Maximizing Volume of Rectangular Prism with 120cm x 80cm Sheet Metal

In summary: V = 120 x 80A = 120Is the provided template something like:If so, we would have...V = 120 x 80A = 120In summary, a rectangular prism (cuboid) with square faces has the highest volume. A cuboid with non-square faces will have less volume.
  • #1
My question is that I have to find the dimensions of a rectangular prism (cuboid), where none of the faces are square that will maximise its volume. The sheet metal I have to build it from is 120 cm by 80 cm. I don't even know where to start, I can do it if I'm given a height, width or length but nothing is given.
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  • #2
Noah said:
My question is that I have to find the dimensions of a rectangular prism (cuboid), where none of the faces are square that will maximise its volume. The sheet metal I have to build it from is 120 cm by 80 cm. I don't even know where to start, I can do it if I'm given a height, width or length but nothing is given.

Hi Noah! Welcome to MHB! ;)

I guess we need to see which rectangles we can slice from the sheet metal that form a cuboid, and then figure out which of those cuboids has the highest volume.
Note that a cuboid has maximum volume given a specific area, if it's a cube. That is, if its faces are all squares.
Suppose we try to slice the sheet metal into 6 squares... can we? (Wondering)
  • #3
It's required that none of the faces are square. Did you have something else in mind?
  • #4
greg1313 said:
It's required that none of the faces are square. Did you have something else in mind?

We get a maximum volume with square faces. Any other configuration will have less volume.
So I'm wondering if it's really a requirement for the faces to be square.
I just didn't ask that question yet.
Perhaps we're only talking about a cuboid for which the faces only don't have to be square?

Either way, it will give us a maximum of $V=4^3\text{ dm}^3=64 \text{ L}$.
After that, if we have to, we can try to find a couple of configurations that do not contain squares.
Such as $l=8\text{ dm}, w=4\text{ dm}, h=\frac{4}3\text{ dm}$, giving $V = 8\cdot 4 \cdot \frac{4}3 = 42.7 \text{ L}$.
  • #5
I like Serena said:
We get a maximum volume with square faces. Any other configuration will have less volume.
So I'm wondering if it's really a requirement for the faces to be square.
I just didn't ask that question yet.
Perhaps we're only talking about a cuboid for which the faces only don't have to be square?

Either way, it will give us a maximum of $V=4^3\text{ dm}^3=64 \text{ L}$.
After that, if we have to, we can try to find a couple of configurations that do not contain squares.
Such as $l=8\text{ dm}, w=4\text{ dm}, h=\frac{4}3\text{ dm}$, giving $V = 8\cdot 4 \cdot \frac{4}3 = 42.7 \text{ L}$.

below the question is a template which basically looks like a net for a rectangular prism which is to be used as a guide. It doesn't mention cutting individual shapes and joining together so I imagine it would be a net cut from the sheet of metal and the remaining metal would be wastage.
  • #6
Noah said:
below the question is a template which basically looks like a net for a rectangular prism which is to be used as a guide. It doesn't mention cutting individual shapes and joining together so I imagine it would be a net cut from the sheet of metal and the remaining metal would be wastage.

Ah okay.
So let's fit the template in the sheet and assign for instance the letters $l,w,h$ to the sides.
Which equations can we get then?
  • #7
Noah said:
below the question is a template which basically looks like a net for a rectangular prism which is to be used as a guide. It doesn't mention cutting individual shapes and joining together so I imagine it would be a net cut from the sheet of metal and the remaining metal would be wastage.

The other thing is that the example provided to help which is nothing like this one you need to solve V'(x)=0. It also says the corners of the metal are not to be used so it must be a net rather than individual pieces.

- - - Updated - - -

I like Serena said:
Ah okay.
So let's fit the template in the sheet and assign for instance the letters $l,w,h$ to the sides.
Which equations can we get then?
V = l x w x h
A = l x w
= 120 x 80
= 9600 cm^3
l x w = 9600 cm^2
l x w x h = V^3
  • #8
Noah said:
The other thing is that the example provided to help which is nothing like this one you need to solve V'(x)=0. It also says the corners of the metal are not to be used so it must be a net rather than individual pieces.

- - - Updated - - -V = l x w x h
A = l x w
= 120 x 80
= 9600 cm^3
l x w = 9600 cm^2
l x w x h = V^3

Is the provided template something like:
View attachment 5874

If so, we would have for instance $l + 2h = 80\text{ cm}$...


  • Maximized_cuboid.png
    1 KB · Views: 79
  • #9
I like Serena said:
Is the provided template something like:If so, we would have for instance $l + 2h = 80\text{ cm}$...

Yes that's what the template looks like, we have done another one where the length was twice the width but not one with so many variables

- - - Updated - - -

Noah said:
Yes that's what the template looks like, we have done another one where the length was twice the width but not one with so many variables

2h + 2w = 120 cm
  • #10
Noah said:
Yes that's what the template looks like, we have done another one where the length was twice the width but not one with so many variables

2h + 2w = 120 cm

Good! (Nod)

So we have:
$$\begin{cases}l+2h=80 \\ 2h+2w=120\end{cases}
\Rightarrow \begin{cases}l=80-2h \\ w=60-h\end{cases}
And we want to optimize $V=l\times w\times h = (80-2h)(60-h)h$.

Looks like we can take the derivative and set it equal to zero, can't we?
  • #11
Noah said:
Yes that's what the template looks like, we have done another one where the length was twice the width but not one with so many variables

- - - Updated - - -
2h + 2w = 120 cm

I don't know what to do from here am I supposed to solve it like a simultaneous equation?
  • #12
I like Serena said:
So we have:
$$\begin{cases}l+2h=80 \\ 2h+2w=120\end{cases}
\Rightarrow \begin{cases}l=80-2h \\ w=60-h\end{cases}
And we want to optimize $V=l\times w\times h = (80-2h)(60-h)h$.

Looks like we can take the derivative and set it equal to zero, can't we?


$$f'(h)=6h^2-400h+4800=0\implies h=\dfrac{100\pm20\sqrt7}{3}$$

$$\Rightarrow h=\dfrac{100-20\sqrt7}{3}\approx15.7$$

$$f''(h)=12h-400,\quad f''(15.7)<0$$

so we have found a maximum ($f(h)$ is concave down at $f(15.7)$).
  • #13
Noah said:
Yes that's what the template looks like, we have done another one where the length was twice the width but not one with so many variables

- - - Updated - - -
2h + 2w = 120 cm

Okay so when I did it I get
$$\frac{400 \pm \sqrt{-400^2 - 4 \times 6 \times 4800}}{ 2 \times 6} \\
\frac{400 \pm \sqrt{44800}}{ 12} \\
\frac{100 \pm \sqrt{11200}}{3} \\
\frac{100 \pm 40 \sqrt{7}}{3}

where am I going wrong
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  • #14
Noah said:
$$\frac{400 \pm \sqrt{44800}}{ 12} \\
\frac{100 \pm \sqrt{11200}}{3}

where am I going wrong

Let's do this step a little more careful:
$$\frac{400 \pm \sqrt{44800}}{12} \\
= \frac{4\cdot 100 \pm \sqrt{4 \cdot 11200}}{4\cdot 3} \\
= \frac{4\cdot 100 \pm \sqrt{4} \cdot \sqrt{11200}}{4\cdot 3} \\
= \frac{4\cdot 100 \pm 2 \cdot \sqrt{11200}}{4\cdot 3} \\
See? (Wondering)
  • #15
I like Serena said:
Let's do this step a little more careful:
$$\frac{400 \pm \sqrt{44800}}{12} \\
= \frac{4\cdot 100 \pm \sqrt{4 \cdot 11200}}{4\cdot 3} \\
= \frac{4\cdot 100 \pm \sqrt{4} \cdot \sqrt{11200}}{4\cdot 3} \\
= \frac{4\cdot 100 \pm 2 \cdot \sqrt{11200}}{4\cdot 3} \\
See? (Wondering)

Your second step with the 4 are you dividing everything by 4 or why have you put a 4 there?
  • #16
Noah said:
Your second step with the 4 are you dividing everything by 4 or why have you put a 4 there?

Let me redo that:
$$\frac{400 \pm \sqrt{44800}}{12} \\
= \frac{400 \pm \sqrt{80^2 \cdot 7}}{12} \\
= \frac{400 \pm 80 \cdot \sqrt{7}}{12} \\
= \frac{4 \cdot 100 \pm 4\cdot 20 \cdot \sqrt{7}}{4\cdot 3} \\
= \frac{\cancel{4}\cdot{100} \pm \cancel{4}\cdot{20} \cdot \sqrt{7}}{\cancel{4}\cdot 3} \\
= \frac{100 \pm 20 \sqrt{7}}{3} \\
  • #17
I like Serena said:
Let me redo that:
$$\frac{400 \pm \sqrt{44800}}{12} \\
= \frac{400 \pm \sqrt{80^2 \cdot 7}}{12} \\
= \frac{400 \pm 80 \cdot \sqrt{7}}{12} \\
= \frac{4 \cdot 100 \pm 4\cdot 20 \cdot \sqrt{7}}{4\cdot 3} \\
= \frac{\cancel{4}\cdot{100} \pm \cancel{4}\cdot{20} \cdot \sqrt{7}}{\cancel{4}\cdot 3} \\
= \frac{100 \pm 20 \sqrt{7}}{3} \\

Thank you so much for all your help!
  • #18
Noah said:
My question is that I have to find the dimensions of a rectangular prism (cuboid),
where none of the faces are square that will maximize its volume
The sheet metal I have to build it from is 120 cm by 80 cm.

For a given area of sheet metal, the maximum volume is a cube.
There is no unique answer to your problem.

With an 80 by 120 cm sheet, we can make six 40-by-40 squares,
and form a cube with volume [tex]40^3 = 64,000\text{ cm}^3[/tex]

We can alter the dimensions of the cuboid and obtain a lesser volume.
But there is no single answer.

[tex]\begin{array} {ccc}
\text{Dimensions} && \text{Volume} \\
40\times 40.1 \times 39.9 && 63,\!999.6 \\
40 \times 40.01 \times 39.99 && 63,\!999.996 \\
\vdots && \vdots \end{array}[/tex]
  • #19
"Taking the derivative and setting it equal to 0" will give the general rule that the maximum volume of a cuboid, for either fixed volume or fixed surface area, is a cube! If we require that none of the faces be a square then there is no solution- we can always make the volume greater by approaching a cube- that is by reducing sides of rectangles that are longer than the other side, extending to those that are shorter.

Related to Maximizing Volume of Rectangular Prism with 120cm x 80cm Sheet Metal

1. How do I calculate the maximum volume of a rectangular prism using a 120cm x 80cm sheet metal?

The maximum volume of a rectangular prism can be calculated by multiplying the length, width, and height of the prism. In this case, the length and width are given as 120cm and 80cm, respectively. The height can be determined by dividing the sheet metal into three equal parts, giving a height of 40cm. So, the maximum volume would be 120cm x 80cm x 40cm = 384,000 cm^3.

2. Can the sheet metal be cut in any shape to maximize the volume of the rectangular prism?

No, the sheet metal must be cut in a rectangle to maximize the volume of the rectangular prism. Any other shape would result in a smaller volume because the length and width would be reduced.

3. Is there a specific orientation in which the sheet metal should be cut to maximize the volume of the rectangular prism?

Yes, the sheet metal should be cut in a way that the length is twice the width. This will result in the largest possible rectangular prism and therefore, the maximum volume.

4. How do I know if I have achieved the maximum volume of the rectangular prism?

If you have followed the above guidelines, then you have achieved the maximum volume of the rectangular prism. The only way to increase the volume further would be to use a larger sheet metal or change the dimensions of the cut.

5. Can the same method be used to maximize the volume of any rectangular prism?

Yes, the same method can be used to maximize the volume of any rectangular prism. The only difference would be in the given dimensions of the sheet metal and the desired dimensions of the prism.

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