Maximum average power for a purely resistive load

In summary: The actual voltage across the capacitor will be different, depending on the current through the inductor.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the circuit shown in the figure below. Suppose that R = 46Ω and Z=j14Ω. Determine the maximum average power that can be delivered to the load if the load is pure resistance. Note that the voltage source magnitude is given as Vmax, not VRMS


Homework Equations

j = [itex]\sqrt{-1}[/itex]
I1 = [itex]\frac{R_2*I_s}{R_1+R_2}[/itex]
Zt = Thevenin equivalent impedance = VOC/ISC
Power is max when RL = Rs, or ZL = Zs*
Z* = complex conjugate of Z

The Attempt at a Solution

Shorting the voltage source to find the thevenin equivalents, I combine the capacitor and inductor in parallel then combine that value with the resistor:

[itex]\frac{(-j10)(j14)}{-j10+j14}[/itex] = -j35
-j35+46 = 46-j35 = Zt

Going back to the original circuit and replacing the load resistance with a short circuit to find ISC:

Current across capacitor = [itex]\frac{10}{-j10}[/itex] = j
Using the current divider to find the current across the 46Ω resistor,
ISC = [itex]\frac{j14*(j)}{j14+46}[/itex] = -0.278+j*0.8477

Vt = ISC*Zt = (-0.278+j*0.0848)(46-j35) = -9.82+j13.63

For max power, RL = |Zt| = |46-j35| = sqrt(46^2+35^2) = 57.8

The current through the thevenin equivalent circuit with RL attached is:

I = [itex]\frac{-9.82+j13.63}{46-j35+57.8}[/itex] = -0.125+j*0.0893
IRMS = [itex]\sqrt{0.125^2+0.0893^2}[/itex]/[itex]\sqrt{2}[/itex] = 0.1086

P = IRMS2*RL = 0.682 W which is incorrect. The correct answer is 2.95 W. Any ideas?
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  • #2
Your Thevenin impedance looks good, but I'm not liking your Thevenin voltage or the short circuit current. How did you conclude that the voltage across the capacitor is j when ZL is replaced by a short? Shorting RL places the resistor R in parallel with the inductor, it doesn't ground the top of the R.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply.

gneill said:
Your Thevenin impedance looks good, but I'm not liking your Thevenin voltage or the short circuit current.

Sorry, I meant to say that was the *current* across the capacitor, not the voltage.

gneill said:
Shorting RL places the resistor R in parallel with the inductor, it doesn't ground the top of the R.

So now repeating the same method starting from ISC while combining R and Z:

R||Z = 46*j14/(46+j14) = 3.9+j12.8
R||Z + C = 3.9+j12.8 -j10 = 3.9+j2.8
ISC = V/R = 10/(3.9+j2.8) = 1.692-j1.215
Vt = ISC*Zt = (1.692-j1.215)(46-35j) = 35.31-j115.1
RL is still 57.8
Current through Thevenin equiv. circuit with RL = I = (35.31-j115.1)/(46-j35+57.8) = 0.641-j*0.893
IRMS = sqrt(0.641^2+0.893^2)/sqrt(2) = 0.777
P = 0.777^2*57.8 = 34.9W which is still incorrect.
  • #4
Isc will be just the current through the resistor. You've taken it to be the total current produced by the source voltage driving the total impedance.

If I may suggest, since you've found the Thevenin Impedance easily enough (and it is correct), why not find the Thevenin Voltage as the open circuit voltage rather than by way of the short circuit current and impedance? With the load removed, the open circuit voltage at the terminals is the result of the action of the voltage divider created by the capacitor and inductor. Easy!
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  • #5
gneill said:
Isc will be just the current through the resistor. You've taken it to be the total current produced by the source voltage driving the total impedance.

Isn't that what I did the first time, just with the mistake of me writing voltage instead of current?

gneill said:
If I may suggest, since you've found the Thevenin Impedance easily enough (and it is correct), why not find the Thevenin Voltage as the open circuit voltage rather than by way of the short circuit current and impedance? With the load removed, the open circuit voltage at the terminals is the result of the action of the voltage divider created by the capacitor and inductor. Easy!

Just tried that, VOC = 35V which when plugged into the following equations gives me the right answer. However, I've noticed that this is very close to the real part of the Vt value I obtained in my first reply to you. Since it's asking for a purely resistive power, was I supposed to take just the real part of that voltage or is that just a coincidence that the values are similar? Nonetheless, thank you very much for your help.
  • #6
zealeth said:
Isn't that what I did the first time, just with the mistake of me writing voltage instead of current?
I don't think so. The source will see a total impedance of ZC + (Z||R), while you wrote that the capacitor current is 10/(-10j). That would only be true of the capacitor alone was across the source.

Just tried that, VOC = 35V which when plugged into the following equations gives me the right answer. However, I've noticed that this is very close to the real part of the Vt value I obtained in my first reply to you. Since it's asking for a purely resistive power, was I supposed to take just the real part of that voltage or is that just a coincidence that the values are similar? Nonetheless, thank you very much for your help.

I think that's a coincidence.
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  • #7
zealeth said:
...Just tried that, VOC = 35V which when plugged into the following equations gives me the right answer...
Because it is [itex]35\,V[/itex]:

FAQ: Maximum average power for a purely resistive load

1. What is maximum average power for a purely resistive load?

The maximum average power for a purely resistive load is the highest amount of power that can be delivered to the load while still maintaining a steady and continuous flow of current. It is determined by the resistance of the load and the voltage applied.

2. How is maximum average power calculated for a purely resistive load?

The maximum average power for a purely resistive load can be calculated using the formula P = V^2 / R, where P is power in watts, V is voltage in volts, and R is resistance in ohms. This formula is based on Ohm's Law, which states that power is directly proportional to the square of the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance.

3. Why is maximum average power important for a purely resistive load?

Maximum average power is important for a purely resistive load because it determines the maximum amount of power that can be safely delivered to the load without causing damage or overheating. It also helps in selecting the appropriate components for a circuit to ensure efficient power delivery.

4. How does maximum average power differ from peak power for a purely resistive load?

Maximum average power and peak power are two different measures of power for a purely resistive load. Maximum average power is the highest amount of power that can be continuously delivered to the load, while peak power is the maximum amount of power that can be delivered for a short duration. Peak power is typically higher than maximum average power and is used to determine the power handling capabilities of components.

5. What factors can affect the maximum average power for a purely resistive load?

The maximum average power for a purely resistive load can be affected by various factors such as the resistance of the load, the voltage applied, and the operating temperature. Other factors that can affect power delivery include the quality and rating of the components used, as well as the overall design and efficiency of the circuit.
