Maxwell’s equations for oscillating electric dipole

In summary, the equations for the E- and B-fields for an oscillating electric dipole do not satisfy Maxwell's equations due to the presence of 1/r and 1/r^2 terms in the fields, which are only approximations and valid at large distances. These equations do not satisfy Gauss's law and the curl of B, but they do satisfy the divergence of B and Faraday's law. The field of a non-oscillating dipole does not contain a 1/r^2 term, but the field of an oscillating dipole does. Maxwell's equations in this case are reduced to \nabla \cdot E = 0 and \nabla \times B = \mu_0 \
  • #1
How do I show that our equations for the E- and B-fields for the oscillating electric dipole do NOT satisfy Maxwell’s equations?

After approximations in retarded potentials, we have our E- and B-field as following:

E = -ω2[itex]μ_{0}[/itex][itex]p_{0}[/itex](4∏r)-1sin(θ)cos[ω(t-[itex]\frac{r}{c}[/itex])][itex]\hat{θ}[/itex] (Griffiths 11.18)


B = -ω2[itex]μ_{0}[/itex][itex]p_{0}[/itex](4∏cr)-1sin(θ)cos[ω(t-[itex]\frac{r}{c}[/itex])][itex]\hat{\phi}[/itex] (Griffiths 11.19)

Where ω is angular frequency for the oscillating charge moving back and forth, c is the speed of light, r is the distance where E and B are to be calculated, θ is the angle between dipole axis and the distance r, [itex]p_{0}[/itex] is the maximum value of dipole moment, [itex]μ_{0}[/itex] is permeability of free space, t is time, [itex]\hat{\phi}[/itex] is direction in azimuthal angle, and [itex]\hat{θ}[/itex] is direction in polar angle.

I got divergence of B is satisfied (2nd eq. of Maxwell's), also, I got faradays law satisfied (3rd eq. with curl of E).

I am stuck in the other two equations:

For Gauss's law (1st eq.) I got div. of E does not equal zero, but maybe that because of the charge density. So, I am not sure whether this equation is satisfied or not, and I do not know how to show that.

Also, the same argument For Curl of B. I got the same result for time derivative of E in addition to an extra component in [itex]\hat{r}[/itex] direction which may be the volume current density term in 4th Maxwell's equation (Ampere's and Maxwell's law).
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  • #2
Hey, one reason these don't satisfy Maxwell's Equations is because they are not the correct fields. They are only approximations, valid at large distances. The field of an electric dipole, oscillating or not, contains 1/r2 and 1/r3 terms.
  • #3
Bill_K said:
Hey, one reason these don't satisfy Maxwell's Equations is because they are not the correct fields. They are only approximations, valid at large distances. The field of an electric dipole, oscillating or not, contains 1/r2 and 1/r3 terms.

So, does Maxwell's 1st and 4th equations reduces to [itex]\nabla[/itex].E = 0 and [itex]\nabla[/itex]×B = ε[itex]_{0}[/itex]μ[itex]_{0}[/itex][itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial t}[/itex]E in this case?
  • #4
Bill_K said:
The field of an electric dipole, oscillating or not, contains 1/r2 and 1/r3 terms.
I wouldn't say so. If it contains such terms, it is not a pure dipole. Think of a sphere whose surface charge varies like cos theta.
However, even the field of a point dipole contains an additional delta function contribution at r=0, see
  • #5
DrDu said:
I wouldn't say so. If it contains such terms, it is not a pure dipole. Think of a sphere whose surface charge varies like cos theta.
However, even the field of a point dipole contains an additional delta function contribution at r=0, see

If you calculate the fields for a point-source electric dipole you do get 1/r, 1/r^2 and 1/r^3 terms. Specifically, the fields in cylindrical coordinates for a VED become,

[tex] E_\rho = \cos \theta \sin \theta \left( \frac{3}{r^2} - \frac{i3k}{r} - k^2 \right) \frac{e^{ikr}}{r} [/tex]
[tex] E_z= \left[ k^2\sin^2\theta - \frac{1}{r^2} + \frac{ik}{r} + \cos^2\theta \left( \frac{3}{r^2} - \frac{i3k}{r} \right) \right] \frac{e^{ikr}}{r} [/tex]

So the \theta component in spherical coordinates becomes

[tex] E_\theta = \cos\theta E_\rho - \sin \theta E_z = \sin \theta \left( -k^2 - \frac{ik}{r} + \frac{1}{r^2} \right) \frac{e^{ikr}}{r} [/tex]

where k is the wavenumber and we assume an [itex]e^{-i\omega t}[/itex] time dependence. These are derived via Maxwell's Equations. So the first-order term of the E_\theta component still lines up with what the OP was given by Griffiths. The k^2 coefficient gives us the \omega^2 and taking the real part would give use the cosine component.

But in terms of the OP's question, the divergence of the electric field should evaluate to zero. Technically, there are sources at the origin, but since this is an oscillating dipole then the source is not a charge (hence why the divergence of the electric field is zero) but a current. So, everywhere but the origin you should find:

[tex] \nabla\cdot \mathbf{E} = 0 [/tex]
[tex] \nabla \times \mathbf{B} = \mu_0\epsilon_0 \frac{\partial \mathbf{E} }{\partial t} [/tex]
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  • #6
You are obviously right. I only wanted to say that the field of a non oscillating dipole does not contain a 1/r2 term.

Related to Maxwell’s equations for oscillating electric dipole

1. What are Maxwell's equations for oscillating electric dipole?

Maxwell's equations for oscillating electric dipole describe the behavior of an electric dipole when it is undergoing oscillatory motion. These equations are derived from the fundamental laws of electromagnetism, namely Gauss's law, Faraday's law, Ampere's law, and the continuity equation.

2. How do Maxwell's equations for oscillating electric dipole relate to electromagnetic waves?

Maxwell's equations for oscillating electric dipole are closely related to the propagation of electromagnetic waves. When an electric dipole undergoes oscillatory motion, it creates changing electric and magnetic fields that propagate through space as an electromagnetic wave.

3. What is an electric dipole and how does it behave under oscillatory motion?

An electric dipole is a pair of equal and opposite charges separated by a small distance. When an electric dipole is subjected to an oscillating electric field, it experiences a torque that causes it to undergo oscillatory motion. This motion results in the emission of electromagnetic waves.

4. What is the significance of Maxwell's equations for oscillating electric dipole?

Maxwell's equations for oscillating electric dipole are significant because they provide a mathematical framework for understanding the behavior of electric dipoles under oscillatory motion. They also help to explain the nature of electromagnetic waves and their propagation through space.

5. How are Maxwell's equations for oscillating electric dipole used in practical applications?

Maxwell's equations for oscillating electric dipole are used in a variety of practical applications, such as in the design of antennas, radar systems, and wireless communication technologies. They also play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation.

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