as additional high roof vents. My problem was that on cold winter days when the sun would rise I had condensation on the underside of my roof.
  • #7
DaveC426913 said:
Not sure you realize what a heat sink is. Or a robot. :wink:

Anyway, the issue here is not to try to actively cool the attic but to let it cool itself. I'll bet dollars to donuts you do not have ventilated soffits in your eaves. What you want is an airflow that enters underneath your eaves troughs and flows up the inside of the peaked roof in your attic, and out the top. Without it, all the fans in the world will do you little good.

This is the problem with my attic. It too gets hot as blazes, and the reason is because when the attic was finished they did not allow enough soffit ventilation.

i actually have enough soffit ventilation given the 1/150 rule, which is better than the 1/300 rule for attic ventilation. I also have two 1500cfm fans that run during the day.

its much better than before, but i didn't come to the physics forum to get lectured about attic ventilation, whereas i am a ventilation master.

they actually call me Dr. Venty around where i live.

as for you russ, you need to tell me how to build this robot that is a peltier gradient nano sink. i needs to be a heat exchanger too. ok? hurry up.
  • #8
maybe I'm not being clear...

i don't need to cool down my attic, I'm stating that I have an abundant heat supply and would like to transfer it and would like the "physics experts" to help me quantify the culpability of the diameter of ideas.
  • #11
VaqarAhmed said:
wow the amount of words is impressive. i wonder what it means??
This, coming from the guy who strung this together?
VaqarAhmed said:
...quantify the culpability of the diameter of ideas.
  • #12
DaveC426913 said:
This, coming from the guy who strung this together?


i think that just demonstrates the level of understanding and magnanimosity i have achieved.

but let's break out some science to help you along with my robot

using the Euler-Riemann zeta function we can deduce that Bose-Einstein Condensate would be proportional to the ratio of pie. So, what if I had a net robot that would capture the suns electromagnetic rays and turn use an ion exchange, making them cool?

or create a force field around my house that uses condensation to cool the inner area?
  • #13
How about using the heat to warm water??

No robot needed!
  • #14
I suppose you could put a vent with an electric turbine on your roof. As the hot air rises out of the attic the air will leave this vent and turn a turbine that will produce (probably a pathetic amount) of electricity.

PS: Are you stoned right now?
  • #15
The OP is refusing to listen, the thread is thus locked.

Related to Maximizing Attic Efficiency: A Scientific Approach to Heat Transfer

1. What is heat transfer and how does it work?

Heat transfer is the movement of thermal energy from one object or substance to another. In the case of a hot attic, heat transfer occurs when the heat from the attic is transferred to the cooler air outside.

2. What are the different types of heat transfer?

There are three main types of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact between two objects. Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids, such as air or water. Radiation is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves.

3. How does heat transfer affect the temperature in my attic?

Heat transfer can significantly impact the temperature in your attic. If your attic is poorly insulated, heat transfer can cause the temperature in your attic to rise, making it very hot and uncomfortable. On the other hand, proper insulation can help reduce heat transfer and maintain a comfortable temperature in your attic.

4. How can I minimize heat transfer in my hot attic?

There are a few ways to minimize heat transfer in your hot attic. One option is to improve insulation in your attic, which can help trap heat and prevent it from escaping. Another option is to install a radiant barrier, which reflects heat away from your attic. Additionally, proper ventilation can help circulate air and prevent heat buildup in your attic.

5. Can heat transfer in my attic impact my energy bills?

Yes, heat transfer in your attic can significantly impact your energy bills. If your attic is not properly insulated, heat transfer can cause your air conditioner to work harder to maintain a cool temperature, resulting in higher energy bills. By minimizing heat transfer in your attic, you can reduce your energy consumption and save money on your bills.

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