Meaning of \bigcup Symbol & Index Set Explained

In summary, an index set is used to label or order other sets, allowing for a flexible notation for collections of sets. The \bigcup symbol and the expression \bigcup_{t \in T} A_t denotes the union of all A_t sets, which contains all the elements of each set. The purpose of an index set is to make the notation applicable to finite, countably infinite, or uncountably infinite collections of sets.
  • #1
T is an index set. And for each [tex]t \in T[/tex] [tex] A_t [/tex] is a set
[tex]\bigcup_{t \in T} A_t = \{x : \exists t \in T with x \in A_t \}[/tex]
What means this [tex]\bigcup[/tex] symbol and entire expression?
And question on index set: is it used just for orderring any other set?
Physics news on
  • #2
It's the union. If A and B are sets, [itex]A\cup B[/itex] denotes the union of A and B. It's that set which contains all the elements of A and those of B. So
[tex]A \cup B = \{x|x\in A \vee x\in B\}[/tex]

To generalize this to a union of an arbitrary number of sets is easy. That's exactly what your expression is: the union of all [itex]A_t[/itex].
  • #3
thank you very much, Galileo!
What about my guess about "index set"?
  • #4
I didn't understand what you meant exactly, but I think you have the right idea. The index set is just there to label the other sets. This way you can make T finite, countably infinite or uncountably infinite with the same notation. So the collection of sets A_t may be a finite, or infinite collection of any cardinality.
  • #5
I just stumbled onto this post and it relates exactly to what I'm trying to figure out. This concept of an index set is very baffling to me. Can you give a little more detail on what exactly an index set is?

FAQ: Meaning of \bigcup Symbol & Index Set Explained

1. What does the symbol ∪ stand for?

The symbol ∪ is read as "union" and is used to represent the union of two or more sets. It means that all the elements from each set are combined to create a new set without any repeated elements.

2. How is the union of sets represented mathematically?

The union of two sets A and B is represented as A ∪ B. This can also be extended to more than two sets, for example, A ∪ B ∪ C represents the union of three sets.

3. What is an index set?

An index set is a set of numbers or symbols that are used to label elements in a mathematical expression or function. It is usually denoted by the letter I and is used to keep track of the elements in a set or sequence.

4. How is an index set used with the union symbol?

An index set is used to specify which sets are being included in the union. For example, if we have sets A, B, C, and D, we can represent their union as ⋃i∈I Ai, where I is the index set and Ai represents the different sets included in the union.

5. What is the significance of the union symbol in mathematics?

The union symbol is an important concept in mathematics as it allows us to combine multiple sets and create new sets. It is also used in various mathematical operations such as set theory, probability, and geometry. Additionally, it helps us to understand the relationship between sets and solve problems involving multiple sets.
