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How many planets can orbit one Sun?
The maximum number of orbiting planets is not a fixed number and can vary depending on the specific planetary system. Some systems have been found to have up to eight planets orbiting a single star, while others may only have one or two planets. Additionally, some systems may have orbiting planets around multiple stars.
The determining factors for how many planets can orbit a star include the size and mass of the star, the distance between the star and its planets, and the gravitational forces between the star and its planets. These factors can vary greatly between different planetary systems.
Yes, the maximum number of orbiting planets in a system can change over time. This can happen due to various reasons, such as gravitational interactions between planets causing some to be ejected from the system, or the formation of new planets through accretion of debris in the system.
Similar to the maximum number of orbiting planets, there is no fixed limit to the number of moons that can orbit a planet. The number of moons can vary depending on the size and mass of the planet, as well as its distance from its star. Some gas giants, for example, can have dozens of moons in orbit.
While it is uncommon, it is possible for a planetary system to have no orbiting planets. This could happen if the star is not massive enough to form planets, or if the planets were ejected from the system due to gravitational interactions with other bodies. However, most stars are likely to have at least one orbiting planet.