Maximum Distance Traveled with Constant Propulsion

In summary, the problem presents a rocket with constant mass and propulsion force that needs to be launched at an optimal angle in order to achieve the farthest distance on the ground. However, due to the effects of gravity, it is difficult to maximize the x-range analytically. A numerical approach using an optimization package may provide a solution.
  • #1
Member advised to use the homework template for posts in the homework sections of PF.
Lets say that we have a rocket positioned at a certain angle
with respect to the horizontal. The rocket is fired, with a constant propulsion force of
. Assume that the rocket has a constant mass of
kg (the gas used to propel the rocket is negligibly small). What is the optimal angle
with which the rocket must be fired to have the farthest distance covered when it lands on the ground?

You can view my attempt

The differentiating process to find the max value of x is very messy and requires a calculator.

I was wondering if there are any better approaches to this problem.
Physics news on
  • #2
Your rocket will never leave the ground - even if you point it straight vertically into the air. So it makes no difference.

Here's what could change it:
1) put wings on it.
2) Increase the propulsion so that the acceleration is more than 1G. Then point it straight up and it will eventually achieve escape velocity.
  • #3
Can you explain to me why it will not leave the ground?
  • #4
ciao_potter said:
Can you explain to me why it will not leave the ground?
You haven't accounted for the weight of the rocket (gravitational force). Draw the FBD.
  • #5
ciao_potter said:
Lets say that we have a rocket positioned at a certain angle View attachment 207744 with respect to the horizontal. The rocket is fired, with a constant propulsion force of View attachment 207745. Assume that the rocket has a constant mass of View attachment 207746 kg (the gas used to propel the rocket is negligibly small). What is the optimal angle View attachment 207747 with which the rocket must be fired to have the farthest distance covered when it lands on the ground?

You can view my attempt

The differentiating process to find the max value of x is very messy and requires a calculator.

I was wondering if there are any better approaches to this problem.

I think the problem is ill-conceived. Here is why:

How does your rocket get launched? Is it on a catapult that hurls it up at initial vertical speed ##v_{0y}##, or is it launched from rest like most rockets? If the latter, you have initial ##x## and ##y## velocities equal to zero, but horizontal acceleration ##a_x = a \cos \alpha## and vertical acceleration ##a_y = a \sin \alpha - g##, where ##g## is the acceleration of gravity (##g \doteq 9.8## (##m/\text{sec}^2##). Anyway, if the angle ##\alpha## remains constant your rocket will travel in a straight line until its fuel runs out; then it will go into free-fall, but from a nonzero ##(x,y)## location with ##y > 0## and with some nonzero initial velocities ##v_x## and ##v_y##. Its total ##x##-range is the distance from the starting point ##(0,0)## and the final point where ##y=0## again at the end of the free-fall phase.

It is possible to obtain an expression for the ##x##-range in terms of ##\alpha## and ##T## (the total fuel burn-time), but maximizing it "analytically" is difficult. However, given a specific burn-time, the problem can be solved numerically using an optimization package (such as the EXCEL solver, for example).
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FAQ: Maximum Distance Traveled with Constant Propulsion

1. What is meant by "maximum distance traveled with constant propulsion"?

"Maximum distance traveled with constant propulsion" refers to the maximum distance an object can travel while maintaining a constant force or thrust. In other words, it is the furthest distance an object can travel using the same amount of energy or propellant.

2. How is the maximum distance traveled with constant propulsion calculated?

The maximum distance traveled with constant propulsion can be calculated using the equation d = v^2/2a, where d is the distance, v is the velocity, and a is the acceleration. This equation is derived from the fundamental physics equation F=ma, where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration.

3. What factors affect the maximum distance traveled with constant propulsion?

The maximum distance traveled with constant propulsion is affected by several factors, including the initial velocity, the amount of force or thrust applied, the mass of the object, and any external forces such as air resistance. The shape and design of the object can also impact its maximum distance traveled.

4. Can the maximum distance traveled with constant propulsion be increased?

Yes, the maximum distance traveled with constant propulsion can be increased by increasing the initial velocity, applying more force or thrust, reducing the object's mass, or minimizing external forces such as air resistance. Improving the design and shape of the object can also help increase its maximum distance traveled.

5. Why is understanding the maximum distance traveled with constant propulsion important for scientists?

Understanding the maximum distance traveled with constant propulsion is important for scientists because it allows them to accurately predict and calculate the trajectory and motion of objects in space. This information is crucial for space exploration, satellite technology, and other applications that involve constant propulsion and long-distance travel.

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