Maximizing Projectile Efficiency: Energy Conservation in High School Physics

In summary, students are using energy conservation to derive the range formula for projectiles. It is not a shortcut to use the forces of classical mechanics.
  • #1
I post here very infrequently, but I'm a high school physics teacher occasionally encountering excellent student questions. Here is one I received today:

Since we've been using energy conservation to simplify problems that were annoying earlier in the year (kinematics, mechanics, etc.), can we apply this to projectiles? (Me: yes, definitely, here's some examples...) Particularly, deriving the range formula is annoying, can we do this with energy? (Me: can't think of how...) Also, finding the range of a projectile shot at an angle above the horizontal off a cliff of a known height is really annoying, how about using energy for this? (Me: can't think of how...)

Any thoughts, folks?
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  • #2
Its worse with energy... think: principle of least action.
Basically kinematics is good for geometry while physical laws are good for physics.

I think you need to start by defining the problem: what is it about deriving the range formula which is considered annoying?
Why are students deriving this formula anyway, if they already have kinematic equations and/or can draw velocity time graphs?
Once you can articulate what the exercize is for and how students relate to it, you can make progress.

You may try getting range from the position that initial kinetic energy is restored, but is that an improvement?
  • #3
It's easiest to directly use the forces in this case. Calculating from the energy can be done but it is not a shortcut. If you use the Hamiltonian formulation of classical mechanics,
For a simple projectile falling in gravity problem, the Hamiltonian is the energy.
When you calculate the change in canonical momentum (equal to the momentum in this case), you basically end up deriving the Newtonian forces anyways.
So, it's pointless in this case.
  • #4
There's a less formal approach ...
I was thinking: take the projectile with initial speed ##u## at angle ##\theta## to the horizontal.
Taking ##x## for horizontal and ##y## for vertical, per usual: the velocity is ##\vec v(t)= \hat\imath u\cos\theta + \hat\jmath (u\sin\theta - gt)##

From there you'd get the max height ##h## from finding ##h: mgh=\frac{1}{2}mu_y^2## right?

To get the range requires some extra prep.
Notice that ##x(t)=ut\cos\theta##, (from d=vt) so I can rewrite the velocity in terms of the horizontal position: $$\vec v(x) = \hat\imath u\cos\theta + \hat\jmath \left(u\sin\theta - \frac{gx}{u\cos\theta}\right)$$ ... a secondary student may prefer vectors written as components on separate lines to the unit vectors above.

Thus: kinetic energy varies with horizontal position as: $$K(x)=\frac{1}{2}m\left[u^2\cos^2\theta + \left(u\sin\theta -\frac{gx}{u\cos\theta}\right)^2\right]$$
Taking the range ##R## to be the horizontal distance where the projectile arrives at it's initial height (i.e. starts on the ground, lands on the ground), then put ##K(R)=K(0)## and solve for ##R##.

Like I said: not really an improvement - unless the person who wants it finds it easier to think like this than draw graphs.
To be fair, it reads better if you separate out the vertical and horizontal contributions to the total KE.
  • #5

Hi there! It's great to hear that you are exploring energy conservation in your high school physics class. Energy conservation is a powerful tool in simplifying and solving problems in various areas of physics, including projectiles.

To answer your first question, yes, energy conservation can definitely be applied to projectiles. In fact, it is often used to derive the range formula. The key is to consider the initial and final energies of the projectile. The initial energy is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies at the start of the projectile's motion, while the final energy is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies at the end of the projectile's motion. By setting these two energies equal to each other and solving for the range, you can derive the range formula using energy conservation.

As for your second question, finding the range of a projectile shot at an angle above the horizontal off a cliff can also be solved using energy conservation. The key is to consider the initial and final energies of the projectile again, but this time, take into account the change in height due to the cliff. By setting the initial and final energies equal to each other and solving for the range, you can find the answer using energy conservation.

I hope this helps! Energy conservation is a powerful tool in physics and can be applied to various types of problems, including projectiles. Keep exploring and asking great questions!

Related to Maximizing Projectile Efficiency: Energy Conservation in High School Physics

1. What is projectile efficiency?

Projectile efficiency refers to the ability of a projectile to maintain its energy and trajectory as it travels through the air. In other words, it is a measure of how well a projectile can conserve its energy.

2. How does energy conservation relate to projectile efficiency?

In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. Therefore, in order for a projectile to maintain its energy and trajectory, it must conserve its energy through efficient transfers.

3. What factors affect projectile efficiency?

Several factors can affect projectile efficiency, including the initial velocity of the projectile, the angle at which it is launched, the mass of the projectile, and the air resistance it encounters during its flight.

4. How can you maximize projectile efficiency?

To maximize projectile efficiency, you can adjust the initial velocity and launch angle to find the optimal combination for the desired distance and trajectory. Reducing the mass of the projectile and minimizing air resistance can also help to conserve energy and improve efficiency.

5. Why is understanding projectile efficiency important in high school physics?

Understanding projectile efficiency is important in high school physics because it helps students to apply the principles of energy conservation and kinematics to real-world situations. It also lays the foundation for more advanced topics in physics, such as projectile motion and projectile dynamics.

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