Maxwell's Equations: Symbols & Understanding

  • Thread starter FluxCapacitator
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In summary, the del operator is a concise way of representing a number of different operations in vector calculus. The divergence of a vector field is a scalar field that rougly measures how much the field is flowing into or out of each point. The curl is a vector field that measures how much it curls around each point, with the magnitude of the vector representing the magnitude of the curl and the direction representing the direction of flow (the same way the angular momentum vector works). To actually compute these quantities, the del operator can be written as \frac{d}{dx}\hat x+\frac{d}{dy}\hat y+\frac{d}{dz}\hat z, and then the appropriate operations (dot or cross
  • #1
I was curious about the famous Maxwell's equations, and decided, perhaps foolishly, to learn them myself. I know basic Electricity and Magnetics with Calculus, so I figured it was the next logical step. I understood the integral forms of Maxwell's equations, but I got completely lost when I saw the upside down deltas in the differential forms of the equations. Could someone tell me what they stand for and/or what mathematical operation they entail?
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  • #2
That's called the del operator, and it is a concise way of representing a number of different operations in vector calculus. Maxwell's equations use two of these operations: divergence and curl. The divergence of a vector field is a scalar field that rougly measures how much the field is flowing into or out of each point. The curl is a vector field that measures how much it curls around each point, with the magnitude of the vector representing the magnitude of the curl and the direction representing the direction of flow (the same way the angular momentum vector works). To actually compute these quantities, the del operator can be written as [itex]\frac{d}{dx}\hat x+\frac{d}{dy}\hat y+\frac{d}{dz}\hat z[/itex], and then the appropriate operations (dot or cross products) can be performed on the field, substituting the differential operation for multiplication. This only works in cartesian coordinates, and in other systems (eg, spherical), the del operator is written differently.
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  • #3
So, just to clarify, if you had the electric field as some vector'd take the derivative of that vector, then dot or cross that derivative with the original electric field function, as shown here?

deloperator(E)= E' x E

Where E=electrive field (vector), E' = the derivative of the electric field.

Or have I just horribly confused it?

Also, is there any advantage to using the differential forms over integral forms?

EDIT: By derivative, I mean take the derivative of each vector component with respect to that components axis.
  • #4
No, I'm sorry, I should have been clearer. You treat the del as if it were a vector. So if the vector field has components Ex, Ey, and Ez, then dotting the del (taking the divergence) would look like this:

[tex] \nabla \cdot E= (\frac{d}{dx} \hat x + \frac{d}{dy} \hat y + \frac{d}{dz} \hat z) \cdot (E_x \hat x + E_y \hat y +E_z \hat z)[/tex]

[tex] = \frac{d}{dx} E_x + \frac{d}{dy} E_y + \frac{d}{dz} E_z = \frac{dE_x}{dx} + \frac{dE_y}{dy} + \frac{dE_z}{dz} [/tex]

Curl is a little more complicated, but it's the same idea. As for the usefulness of each form, it all depends on what you're trying to do. Gauss' law, for example, is usually used in its integral form for most problems. I would say that most proofs and derivations of things like EM waves and the energy and momentum stored in the fields are easier using the differential forms of the equations.
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  • #5
Thanks a 3x10^8 ;) .

FAQ: Maxwell's Equations: Symbols & Understanding

What are Maxwell's Equations?

Maxwell's Equations are a set of four fundamental equations that describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields. They were developed by Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century and are the basis of classical electromagnetism.

What do the symbols in Maxwell's Equations represent?

The symbols in Maxwell's Equations represent physical quantities such as electric and magnetic fields, charges, and currents. Some of the key symbols include E for electric field, B for magnetic field, ρ for charge density, and J for current density.

How do Maxwell's Equations relate to each other?

The four Maxwell's Equations are interconnected and describe the relationship between electric and magnetic fields. They show that changing electric fields can create magnetic fields and vice versa, and that electric and magnetic fields can affect each other. Together, these equations help explain many electromagnetic phenomena.

Why are Maxwell's Equations important?

Maxwell's Equations are considered one of the most important discoveries in physics because they provide a unified framework for understanding electricity and magnetism. They have been instrumental in the development of many technologies, including radio, television, and telecommunications. They also paved the way for Einstein's theory of relativity.

Can Maxwell's Equations be modified or extended?

Yes, over the years, scientists have modified and extended Maxwell's Equations to account for new discoveries and phenomena. For example, the equations were expanded to include the effects of relativity and quantum mechanics, resulting in the development of quantum electrodynamics (QED). Additionally, Maxwell's Equations have been modified to incorporate the concept of electromagnetic waves, which play a crucial role in modern technology.
