Mean and s.d. of product of two variables

In summary, the author is not a math wizard and now needs to calculate the mean and s.d. of the product of two variables. Apparently there is a delta method that should be able to do the trick, but the author doesn't know how to apply it. They found a paper that might help, but it's too much for the author to understand.
  • #1
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I'm not a math wizard and now I need to calculate the mean and s.d. of the product of two variables. Apparently there is a delta method that should be able to do the trick, but I don't know how to apply it. I have SPSS, should that be able to help me out?
Physics news on
  • #2
I found this:

Unfortunately the formulas are a bit too much for me. Does the second formula on page 2 make sense to anyone?
  • #3
In general you need to use an approximation method (e.g. Taylor series) or simulation.

A useful formula is: E[XY] = E[X]E[Y] + Cov[X,Y]. This assumes you know the covariance between X and Y.

As for the formulas, Y = g(X) is approximated around the mean of X, m, as g(m) + (X - m)g'(m) + (X - m)^2 g"(m)/2. In a first order approximation the second-order term (X - m)^2 g"(m)/2 is assumed zero, so I can write Y = g(m) + (X - m)g'(m) and therefore E[Y] = E[g(m) + (X - m)g'(m)] = E[g(m)] + E[(X - m)g'(m)]. Since m is a constant, for an arbitrary function h and an arbitrary random variable Z, E[h(m)] = h(m) and E[Z h(m)] = h(m)E[Z]. Hence E[Y] = g(m) + g'(m)E[(X - m)] = g(m) + g'(m)(E[X] - m) = g(m), because E[X] = m.

In a second-order approximation, you have the additional term E[(X - m)^2 g"(m)/2] = g"(m)E[(X - m)^2]/2 = g"(m)Var[X]/2.

I would definitely have logged in as EnumaElish had PF administration awarded that account the privilege of posting replies, after I reset my e-mail address Tuesday, October 28, 2008.
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FAQ: Mean and s.d. of product of two variables

What is the formula for calculating the mean of the product of two variables?

The mean of the product of two variables can be calculated by multiplying the means of the individual variables. In other words, it is the product of the two means.

How do you calculate the standard deviation of the product of two variables?

The standard deviation of the product of two variables can be calculated using the formula: √(s1^2 * s2^2 + m1^2 * s2^2 + m2^2 * s1^2), where s1 and s2 are the standard deviations of the two variables, and m1 and m2 are the means of the two variables.

Can the mean and standard deviation of the product of two variables be negative?

Yes, the mean and standard deviation of the product of two variables can be negative. This typically occurs when the two variables have opposite effects on each other.

How does the correlation between two variables affect the mean and standard deviation of their product?

The correlation between two variables has no effect on the mean of their product. However, it does affect the standard deviation of their product. If the two variables are positively correlated, the standard deviation of their product will be smaller than if they were uncorrelated. If the two variables are negatively correlated, the standard deviation of their product will be larger than if they were uncorrelated.

What are some real-life applications of calculating the mean and standard deviation of the product of two variables?

Calculating the mean and standard deviation of the product of two variables is commonly used in finance and economics, such as in measuring the risk of a portfolio consisting of two assets. It can also be used in scientific research to determine the relationship between two variables and to analyze the impact of one variable on the other.
