Maximizing Volume: Understanding the Relationship Between a Cone and Sphere

In summary, a teenager was struggling to understand why using a cone with the vertex at the center of a sphere instead of the top did not yield the right solution for a volume optimization problem. The discussion also touched upon a distance problem where the book suggested a shortcut of minimizing the square of the distance rather than the distance itself. The teenager saw both problems as logical shortcuts and couldn't understand why the solutions were not the same. The conversation ended with the parent trying to find a way to explain the apparent discrepancy and keep their teenager's enthusiasm for calculus.
  • #1
Homework Helper
I was helping my 17 year old daughter (just starting calculus) with the optimization problem of maximizing the volume of a right circular cone that can inscribed in a sphere. She tried what she thought was a short cut by using a cone with vertex at the center the sphere (instead of the top) and couldn’t understand why it didn’t yield the right answer. I tried to explain that she solved a different problem but she couldn’t understand why the solution to the simpler problem wasn’t also the solution to the stated problem. It didn’t help that the very next problem was a distance problem where the book suggested a short cut of minimizing the square of the distance rather than the distance (to avoid square roots). To her, both were the same (i.e. a logical shortcut). I’ve since been struggling with how to explain the apparent discrepancy. I’ve thought about using a triangle/circle analogy and say that the two triangles aren’t similar. Any other ideas?
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  • #2
A cone with vertex at the center of the sphere wouldn't be inscribed. Comparing a picture of that with a picture of an inscribed cone would seem to show the difference pretty clearly.
  • #3
hgfalling said:
A cone with vertex at the center of the sphere wouldn't be inscribed.

Yep, that's clear and is not being debated. What she can't understand (and I've been unable to explain) is why the optimal radius of the smaller problem isn't the same optimal radius of the larger problem. Of course they are two different problems, but I'm looking for more of an explanation than that. Maybe there isn't one.
  • #4
Maybe it would help to find out why she thinks they would be the same
  • #5
Office_Shredder said:
Maybe it would help to find out why she thinks they would be the same

Maybe, if I can catch her in a 'low frustration' and 'rational' mood. Not easy with a teenager. The kick in the pants was the next problem (minimize distance from a fixed point to a function) that specifically recommended solving a related but simpler problem instead (i.e. distance squared). The two situations seem the same to her (related and simpler).

Trying hard to keep up her enthusiasm (since she is taking calc B/C in the fall) by offering a thoughtful response.....
  • #6
You could try explaining that dr^2/dt=2*r*dr/dt. So if dr^2/dt is zero and r is not zero then dr/dt is also zero. But without a 'low frustration' and 'rational' mood, I doubt that will help.

FAQ: Maximizing Volume: Understanding the Relationship Between a Cone and Sphere

1. What is a cone inscribed within a sphere?

A cone inscribed within a sphere is a cone that is contained within a sphere, meaning that its base lies on the surface of the sphere and its tip is at the center of the sphere.

2. How is the cone inscribed within a sphere calculated?

The calculation for a cone inscribed within a sphere involves using the Pythagorean theorem and the formula for the volume of a cone. The height of the cone can be found by taking the square root of the difference between the radius of the sphere and the radius of the cone's base squared. The volume of the cone can then be calculated using the formula V = 1/3πr²h.

3. What is the significance of a cone inscribed within a sphere?

A cone inscribed within a sphere is a common geometric shape used in various mathematical and scientific applications. It can also be seen as a special case of a spherical wedge, which has practical uses in architecture, engineering, and navigation.

4. Can a cone be inscribed within any sphere?

Yes, a cone can be inscribed within any sphere. As long as the base of the cone lies on the surface of the sphere and the tip is at the center of the sphere, it can be considered inscribed within the sphere.

5. What are the properties of a cone inscribed within a sphere?

Some properties of a cone inscribed within a sphere include: the cone's height is shorter than the radius of the sphere, the cone's base is a circle with a radius equal to the radius of the sphere, and the spherical cap formed by the cone's base has the same surface area as the cone's lateral surface.
