Maximizing Data Transfer Speed: How to Achieve 480 Mbit/s with USB 2.0

In summary, the high-speed USB 2.0 protocol is capable of transmitting data at 480 Mbit/s. However, this speed may far surpass the capability of Windows to supply data at that rate. In order to test this idea, a custom circuit may need to be constructed. Practical throughput in a personal computing environment is likely to be limited by this threshold. Additionally, wireless network cards must interact with the OS in order to achieve speeds of 54 Mbit/s.
  • #1
The high-speed (USB 2.0) protocol is capable of 480 Mbit/s.
How can I send data at these speeds!?

This seems like a simple question, but I cannot seem to find a simple answer.


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  • #2
I suspect that the capability of the protocol far surpasses the capability of Windows to supply data at that rate. In order to test your idea you may have to construct your own circuit to provide data at the rate you need.

For testing, I'm thinking of a variable frequency oscillator driving a binary counter which provides the addresses for a high speed static RAM. The data from the RAM feeds a high speed parallel to serial shift register. You would use more or less the same setup for receiving the data.
  • #3
I think it's 480 Mega-BITS per second isn't it? That's 60 Mega-BYTES.

If that's so, a regular 720x480 color video image at 30 fps is a touch over 30 Mega-bytes/sec.
  • #4
The oft quoted bandwidth numbers of a particular interface are determined by the assembly rate of packets and the packet transmission frequency. It says nothing about the technology that reads the packet buffer.

Skeptic2 is right about the need to develop you own means to clear the receieve/transmit buffers (or registers) while still retaining the contents of the transmitted information.

Practical throughput in a personal computing environment is likely to be strongly limited by this threshold.

I can fill your mailbox at a rate of 50 letters/sec... but how fast can you read them without losing content?
  • #5
Thank you for your comments so far.

@skeptic & FlexGunship: thanks, but certainly your OS can supply data at rates listed on this page?

Furthermore, wireless networks cards - they must interact with the OS in order to pump data out and haul data in at rates of 54 Mbits/s?

@schip666!: yes indeed i said, 480MBits/s not bytes...

FAQ: Maximizing Data Transfer Speed: How to Achieve 480 Mbit/s with USB 2.0

1. What is Fast Serial Transmission?

Fast Serial Transmission is a method of data transfer in which bits of data are sent one after another in a sequential order, rather than all at once. It allows for faster data transfer speeds compared to parallel transmission, where multiple bits are sent simultaneously.

2. How does Fast Serial Transmission work?

In Fast Serial Transmission, data is sent using a single communication line, with bits being transmitted one at a time in a continuous stream. These bits are synchronized using a clock signal, and the receiving device uses this signal to decode the data and reassemble it into its original format.

3. What are the advantages of using Fast Serial Transmission?

Fast Serial Transmission offers several advantages, including faster data transfer speeds, reduced cost and complexity of hardware, and improved reliability due to the use of a single communication line.

4. What type of devices use Fast Serial Transmission?

Fast Serial Transmission is commonly used in various electronic devices, such as computers, smartphones, routers, and other networking equipment. It is also used in industrial applications, such as automation and control systems.

5. Are there any limitations to Fast Serial Transmission?

While Fast Serial Transmission offers many benefits, it also has some limitations. It is not suitable for transferring large amounts of data, as it can be slower compared to parallel transmission. It also requires precise synchronization between the sending and receiving devices, which can be challenging in some cases.
