What R-Score is Needed for McGill's Honours Math and Physics Program?

In summary, McGill tends to have inflated R-Score requirements--ask around at your Cegep--or call McGill, they should help.
  • #1
Hi, I am currently completing my DEC in Cegep and I'm looking forward to pursue my study in physics and math. Since Laval don't offer Math and Phys program, I'm considering McGill honours program. Sadly for me, on their website they don't give a precise R-Score for the admission to this honours programs. So if anyone could tell me what they mean by ''completion of the usual course with high standing'' (like under or above 30 of R-Score) it would be very appreciated.

And also, is Université Laval as bad as I've heard for theoritical physics?

Thanks a lot
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
McGill tends to have inflated R-Score requirements--ask around at your Cegep--or call McGill, they should help. I did my first degree there and the general rule is expect an R-Score roughly 3-5 points higher than everywhere else. I believe the requirement is about 26 at Concordia so around 30 sounds about right.
  • #3
Hi q123,

From McGill's website: http://www.mcgill.ca/applying/standards/cegep/

You need to check under the sciences category (sounds like you need an R-score of at least 27).

As for Laval, I have no idea.
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  • #4
I believe that only applies to the regular program.
  • #5
Well, considering that I've heard of people with 37 and 39 R-scores getting refused from McGill's medicine program... I'd say 30 is maybe a little low for honors. At least 32 should be good.
  • #6
So if I average 35 for the Math,Chem an Phys class, I got a chance ?
  • #7
question123 said:
So if I average 35 for the Math,Chem an Phys class, I got a chance ?

Depends, what;s your overall R-score? Good? Average? They don't just look at science courses, they consider everything else too.
  • #8
33 overall
  • #9
I would say it's good enough (but I don't run admissions)--best of luck to you.
  • #10
A 30 is at least good enough, 33 is more than good enough. This isn't med school, undergraduate math and physics isn't competitive.
  • #11
I also think you'll be fine. Good luck!
  • #12
Thank you for your answers :)

FAQ: What R-Score is Needed for McGill's Honours Math and Physics Program?

1. What is McGill-Honours Math and Physics?

McGill-Honours Math and Physics is an undergraduate program offered at McGill University in Canada. It combines the study of mathematics and physics, providing students with a strong foundation in both subjects.

2. What courses are typically included in the program?

The program includes courses in calculus, linear algebra, mechanics, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, and more. Students also have the opportunity to take elective courses in areas such as astrophysics, biophysics, and theoretical physics.

3. What are the career opportunities for graduates of this program?

Graduates of the McGill-Honours Math and Physics program are well-equipped for careers in fields such as research, engineering, data analysis, finance, and education. Many graduates also go on to pursue graduate studies in physics, mathematics, or related fields.

4. What sets this program apart from other math and physics programs?

This program offers a unique combination of mathematics and physics courses, providing students with a strong interdisciplinary foundation. Additionally, the program is highly selective and offers opportunities for undergraduate research and hands-on experience through laboratory courses.

5. How can I apply to the McGill-Honours Math and Physics program?

Students can apply directly to the program through McGill University's admissions website. The application process typically includes submitting transcripts, standardized test scores, and a personal statement. It is recommended that students have a strong background in mathematics and physics before applying to the program.

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