Understanding Radiation and Radiological Health: A Comprehensive Guide

In summary, Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) is a program used to simulate the radiation effects of particles in nuclear reactors. It has been updated recently to version 6.0, and includes new features such as on-the-fly doppler broadening.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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2023 Award
" 'New Mexico State University Radiation Safety Manual', is a program prepared by Katrina D. Doolittle with assistance from Trina F. Witter in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Broad Scope Type AB Radioactive Materials License issued to New Mexico State University.

This document is a compilation of much policy original to the 1981 NMSU Radiation Safety Manual, practice and procedures developed by Katrina Doolittle, Radiation Safety Officer and radiation training information kindly supplied by Keith Carsten, Texas A & M Environmental Health and Safety Department. This manual complies with the provisions of 20 NMAC 3.1, State of New Mexico Radiation Protection Regulations as written by the Hazardous and Radioactive Bureau, Radiation Licensing and Registration Section of the New Mexico Environment Department."


This may be of use to those interested in some basics of radiation and radiactivity.

Key Words: Radiation Safety, Health Physics, Radiological Health
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Likes DeBangis21
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
This book provides some useful information on various chemistry topics in LWRs.

It is a bit dated, so some of the numbers pertaining to the operating conditions of BWRs and PWRs are a bit off, although close.


The appendices are particularly useful, as are the figures.


1. Brief Description of Nuclear Power Reactor Systems and Primary Coolant Chemistry (1-10)

2. Radioactivity Productions in Nuclear Reactors (11-30)

3. Fission Products (31-68)

4. Activated Corrosion Products (69-112)

5. Water and Impurity Activation Products (113-124)

6. Radiation Chemistry in Reactor Coolant (125-142)

7. Assay of Radiactive Waste (143-158)

8. Special Radiochemical Studies (159-188)

A. Nuclear Data (189-216)

B. Sampling Practices and Sample Preparation for Radiochemical Analyses (217-228)

C. Gamma-Ray Specrometric Analysis (229-244)

D. Counting Geometric Corrections in Gamma-Radiation Measurements (245-250)

E. Selected Radiochemical Procedures (251-277)

The water chemistry practices have changed considerably since 1996. BWRs use Zn-injection with depleted Zn (depleted in Zn-64), and now many use noble metal injection in order to reduce the need for hydrogen injection in the primary system (used to reduce ECP). PWRs use Zn-injection, and higher pH, typically > 7.0, and as close to 7.4 during the latter part of the cycle. Several plants use Li above 3 and up to nearly 6 ppm. Ideally B content is less than 1200 ppm.
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Likes DeBangis21 and Charlie K Trout
  • #3
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Likes DeBangis21, zhj2024, tmanici and 5 others
  • #4
Thank you for sharing.
  • #5
I hope you are doing well.

I am working on the effect of temperature on sample benchmarks (HEU-MET-FAST-nnn).

I change the temperature of each benchmark code by specifying "tmp" value in cell cards, and changing the "ZAID" in Data cards. But I think there still is something to change or to worry about in the code if I want for example to change the default temperature of the code to "600K".

Please if someone has an idea about this. I will be thankful.

Best regards.
  • #10

Monte Carlo N-Particle Simulations for Nuclear Detection and Safeguards​

An Examples-Based Guide for Students and Practitioners


John S. Hendricks (MCNP developer), Martyn T. Swinhoe, Andrea Favalli (MCNP users/practitioners)
  • Presents the first book treatment of Monte Carlo N-Particle simulations for special nuclear materials measurements
  • Provides step-by-step examples based on real-world problems
  • Imparts the authors’ insights based on decades of experience in Monte Carlo code design and use
  • This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access
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Likes Alex A