Maxwell Stress Tensor -> Force between magnets and perfect iron

In summary: V} \nabla\cdot\sigma\mathrm{d}VIn summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of gap flux density and force between a magnet and a magnetic structure through an airgap. The speaker attempted to use the Maxwell Stress tensor to calculate the force, but realized that it cannot be applied to ferromagnets. They also mention that the iron has ideal magnetic properties and the magnet has a linear loading curve. The problem was later found to be an incorrect application of the divergence theorem.
  • #1
(this is not a hw)

Assume you have a magnet of dimensions x_m, h_m, remanent flux density Br, and coercive field density Hc. The magnet is placed in a magnetic "C" structure (perfect iron) such that it is connected on one side but there is an airgap on the other side.

xx... xx

Stack length is 1 m for simplicity.

I know how to calculate gap flux density as a function of airgap length. I am struggling, however, with using the Maxwell Stress tensor to calculate the force between the magnet and the structure through the airgap.

This is what I tried:

Bm = Br / (1+Br*g(h_m*u0*Hc))

\nabla\cdot\sigma_{xyz}= \frac{1}{\mu_{0}} \begin{pmatrix}
\frac{\partial 0.5B_{x}^{2}}{\partial x} & \frac{\partial B_{x}B_{y}}{\partial x} & \frac{\partial B_{x}B_{z}}{\partial x}\\

\frac{\partial B_{y}B_{x}}{\partial y} & \frac{\partial 0.5B_{y}^{2}}{\partial y} & \frac{\partial B_{y}B_{z}}{\partial y}\\

\frac{\partial B_{z}B_{x}}{\partial z} & \frac{\partial B_{z}B_{y}}{\partial z}& \frac{\partial 0.5B_{z}^{2}}{\partial z} \\


care only about one direction, which simplifies the equation to 1/2u0 * dBm^2/dx.

Now integrate over volume:

F = \int_{V} \mathbf{f} \mathrm{d} V = \int_{V} (\nabla\cdot\sigma)\mathrm{d} V = \oint_{S} (\mathbf{f}\cdot\mathbf{n})\mathrm{d} A

But the numbers consistently come out wrong - with respect to a FEA simulation. Do I use the MST incorrectly?

Thank you.
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  • #2
The derivation of the MST requires a linear material (constant mu). Therefor, the MST cannot be applied to ferromagnets.
  • #3
Meir Achuz said:
The derivation of the MST requires a linear material (constant mu). Therefor, the MST cannot be applied to ferromagnets.

Thank you. I forgot to mention that the iron has ideal (linear) magnetic properties such that:

B_{iron} = \mu_{r} \cdot \mu_{0} \cdot H_{iron}

Also, the permanent magnet has a linear loading curve:

B_{mag} = B_{R} \cdot (1-H_{mag}/H_{c})
  • #4
Found the problem: I used the divergence theorem incorrectly.

Volume integral of field divergence is equal to the closed surface integral of the field itself, not its divergence.

F = \int_{V} \mathbf{f} \mathrm{d} V = \int_{V} (\nabla\cdot\sigma)\mathrm{d} V = \oint_{S} (\sigma\cdot\mathbf{n})\mathrm{d} A = \oint_{S} \sigma \cdot\mathrm{d} \vec{A}
  • #5

I appreciate your efforts in trying to use the Maxwell Stress Tensor to calculate the force between the magnets and the perfect iron structure. However, there are a few issues with your approach that may be causing the incorrect results.

Firstly, the Maxwell Stress Tensor is typically used to calculate the force between two electromagnetic fields, not between a magnet and a perfect iron structure. So, it may not be the most appropriate method for this scenario.

Secondly, the equation you have used for the Maxwell Stress Tensor assumes a continuous and uniform magnetic field, which may not be the case in this setup. The airgap between the magnet and the structure can cause variations in the magnetic field, making the equation inaccurate.

Lastly, the integration over volume may also not be accurate as it assumes a constant magnetic field throughout the volume, which may not be the case in this setup.

I would suggest using a different approach, such as using magnetic circuit analysis or FEA simulation, to accurately calculate the force between the magnets and the structure. These methods take into account the non-uniformity of the magnetic field and can provide more accurate results. Additionally, performing experimental tests can also help validate the results obtained from these methods.

I hope this helps. Keep up the good work in trying to understand and apply scientific concepts. Best of luck in your research.

FAQ: Maxwell Stress Tensor -> Force between magnets and perfect iron

1. How does the Maxwell Stress Tensor explain the force between magnets and perfect iron?

The Maxwell Stress Tensor is a mathematical tool used to describe the distribution of electromagnetic forces in a system. In the case of two magnets and perfect iron, the tensor can be used to calculate the force between them by taking into account the magnetic fields and their interactions.

2. Is the force between magnets and perfect iron always attractive?

No, the force between magnets and perfect iron can be either attractive or repulsive depending on the orientation of the magnetic fields. If the fields are aligned, the force will be attractive, but if they are opposed, the force will be repulsive.

3. How does the distance between magnets and perfect iron affect the force between them?

The force between magnets and perfect iron is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This means that as the distance increases, the force decreases. However, at very close distances, the force can become extremely strong due to the intense magnetic fields.

4. Can the Maxwell Stress Tensor be used to calculate the force between any two magnets?

Yes, the Maxwell Stress Tensor can be used to calculate the force between any two magnets, as long as their magnetic fields can be described mathematically. This includes permanent magnets, electromagnets, and even magnetic materials like iron.

5. What other applications does the Maxwell Stress Tensor have besides calculating the force between magnets and perfect iron?

The Maxwell Stress Tensor is a powerful tool in the field of electromagnetism and has many other applications. It can be used to calculate the forces between any two charged particles, analyze the behavior of electromagnetic waves, and describe the distribution of energy and momentum in electric and magnetic fields.
