[MCNP5] Error when use Fm, De/Dm with Fmesh

In summary, the conversation is about a person seeking help with an error they are receiving while using MCNP5 and Fmesh4 and Fm, De / Df. They have found an example in a manual that uses Fmesh4 with Fm, De / Df, but they are still getting the same error. Another person suggests checking the syntax and provides a revised file that works with MCNP6. The person seeking help realizes that they have been using "vised" instead of running MCNP5 directly and successfully runs the file by copying it to the MCNP VisEd folder.
  • #1
Hello everyone,
I do need your help in this matter, please kindly help me solve this problem
I use MCNP5 and i run a simple example using Fmesh4 and Fm, De / Df but I get an error:
" fatal error. no tally associated with response function -1"
" fatal error. no tally associated with fm card -1 "

If I remove Fm and De / Df or replace Fmesh4 by F4 then there is no error.
Thank you!

1 1 -1 3 5 -4 -2 -6 7
2 0 -1 #1
3 0 1

1 so 30
2 pz 0
3 pz -5
4 px 4
5 px -4
6 py 3
7 py -3

mode n
m1 1001.60c -0.111898 $Nuoc
8016.60c -0.888102
imp:n 1 1r 0 $ 1, 3
sdef pos= 0.00000000 0.00000000 15.00000000
vec= 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.00000000
axs= 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.00000000
ara= 78.53982
c The vecor defining the direction of each new particle is set to be
c perpedicular to the disk's surface
c The angular sampling (mu) of the source is set to one, ensuring the
c particles are always traveling along the vec direction
c The dir and vec options ensure a monodirectional source
c The radial distribution from the axs vector is distribution d1 (si1,sp1)
c The energy distribution is described by si2,sp2
si1 0 5
c si1 specifies the radius is be between the discrete values of 0 and 5 cm
c sp1 -21 1
c sp1 specifies the distribtion is a power law p(x)=c|x|^a, where a=1
c This makes the source creation uniform over the disk's area
c si2 S 5 6 7
c Energy Distribution for "epithermal" neutron beam
c 10% thermal (<0.5 eV) 89% epithermal (0.5 eV to and 1% fast
c sp2 0.1 0.89 0.01
c sb2 0.05 0.15 0.8
# si2 sp2
0 0
1.00e-09 0.000609576
1.01e-07 0.99433306
2.01e-07 0.004941244
3.01e-07 8.46637E-05
4.01e-07 1.84198E-05
5.01e-07 8.43799E-06
6.01e-07 1.56881E-06
7.01e-07 1.02785E-06
8.01e-07 5.95067E-07
9.01e-07 9.73748E-07
1.00e-06 4.32776E-07
fmesh4:n origin -4 -0.5 -5 imesh 4 jmesh 0.5 kmesh 0&
iints 8 jints 1 kints 5 out=ik
fm4 1.11e9
# de4 df4
2.50e-08 3.67E-06
1.00e-07 3.67E-06
1.00e-06 4.46E-06
1.00e-05 4.54E-06
1.00e-04 4.18E-06
1.00e-03 3.76E-06
1.00e-02 3.56E-06
1.00e-01 2.17E-05
5.00e-01 9.26E-05
1 1.32E-04
2.5 1.25E-04
5 1.56E-04
7 1.47E-04
10 1.47E-04
14 2.08E-04
20 2.27E-04
nps 5e5
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
please, help me
  • #3
I'm not a user of MCNP, however, I found the following example.

Khanh55 said:
fm4 1.11e9
See some examples in https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/ha...51-fall-2005/contents/labs/lab4presentatn.pdf

Last page in linked file
c Reaction Rates
fc4 reaction rates
f4:n 1100
sd4 2.10829
e4 0.625E-6 20.0 T
fm4 (1.0 1000 (-6))
(1.0 1001 (102))

Earlier in the pdf
F4 Tally example


Make sure the syntax for FM, FM4 or F4 tally is correct for one's problem.
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Likes Khanh55
  • #4
Thank you
But in this link do not use Fmesh, only use F4.
I'm sure my syntax is correct because in my article, if I replace Fmesh4 by F4 then run normally or use Fmesh4 and remove Fm, De / Df will run normally.
I have found an example in manual of MCNP5 that use Fmesh4 with Fm, De / Df (MCNP5_Lattice_Speed_Tally_Report__-_LAUR-04-3400. Page 35), but running on my laptop still have this error. I have tried running on some other laptop and still have the same error. Really can not understand
  • #5
there are small problems in your file,
but if you revise the file it gives that :


The problem comes wth the SDEF definition you forgetted the "5 spaces" after:
vec, axs, ara, dir, rad, erg

I put my file which is ok with MCNP6 and Moritz,
hope it helps,


  • pfMCNP.txt
    1.9 KB · Views: 707
  • #6
PSRB191921 said:
there are small problems in your file,
but if you revise the file it gives that :

View attachment 209052

The problem comes wth the SDEF definition you forgetted the "5 spaces" after:
vec, axs, ara, dir, rad, erg

I put my file which is ok with MCNP6 and Moritz,
hope it helps,
Thank you very much.

I run your file with MCNP5 but still error, maybe MCNP5 can not use Fm, De / Df with Fmesh. Is there any way to be able to calculate Tally F4 the same as using Fmesh?
MCNP6 has been upgraded a lot, unfortunately my university does not have MCNP6, only MCNP5
  • #7
I tried my file with MCNP5 and it's ok (see attached file) .
It's non ok with MCNPX.
When I look at your first post, it seams that you run MCNP with "vised". Probably "vised" runs MCNPX and not MCNP5. For that read your output file (ASCII file not with vised) and look the first lines: you can know what version of MCNP runs.


  • outf.txt
    16.8 KB · Views: 646
  • #8
Now I understand. MCNP5 v1.6 can do that.
How to get it ...? Real headache
thank you very much
  • #9
Haha, success!
I copied the input file to the MCNP VisEd folder (bin folder), and run MCNP5 from CMD
Thanks everyone
  • #10
Cool for you
Hope I helped you a little bit
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Likes Khanh55

FAQ: [MCNP5] Error when use Fm, De/Dm with Fmesh

1. What does the error "Fm, De/Dm not supported with Fmesh" mean?

This error means that the combination of using Fm (fixed mesh) and De/Dm (density-to-macroscopic cross section ratio) in MCNP5 is not supported. This may be due to limitations in the software or conflicts with other input parameters.

2. How can I fix this error when using Fm, De/Dm with Fmesh in MCNP5?

One way to fix this error is to use a different combination of input parameters. For example, you could try using a different mesh type or using a different method for specifying the material density. You may also need to adjust other input parameters to ensure compatibility.

3. Is there a workaround for using Fm, De/Dm with Fmesh in MCNP5?

There may be some workarounds for using Fm, De/Dm with Fmesh in MCNP5, such as using a different version of the software or modifying the source code. However, these workarounds may not be officially supported by the software developers and may not be recommended for use in critical applications.

4. Are there any other common errors that occur when using Fm, De/Dm with Fmesh in MCNP5?

There may be other errors that occur when using Fm, De/Dm with Fmesh in MCNP5, such as input errors or conflicts with other input parameters. It is important to carefully review all input parameters and ensure they are compatible with each other before running a simulation.

5. Is there a newer version of MCNP that supports Fm, De/Dm with Fmesh?

There may be newer versions of MCNP that support Fm, De/Dm with Fmesh, but it is important to check the software documentation or contact the developers to confirm this. It is also possible that the newer version may have different limitations or requirements for using these input parameters.
