MCNP6.2: F6:N and F6:P tallies vs +F6 tallies?

  • Thread starter 19matthew89
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TL;DR Summary
In case of MODE:N P, is +F6=F6:N+F6:P

I am checking whether, in case of a MODE:N P, tallies can be compared.
In theory, is +F6=F6:N+F6:P? If so, my numbers do not add up.

But maybe it's due to the role of SD card, so here there is an aside question: how does SD card affect the F6 tallies? Is it exactly like for F4 and F2? For instance, for F4, is the value of the tally without SD equal to the values of the tally with SD * (values of SD/volume)?

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
Whatever the SD card does to +F6 should be the same for F6:N or F6:P.

The manual describes +F6 as "collision" and F6 as "track length." There is some description of these in the theory manual. Presumably they will converge for large numbers of particles. Do your numbers match within the statistical error estimate?
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Grelbr42 said:
Whatever the SD card does to +F6 should be the same for F6:N or F6:P.

The manual describes +F6 as "collision" and F6 as "track length." There is some description of these in the theory manual. Presumably they will converge for large numbers of particles. Do your numbers match within the statistical error estimate?
Hi! Thanks.

I have actually checked and using SD= 1 for F6:N, F6:P and +F6 gives exactly the result I was expecting, namely +F6=F6:N+F6:P.

So I guess that the discrepancy I had found when I had used SD for +F6 but not for F6:P and F6:N had to do with what SD actually does.
  • #4
EDIT: solved

The normalization of F6 tallies is to the
where rho is the density used in defining the cell.