Maximum acceleration using energy principle

In summary, the conversation discusses the design of a bungee jump apparatus for adults. The apparatus consists of a high platform and two elastic cords tied to the ankles of the jumper. The cords have a length of 14 m and stretch an additional 22 m during the jump. The conversation also talks about creating diagrams to analyze the forces and velocity acting on the jumper at different stages of the jump. Additionally, the conversation discusses determining the spring stiffness and maximum tension of the cords, as well as the maximum acceleration experienced by the jumper. Lastly, the conversation briefly touches on the equations for kinetic and potential energy.
  • #1
1. Design a "bungee jump" apparatus for adults. A bungee jumper falls from a high platform with two elastic cords tied to the ankles. The jumper falls freely for a while, with the cords slack. Then the jumper falls an additional distance with the cords increasingly tense. Assume that you have cords that are 14 m long, and that the cords stretch in the jump an additional 22 m for a jumper whose mass is 80 kg, the heaviest adult you will allow to use your bungee jump (heavier customers would hit the ground).

(a) It will help you a great deal in your analysis to make a series of 5 simple diagrams, like a comic strip, showing the platform, the jumper, and the two cords at the following times in the fall and the rebound:
1 while cords are slack (shown here as an example to get you started)
2 when the two cords are just starting to stretch
3 when the two cords are half stretched
4 when the two cords are fully stretched
5 when the two cords are again half stretched, on the way up
On each diagram, draw and label vectors representing the forces acting on the jumper, and the jumper's velocity. Make the relative lengths of the vectors reflect their relative magnitudes.

(b)Focus on this instant of greatest tension and, starting from a fundamental principle, determine the spring stiffness ks for each of the two cords.
ks = 58.31404959 N/m

(c)What is the maximum tension that each one of the two cords must support without breaking? (This tells you what kind of cords you need to buy.)
FT = 1282.909091 N

(d) What is the maximum acceleration |ay| = |dvy/dt| (in "g's") that the jumper experiences? (Note that |dpy/dt| = m|dvy/dt| if v is small compared to c.)

2. Ef = Ei + W
Kf + Uf = Ki + Ui +W
acceleration in m/s^2 divided by 9.8 m/s^2

3. I tried setting 1/2 mv^2 + 1/2 Ksf^2 = mgh If you could help please explain
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  • #2
Nevermind i figured this one out :p

Related to Maximum acceleration using energy principle

1. What is maximum acceleration using energy principle?

Maximum acceleration using energy principle is a concept in physics that states that the maximum acceleration of an object can be achieved by using the minimum amount of energy. This principle is based on the conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted.

2. How is maximum acceleration using energy principle calculated?

The maximum acceleration using energy principle is calculated by finding the minimum amount of energy required to accelerate an object to a certain speed. This can be done using the formula E=1/2mv^2, where E is the energy, m is the mass of the object, and v is the final velocity.

3. What are the applications of maximum acceleration using energy principle?

The maximum acceleration using energy principle has various applications in fields such as transportation, robotics, and sports. It can be used to optimize the design of vehicles, robots, and other machines to achieve maximum acceleration while using the least amount of energy.

4. How does friction affect maximum acceleration using energy principle?

Friction can significantly affect the maximum acceleration using energy principle. Friction is a force that opposes motion and can cause a decrease in the amount of energy available for acceleration. Therefore, to achieve maximum acceleration, friction needs to be minimized through the use of smooth surfaces and lubricants.

5. Can maximum acceleration using energy principle be applied to living organisms?

Yes, the maximum acceleration using energy principle can also be applied to living organisms. Animals, including humans, have a limited amount of energy available for movement. Therefore, they need to use this energy efficiently to achieve maximum acceleration. This principle can be seen in sports where athletes train to optimize their energy usage for maximum speed and acceleration.
