Maxwell's Equations in Curved Space-time

In summary, we have shown that ##\tilde{\nabla}_{a}E^{a} = 4\pi\rho## and ##\tilde{\nabla}_{a}B^{a} = 0## on the space-like Cauchy surface. Since we can apply Stokes' theorem to any space-time region ##\Omega \subseteq M## bounded by two space-like hypersurfaces ##\Sigma, \Sigma'## from a single foliation and find that ##\int _{\Omega}\tilde{\nabla}_{a}E^{a} = 4\pi \int _{\Omega}\rho = 4\pi Q = -4\
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Can one show that strict charge conservation ##\nabla_{a}J^{a} = 0## follows directly from ##\nabla_{a}F^{ab} = 4\pi J^{b}## alone?

Also, how does ##d^{\star}F = 4\pi ^{\star}J## follow directly from that same equation where ##\star## is the Hodge dual operator?
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  • #2
Yes and it is extremely easy to show (almost trivial in fact). Starting with ##\nabla^{a}F_{ab} = 4\pi j_{b}##, we have ##\nabla^{b}\nabla^{a}F_{ab} = \nabla^{a}\nabla^{b}F_{ba} = -\nabla^{a}\nabla^{b}F_{ab}= 4\pi \nabla^{b}j_{b}## i.e. ##\nabla^{b}\nabla^{a}F_{ab} -\nabla^{a}\nabla^{b}F_{ab}= 8\pi \nabla^{b}j_{b}##. Now ##\nabla_{b}\nabla_{a}F^{ab} -\nabla_{a}\nabla_{b}F^{ab}= -R_{bae}{}{}^{a}F^{eb} - R_{bae}{}{}^{b}F^{ae} = -R_{be}F^{eb} + R_{ae}F^{ae} = 0## hence ##\nabla^{a}j_{a} = 0##.

It is also very easy to show that ##d(^{\star }F) = 4\pi(^{\star }j)##. We have ##(^{\star}F)_{ab} = \frac{1}{2}\epsilon_{abcd}F^{cd}## so ##\epsilon^{abef}\nabla_{e}(^{\star}F)_{ab} = \frac{1}{2}\epsilon^{abef}\epsilon_{abcd}\nabla_{e}F^{cd} = -2\nabla_{e}F^{ef} = -8\pi j^{f}##. Hence ##\epsilon_{fjki}\epsilon^{feab}\nabla_{e}(^{\star}F)_{ab} = -6\nabla_{[j}(^{\star}F)_{ki]}= -8\pi\epsilon_{fjki} j^{f} = -8\pi(^{\star}j)_{jki}## therefore ##3\nabla_{[a}(^{\star}F)_{bc]} = d(^{\star}F)_{abc} = 4\pi(^{\star}j)_{abc}## i.e. ##d(^{\star}F) = 4\pi(^{\star}j)##.

Note the implications of this. Because ##\nabla^{a}j_{a} = 0## in any space-time, we can apply Stokes' theorem to a space-time region ##\Omega \subseteq M## bounded by two space-like hypersurfaces ##\Sigma, \Sigma'## from a single foliation and find that ##\int _{\Omega}\nabla^{a}j_{a} = 0 = \int _{\Sigma}j_{a}n^{a} -\int _{\Sigma'}j_{a}n^{a}## i.e. the total charge ##Q = -\int _{\Sigma}j_{a}n^{a} ## is conserved (here ##n^{a}## is the outward unit normal field to the space-like foliation that ##\Sigma,\Sigma'## belong to; the negative sign is to compensate for the negative sign that comes out of the inner product in the integral).
  • #3
Thanks WannabeNewton! Your answer helps me a lot. I also have a related question. I read that a killing vector field always solves Maxwell's equations in curved (vacuum) space-time. Can you explain why this is the case?
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  • #4
Well let's say we have a killing vector field ##\xi^{a}## and use it as a 4-potential so that ##F_{ab} = 2\nabla_{[a}\xi_{b]} = 2\nabla_{a}\xi_{b}##. Then ##\nabla^{a}F_{ab} =2\nabla^{a}\nabla_{a}\xi_{b}##.
Since ##R_{abcd}\xi^{d} = \nabla_{a}\nabla_{b}\xi_{c} - \nabla_{b}\nabla_{a}\xi_{c} = -\nabla_{a}\nabla_{c}\xi_{b} + \nabla_{b}\nabla_{c}\xi_{a}\\ = R_{cabd}\xi^{d} - \nabla_{c}\nabla_{a}\xi_{b} + R_{bcad}\xi^{d} + \nabla_{c}\nabla_{b}\xi_{a} = 2\nabla_{c}\nabla_{b}\xi_{a} + R_{cabd}\xi^{d} + R_{bcad}\xi^{d}##
we have ##2\nabla_{c}\nabla_{b}\xi_{a}=(R_{abcd} - R_{cabd} - R_{bcad})\xi^{d} ##. Using the first Bianchi identity, we find that ##R_{abcd} + R_{bcad} + R_{cabd} = 0\Rightarrow R_{abcd} =- R_{cabd} -R_{bcad} ## i.e. ##\nabla_{c}\nabla_{b}\xi_{a} = R_{abcd}\xi^{d}##.

In particular, ##\nabla^{a}\nabla_{a}\xi_{b} = - R_{ab}{}{}^{a}{}{}_{d}\xi^{d} = -R_{bd}\xi^{d}##. If we are in vacuum space-time then ##R_{ab} = 0## so ##\nabla^{a}F_{ab} = \nabla^{a}\nabla_{a}\xi_{b} = 0##.

Now ##\nabla_{[a}F_{bc]} = 2\nabla_{[a}\nabla_{b}\xi_{c]} = 2R_{[abc]d}\xi^{d} = 0## by virtue of the first Bianchi identity. Hence ##F_{ab} = 2\nabla_{a}\xi_{b}## solves Maxwell's equations in vacuum.

Such solutions aren't always of physical interest but here is a paper that gives an example of a killing vector field solution to Maxwell's equations that is of physical interest:
  • #5
Thanks. As always very helpful. You say in another thread (

"I will spare you the details of the calculations involved in showing these two relations hold; you can, for now, take my word that I have indeed shown them to be true." Could you please show the details of that calculation? I am still new to these kind of tensor calculus manipulations and seeing more examples would be nice, especially another related to EM in curved space-time.
  • #6
Sure! Let's first show that Gauss's law for electricity holds on the space-like Cauchy surface. Keep in mind that ##n^{a}n_{a} = -1##, which implies that ##n^{a}\nabla_{b}n_{a} = 0##, and that ##n_{[a}\nabla_{b}n_{c]} = 0## since the unit normal field is hypersurface orthogonal to the space-like foliation. I will denote the derivative operator associated with the spatial metric ##h_{ab}## by ##\tilde{\nabla}_{a}##.

We have ##\tilde{\nabla}_{a}E^{a} = h_{a}{}{}^{b}h^{a}{}{}_{c}\nabla_{b}(F^{c}{}{}_{d}n^{d})\\ = (\delta^{bc} + n^{b}n^{c})(n^{d}\nabla_{b}F_{cd} + F_{cd}\nabla_{b}n^{d})\\ = n^{d}\nabla^{c}F_{cd} + F_{cd}\nabla^{c}n^{d} + n^{b}n^{c}n^{d}\nabla_{b}F_{cd} + n^{b}n^{c}F_{cd}\nabla_{b}n^{d}##.

Now ##n^{c}n^{d}\nabla_{b}F_{cd} = n^{d}n^{c}\nabla_{b}F_{dc} = -n^{c}n^{d}\nabla_{b}F_{cd}\Rightarrow n^{c}n^{d}\nabla_{b}F_{cd} = 0##

and ##n_{[a}\nabla_{b}n_{c]} = 0\Rightarrow n^{b}n^{c}F_{cd}\nabla_{b}n^{d} - n^{b}n^{d}F_{cd}\nabla_{b}n^{c}= 2n^{b}n^{c}F_{cd}\nabla_{b}n^{d}\\ = F_{cd}\nabla^{d}n^{c} - F_{cd}\nabla^{c}n^{d} = - 2F_{cd}\nabla^{c}n^{d}##

thus ##\tilde{\nabla}_{a}E^{a}= n^{d}\nabla^{c}F_{cd} = -4\pi j_{d}n^{d} = 4\pi\rho## by virtue of the inhomogeneous Maxwell equations.

Showing Gauss's law for magnetism holds on the spacelike Cauchy surface is very similar.

We have ##\tilde{\nabla}_{a}B^{a} =-\frac{1}{2}\epsilon^{cdef} h_{a}{}{}^{b}h^{a}{}{}_{c}\nabla_{b}(F_{de}n_{f})\\ = -\frac{1}{2}\epsilon^{cdef} (n_{f}\nabla_{c}F_{de} + F_{de}\nabla_{c}n_{f} + n^{b}n_{c}n_{f}\nabla_{b}F_{de} + n^{b}n_{c}F_{de}\nabla_{b}n_{f})##.

Now ##\epsilon^{cdef}n_{c}n_{f} = 0## because the volume form is totally antisymmetric and just as before we have ##n_{[a}\nabla_{b}n_{c]} = 0 \Rightarrow \epsilon^{cdef} n^{b}n_{c}F_{de}\nabla_{b}n_{f} - \epsilon^{cdef} n^{b}n_{f}F_{de}\nabla_{b}n_{c}= 2\epsilon^{cdef} n^{b}n_{c}F_{de}\nabla_{b}n_{f}\\ = \epsilon^{cdef} F_{de}\nabla_{f}n_{c} - \epsilon^{cdef}F_{de}\nabla_{c}n_{f} = -2 \epsilon^{cdef}F_{de}\nabla_{c}n_{f}##

so we are left with ##\tilde{\nabla}_{a}B^{a} = -\frac{1}{2}\epsilon^{cdef} n_{f}\nabla_{c}F_{de}##. But ##\epsilon^{cdef}\nabla_{c}F_{de} = -\epsilon^{cdef}\nabla_{d}F_{ce} = \epsilon^{cdef}\nabla_{e}F_{cd}## hence ##3\epsilon^{cdef}\nabla_{c}F_{de} = 3\epsilon^{cdef}\nabla_{[c}F_{de]} = 0 ## by virtue of the homogeneous Maxwell equations thus we have the desired result ##\tilde{\nabla}_{a}B^{a} = 0##.

Related to Maxwell's Equations in Curved Space-time

1. What are Maxwell's Equations in Curved Space-time?

Maxwell's Equations in Curved Space-time are a set of four fundamental equations that describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields in the presence of a curved space-time, as described by Einstein's theory of general relativity.

2. How do Maxwell's Equations in Curved Space-time differ from the traditional Maxwell's Equations?

The traditional Maxwell's Equations describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields in flat space-time, whereas Maxwell's Equations in Curved Space-time take into account the effects of gravity and the curvature of space-time.

3. Why are Maxwell's Equations in Curved Space-time important?

Maxwell's Equations in Curved Space-time are important because they provide a more accurate description of electromagnetic fields in the presence of strong gravitational fields, such as those found near massive objects like stars and black holes.

4. Can Maxwell's Equations in Curved Space-time be used to study the behavior of light near black holes?

Yes, Maxwell's Equations in Curved Space-time can be used to study the behavior of light near black holes. They allow us to understand how light is affected by the strong gravitational pull of a black hole and how it can be bent and distorted by the curvature of space-time.

5. Are Maxwell's Equations in Curved Space-time compatible with other theories, such as quantum mechanics?

Yes, Maxwell's Equations in Curved Space-time are compatible with other theories, including quantum mechanics. In fact, they are an important component of the theory of quantum electrodynamics, which describes the behavior of both electromagnetic fields and particles at the quantum level.

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