Maximizing Bandpass Filter Bandwidth: Practical vs Theoretical Approaches

In summary, the cutoff frequency for a low pass or high pass filter can be calculated using the formula f = 1/2piRC. For a Bandpass filter, if the cutoff frequencies of the low pass and high pass sections are close, the input received by the other section may not be full and result in a small maximum output voltage. The formula for calculating the output voltage (Vo) in relation to the input voltage (Vin) can be understood using the equations and related searches on Google. To get accurate results, the output voltage should be more than 0.707 times the input voltage.
  • #1
Cutoff Freq. = 1/2piRC.
Theoretical bandwidth = 5000 - 1000 (APP) = 4000

But when I do it practically Or simulate as in the pic
Bandwidth = 10000(Around).

I asked the teachers in my college they say I did the practicals wrong. Those teachers gave signatures to everyone in the class even when they got the answers as I had.

Please help. The date for the journal submission are near.


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  • #2
31 Views and not a single comment or answer ! Ahh Never mind I got the ans.

well I asked my teacher at college. She is very cool! She told me the following.

f = 1/2piRC for LowPass and HiPass Filter. When the cutoff frequency of lowpass and hipass sections in Bandpass is close to each other, then the input that the other section receives is not full (ie. Vo of one section should be app= Vin) which causes the Maximum output voltage to be very less. Also following formulas can be easily understood for one interested.

Vo R1 * XC2
-- = ------------------------------------------
Vin sqrt(R1^2 + Xc1^2) * sqrt(R2^2 + Xc2^2)

When the cutoff of high pass is reached then R1 = Xc1 and R2 = Xc2. Also there are related searches on the google.

One should get more that 0.707 Vi as output, inorder get the proper results.
  • #3

it is important to approach any problem or experiment with a critical and analytical mindset. In this case, it seems that there may be some discrepancies between the theoretical and practical approaches to maximizing the bandwidth of a bandpass filter.

Firstly, it is important to understand that the theoretical approach involves calculations based on ideal conditions and assumptions, which may not always align with real-world scenarios. Therefore, it is not uncommon for there to be differences between the theoretical and practical results.

However, it is also important to ensure that the practical approach is conducted accurately and with precision. Small errors or discrepancies in the experimental setup or measurements can lead to significant differences in the results. In this case, it is concerning that the teachers in your college have given signatures to everyone in the class, even though there may have been errors in the practical approach.

it is important to critically evaluate the results and identify any potential sources of error. If there are discrepancies between the theoretical and practical results, it is important to investigate and understand the reasons behind them. This can lead to a deeper understanding of the concept and can also help to improve future experiments and approaches.

In terms of the upcoming journal submission, it may be beneficial to discuss the discrepancies and potential sources of error in your experimental setup in the paper. This can show your critical thinking skills and can also lead to a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the topic. It is also important to communicate with your teachers and discuss any concerns or discrepancies in the results. Collaboration and open communication are key in scientific research and can lead to a better understanding of the topic.

Related to Maximizing Bandpass Filter Bandwidth: Practical vs Theoretical Approaches

What is an RC bandpass filter?

An RC bandpass filter is an electronic circuit that is designed to allow a specific range of frequencies to pass through while attenuating all other frequencies. It consists of a combination of a resistor (R) and a capacitor (C) in series or parallel.

How does an RC bandpass filter work?

An RC bandpass filter works by using the properties of the resistor and capacitor to create a frequency-dependent voltage divider. This means that at certain frequencies, the filter will allow a larger portion of the input signal to pass through, while at other frequencies, it will attenuate the signal.

What are the applications of an RC bandpass filter?

RC bandpass filters are commonly used in electronic devices to filter out unwanted frequencies and allow only the desired frequencies to pass through. They are also used in audio equipment to remove noise and improve sound quality.

What is the difference between a low-pass and high-pass RC filter?

The main difference between a low-pass and high-pass RC filter is the range of frequencies that they allow to pass through. A low-pass filter allows low frequencies to pass through while attenuating high frequencies, whereas a high-pass filter does the opposite, allowing high frequencies to pass through while attenuating low frequencies.

How do I calculate the cutoff frequency of an RC bandpass filter?

The cutoff frequency of an RC bandpass filter can be calculated using the formula fc = 1/(2πRC), where fc is the cutoff frequency, R is the resistance in ohms, and C is the capacitance in farads. This is the frequency at which the output voltage is reduced by half (-3dB) compared to the input voltage.
