Maximizing Power Transfer in Electrical Circuits

In summary, power is lost from the powerstation to the factory due to the resistance of the wires. The power lost is 80000 watts. The voltage the plant receives is 400 volts.
  • #1

Homework Statement

It is required to transfer an electric power of 80. Kilowatts from a powerstation to a factory which is at 2 km from it.If the potential difference (here it means the voltage of the source) at the station is 400 volts and the resistance of 1km of the 2 conducting wires is 0.1 ohm, find the power lost

Homework Equations

Power=VI (where v here is the potential difference between the source ie: power station and the output : factory ) or I^2.R
voltage in secondary coil(factory)/voltage in primary coil (station)=current intensity in primarycoil/current intensity in secondarycoil

The Attempt at a Solution

80000=400I ,I=200 ampere
Here's the tricky part for me , In case of connecting the 2 wires in parallel , resistance of one wire = 2*0.1=0.2ohm
Rtotal=0.2/2 (since the 2 wires have the same length and assumingly made of the same material and have the same cross sectional area ,therefore we consider their value)=0.1ohm
The model answer shows that Rtotal =0.4 ohm ,how ,? We won't get this value unless we connect them in series and usually in these kinds of problems the wires are connected in parallel ,besides , nothing in the problem indicates the kind of connection , please help
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Physics news on
  • #2
One wire to bring the current to the user, one wire to bring it back to the powerstation. A schoolbook simplest possible kind of connection...
  • #3
kira506 said:
Here's the tricky part for me , In case of connecting the 2 wires in parallel , resistance of one wire = 2*0.1=0.2
How do you know that the two wires are connected in parallel?
When you connect a bulb to a battery by two wires,are the considered parallel?
  • #4
adjacent said:
How do you know that the two wires are connected in parallel?
When you connect a bulb to a battery by two wires,are the considered parallel?

Actually , I've never tried that so I don't know
  • #5
BvU said:
One wire to bring the current to the user, one wire to bring it back to the powerstation. A schoolbook simplest possible kind of connection...

Out of curiosity , why do they need a wire to bring it back ?
  • #6
P = IV
V = IR
That should be all you need to solve the problem.
  • #7
Otherwise the charge would accumulate at the end and by the (incredibly short) time enough charge is accumulated to generate 400 volt, the charge would stop flowing... :smile: In other words:

You need to close the circuit to make the current flow

In reality powerstations transfer three phases over their wires and the fourth ground wire can be thinner.

DId you get an answer for the (considerable) power loss ? And the voltage the plant receives ?


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  • #8
kira506 said:
Actually , I've never tried that so I don't know
Oh come on...

Edit: BvU types faster than me.


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  • #9
BvU said:
Otherwise the charge would accumulate at the end and by the (incredibly short) time enough charge is accumulated to generate 400 volt, the charge would stop flowing... :smile: In other words:

You need to close the circuit to make the current flow

In reality powerstations transfer three phases over their wires and the fourth ground wire can be thinner.

DId you get an answer for the (considerable) power loss ? And the voltage the plant receives ?

I think I get why there should be two wires but I don't get the part where we have to close the circuit to make the current flow , I mean in case this happened , the potential difference would be zero so even if we closed the circuit (isn't already closed?) No current will flow , right ? Uhm and in the figure , I'm lost ;c; please help , now I can't differentiate between connection in series and in parallel. ( so sorry ;^;) and thank you so much c:
  • #10
adjacent said:
Oh come on...

Edit: BvU types faster than me.

I feel so dumb for not getting it XD. Of course I have but can I consider the factory a bulb ? (I mean in terms of connection please don't take it as me being sarcastic , I'm seriously trying to understand it ) and Lol at "BvU types faster than me" , thanks a lot c:

FAQ: Maximizing Power Transfer in Electrical Circuits

1. What is a transformer and how does it work?

A transformer is an electrical device that is used to transfer energy from one circuit to another through electromagnetic induction. It works by using two coils of wire, known as the primary and secondary windings, which are wrapped around a magnetic core. When an alternating current flows through the primary winding, it creates a changing magnetic field that induces a voltage in the secondary winding, thus transferring energy from one circuit to another.

2. What are the different types of transformers?

There are two main types of transformers: step-up and step-down. A step-up transformer increases the voltage from the primary to the secondary winding, while a step-down transformer decreases the voltage. Other types include autotransformers, isolation transformers, and distribution transformers.

3. What is the purpose of a transformer?

The main purpose of a transformer is to transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another. It is used to either increase or decrease the voltage level of the electricity, depending on the needs of the system. Transformers are also used for voltage conversion, impedance matching, and isolation between circuits.

4. What are the common problems with transformers?

Some common problems with transformers include overheating, insulation breakdown, and voltage regulation issues. Overheating can be caused by overloading, poor ventilation, or faulty components. Insulation breakdown can occur due to age, exposure to moisture, or electrical surges. Voltage regulation issues can be caused by variations in the input voltage or inadequate design.

5. How can transformer problems be diagnosed and fixed?

Transformer problems can be diagnosed through various tests such as insulation resistance, turns ratio, and power factor tests. Once the problem has been identified, it can be fixed by replacing faulty components, improving ventilation, or rewinding the transformer. In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to replace the entire transformer.
