Maximizing Furnace Efficiency with Heat Exchanger Design: A Comprehensive Guide

In summary: I don't have anything else.Thanks.In summary, the problem with the furnace is that it has a "heat exchanger" to heat the air that will be used on the burners. The exchanger is made of Silicon Carbide, and the fan sends in a tube that is 7500m^3 air per hour. The tube has a 400 mm outside diameter and a 395 mm inside diameter. The velocity is something like Q= Qm*p=7500*1,164=8730 Kg/h. To calculate how long it will take for the air to reach 300+ºC, Ricardo Ferreira used the dimensions of the tubes and found that it will take 0,
  • #1
Ricardo Ferreira
Hello guys,

I have a problem with my work!

I have a furnance that have a "heat exchanger" to heat the air that will be used on the burners!
(You can work every value close to 1 atm pressure on the entire exercice)

The furnance is 1100~900 ºC

The fan sends in a tube 7500m^3 air per hour! (arround 30ºC)
The tube have
-400 mm Outside Diameter
-395 mm Inside Diameter

So the velocity is something like, Q= Qm*p=7500*1,164=8730 Kg/h

Im going calculate the time the tube need to asborb heat to get 300+ ºC
Im using that diameters, but i want to know how to calculate to change some values and see if i can get better performance.

That this tube create 42 ramifications:
-50 mm Inside Diameter
-60 mm Outside Diameter
-3300 mm Length
So, Q=v(m/s)*A(m^2) = 7500/3600 / (0,05*42)^2* 3,14/4 = 0,601 m/s

Example: With that temperature, we are getting 250ºC+. So the air is getting

Q=m*cp*(Tf-Ti) = 8730*1,033*(270-30)= 2 164 341 KJ/h = 601 KW / 42 tubes = 14,3 KW per tube
Tm = (270+30)/2=150ºC
Re=(ρ*v*D∅)/μ = (0,83 * 0,601 * 0.05)/ 0,000024 = 1039,23 Re, So its Laminar
Now I am Lost, i want to know What i can do to improve, number of tubes, etc...
The best temperature its 400 ºC but the tube is expensive, 13 000 euros the 42 tubes.

Tell me if i need to give you more variables

Ricardo Ferreira

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  • #2
Ahhh the material of the "heat exchanger" is Silicon Carbide,

k= 20 W/mK
  • #3
I did not follow all your calculations. But you should know about the usual mode of calculation, LMTD.

But to your question, there are limited ways to improve a heat exchanger. Increased area of the exchange surface, decreased thermal resistance in the materials, increase the residence time. Regardless of your calculations, increased area meaning more tubes or longer tubes may be your only option.

You also don't mention if your heat exchanger is parallel flow or counter flow. Counter flow is the most common.
  • #4
I don't see any consideration of the heat transfer coefficients in your calculations to determine whether the total heat transfer area is adequate. As @anorlunda seems to be indicating, please tell us more about the detailed design of the heat exchange, like tube layout and external geometry (and properties of the furnace gas).
  • #5
Thanks for the reply,
The problem that's not a "normal" Heat exchanger.

Its just 42 tubes, that pass in the furnance to pre heat the air.
the tubes are perpendicular.

The problem using the LMTD how i know the correct heat transfer coeficiente(U)? If i don't know the exact heat convection transfer coeficiente h?
i just want to know if passing a tube with 60OD and 50ID with 3300mm lenght, how much energy will get? and what temperature will have on the 3,3meters.
If i don't have the mass flow of the furnance.

I don't have anything more.

  • #6
Ricardo Ferreira said:
Thanks for the reply,
The problem that's not a "normal" Heat exchanger.

Its just 42 tubes, that pass in the furnance to pre heat the air.
the tubes are perpendicular.

The problem using the LMTD how i know the correct heat transfer coeficiente(U)? If i don't know the exact heat convection transfer coeficiente h?
i just want to know if passing a tube with 60OD and 50ID with 3300mm lenght, how much energy will get? and what temperature will have on the 3,3meters.
If i don't have the mass flow of the furnance.

I don't have anything more.



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  • #7
Chestermiller said:
I don't see any consideration of the heat transfer coefficients in your calculations to determine whether the total heat transfer area is adequate. As @anorlunda seems to be indicating, please tell us more about the detailed design of the heat exchange, like tube layout and external geometry (and properties of the furnace gas).
I put everything i have there, more than that just the draw, on solidworks... If helps!
Thanks for the reply!
  • #8
Ricardo Ferreira said:
Thanks for the reply,
The problem that's not a "normal" Heat exchanger.

Its just 42 tubes, that pass in the furnance to pre heat the air.
the tubes are perpendicular.

The problem using the LMTD how i know the correct heat transfer coeficiente(U)? If i don't know the exact heat convection transfer coeficiente h?
i just want to know if passing a tube with 60OD and 50ID with 3300mm lenght, how much energy will get? and what temperature will have on the 3,3meters.
If i don't have the mass flow of the furnance.

I don't have anything more.

Have you tried to determine the heat transfer coefficient inside the tubes, and the heat transfer resistance through the tube walls?
  • #9
Chestermiller said:
Have you tried to determine the heat transfer coefficient inside the tubes, and the heat transfer resistance through the tube walls?
Im trying doing that, so i got that Reynolds arround 1000, that's mean laminar flow, now i don't know how to do it... I know i need Nussel number to calculate hint and hext, and have many formulas and i don't know how to use it yet... So i put there to know if have any simple way to do it :)
  • #11
Ricardo Ferreira said:
Im trying doing that, so i got that Reynolds arround 1000, that's mean laminar flow, now i don't know how to do it... I know i need Nussel number to calculate hint and hext, and have many formulas and i don't know how to use it yet... So i put there to know if have any simple way to do it :)
The Nussult number solution for laminar flow in a tube as a function of Re, Pr, and L/D is in every heat transfer book.
  • #12
Chestermiller said:
The Nussult number solution for laminar flow in a tube as a function of Re, Pr, and L/D is in every heat transfer book.
Hello Chestermiller,
I was looking on some books and i found that,
Circular Tubes (Laminar Flow):
Nu=(h*L)/kf = 3,66 to Constant Surface Temperature
Nu=(h*L)/kf = 4,36 to Constant Surface Heat Flux
But then on other book i found:
Nu=1,86*(RePr)^0,33 * (de/L)^0,33 * (μ/μw)^0,14 if i use that one, Nu will be 0,28... Thats low, right? (Re = 881,781, Pr=0,6974, de=0,06m, L= 3,3m)
What you think about that?

Nu=h*L/kf = 0,28 = h * 0,05/0,027, h=0,1512 W/m^2ºC , that's impossible... Where I am doing wrong, because that formula is used to Reynolds < 2000.

If you can explain me that i think i can finish that Project!
Thanks for beeing so nice!
  • #13
anorlunda said:

That page goes over how to calculate the heat transfer coefficient from the dimensions, operational data, and from the thermal conductivity of steel. See if it fits your case.
Thanks for the help, i just got stuck on the Nusselt Number, but I am starting handle that!
That link still helps me, anyway!
  • #14
Ricardo Ferreira said:
Hello Chestermiller,
I was looking on some books and i found that,
Circular Tubes (Laminar Flow):
Nu=(h*L)/kf = 3,66 to Constant Surface Temperature
Nu=(h*L)/kf = 4,36 to Constant Surface Heat Flux
But then on other book i found:
Nu=1,86*(RePr)^0,33 * (de/L)^0,33 * (μ/μw)^0,14 if i use that one, Nu will be 0,28... Thats low, right? (Re = 881,781, Pr=0,6974, de=0,06m, L= 3,3m)
What you think about that?
The first pair of equations apply in the limit of very large L/D. The 3rd equation applies over the region of small L/D. So you calculate Nu from the 1st and 3rd equations (assuming the tube wall is closer to being constant temperature than constant heat flux...this is conservative), and choose the value that is higher. Or, to be even more conservative, you just use the first equation.
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  • #15
Chestermiller said:
The first pair of equations apply in the limit of very large L/D. The 3rd equation applies over the region of small L/D. So you calculate Nu from the 1st and 3rd equations (assuming the tube wall is closer to being constant temperature than constant heat flux...this is conservative), and choose the value that is higher. Or, to be even more conservative, you just use the first equation.
You are really good, thanks for the help!
Hope you help me more in the future! :)

Related to Maximizing Furnace Efficiency with Heat Exchanger Design: A Comprehensive Guide

1. How does heat exchanger design affect furnace efficiency?

Heat exchanger design plays a crucial role in furnace efficiency as it determines the amount of heat that can be transferred from the combustion process to the surrounding air. A well-designed heat exchanger ensures maximum heat transfer, resulting in higher furnace efficiency.

2. What are some key factors to consider when designing a heat exchanger for furnace efficiency?

Some key factors to consider include the material of the heat exchanger, its size and shape, the number of tubes or channels, and the flow rate of the air passing through it. It is also important to consider the type of fuel being used and the operating conditions of the furnace.

3. Can a heat exchanger be retrofitted to an existing furnace for improved efficiency?

Yes, a heat exchanger can be retrofitted to an existing furnace to improve its efficiency. However, it is important to ensure that the heat exchanger is compatible with the furnace and that all necessary adjustments are made to the furnace's settings.

4. How can regular maintenance of the heat exchanger help in maximizing furnace efficiency?

Regular maintenance of the heat exchanger, such as cleaning and inspecting for any damages, can help in maximizing furnace efficiency. This ensures that there are no obstructions or leaks in the heat exchanger, allowing for optimal heat transfer.

5. Are there any other methods for maximizing furnace efficiency besides heat exchanger design?

Yes, besides heat exchanger design, other methods for maximizing furnace efficiency include proper insulation, using high-efficiency burners, and optimizing the air-to-fuel ratio. Regular maintenance and tuning of the furnace also play a crucial role in maintaining its efficiency.

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