Meaning of Constants of Motion in General Relativity

If there is a Killing vector field, then there will be conserved quantities along any geodesic worldline, and different KVFs will correspond to different conserved quantities.In the case of the Kerr spacetime, there are two KVFs that have a particularly simple interpretation. One is the ##\phi## KVF, which corresponds to the conservation of angular momentum along a geodesic worldline. (Note that we're still talking about a test particle, which by definition has no angular momentum of its own. But its motion can still be influenced by the angular momentum of the central body.) The other is the timelike Killing vector field that corresponds to stationarity; this is the one that has a "
  • #1
I have a mess in interpretation of constants in description of movement in GR.

First of all I define Lagrangian ##l=1/2g_{\mu\nu}u^{\mu}u^{\nu}##, and I would like to talk about axial smyetric spacetime (for example Kerr black hole) ##l(r,\theta)##. l is independent from ##t## and ##\phi## i.e. ##\frac{dl}{d\dot{t}}=const.=-E=u_t## and ##\frac{dl}{d\dot{\phi}}=const.=L=u_{\phi}##.
One can say, ##E## is energy of test particle measured by static observer at infinity and ##L## is angular momentum of test particle measured by static observer at infinity.
Then I may define a localy non rotating frame (LNRF) as frame at some ##r## and has ##L=0## (this frame rotates only thanks a dragging by rotating central body).

1) Are my definition and everything above alright?
2) If I won't be a static observer at infinity and I will measure the energy (##u_t##) of a test particle. Is true that I do not find a value ##-E##? For what and why it will be different?
3) Will I find the value ##-E## for ##u_t## if I will be in LNRF? Or is there some conection with LNRF and measuring ##u_t=-E##?
4) Does it have some conection with killing vectors? For example if I move in direction of some killing vector I will measure same things as static observer at infinity or something like that?
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  • #2
Vrbic said:
Are my definition and everything above alright?

They look OK as far as they go, but I would recommend consulting a reference such as the Matt Visser paper linked to below, which will help with standardized definitions and notation:

Vrbic said:
If I won't be a static observer at infinity and I will measure the energy (##u_t##) of a test particle. Is true that I do not find a value ##-E##?

Yes. (Note also that your sign convention for the energy at infinity appears to be nonstandard; usually it is defined as ##+E##.)

Vrbic said:
For what and why it will be different?

Because the static observer measuring the energy is not at infinity. If you want to think about ##E## as a constant of the motion for the test object, that's fine, but the static observer's measurement of the energy doesn't just depend on the properties of the test object. It also depends on the properties of the observer, and in particular on his 4-velocity. The 4-velocity of a static observer not at infinity is different from the 4-velocity of a static

observer at infinity; that is why his measurement of the energy of the test particle is different.

Vrbic said:
Will I find the value ##-E## for ##u_t## if I will be in LNRF?

In general I don't think so. See below.

Vrbic said:
is there some conection with LNRF and measuring ##u_t=-E##?

Only in the sense that the measurement of the test particle's energy depends on the 4-velocity of the observer measuring it. Also, it depends on the particular trajectory being followed by the test particle, i.e., on the test particle's angular momentum ##L##, as well as ##E##.

Vrbic said:
Does it have some conection with killing vectors?

Yes. Can you see what it is? Does it help to have the hint that the reason why the Lagrangian is independent of ##t## and ##\phi## has something to do with Killing vectors?
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  • #3
Thank you very much for long answer. I probably try to calculate energy for some typical observers at some random places and I guess I will find what is happening. If you know about some good text where solve such things please give some link.

I'm sorry, I forgot to mention, that I use signature of metric in this way (-,+,+,+). Maybe nonstandard but I started with that so I continue :-)

PeterDonis said:
Yes. Can you see what it is? Does it help to have the hint that the reason why the Lagrangian is independent of ttt and ϕϕ\phi has something to do with Killing vectors?
Killing vectors are connected with symmetries of the spacetime and also I may say that "values" of metric coefficients are constant in this direction. True?

Theorem of Noether connects symmetries and constants of motion. A independence of the Lagrangian on ##t## and ##\phi## says that there are symmetries.
Well, now I probably start to understand. So if I'm talking about constants of motion and if I will move in direction of some Killing vector I'm still measure same value of these constants. But NOT same as at infinity (if I'm not starting in infinity). Do you agree?

Now LNRF observer is moving only in direction of Killing vectors - true?
  • #4
Vrbic said:
Killing vectors are connected with symmetries of the spacetime


Vrbic said:
also I may say that "values" of metric coefficients are constant in this direction

This is a bit vague, but the general answer is that any property of the metric coefficients, which are expressed in terms of a particular coordinate chart, will depend on your choice of coordinates.

A better statement is that the local spacetime geometry remains constant along integral curves of any Killing vector field. That statement is independent of any choice of coordinates.

Vrbic said:
Theorem of Noether connects symmetries and constants of motion. A independence of the Lagrangian on ##t## and ##\phi## says that there are symmetries.

Yes, and to each one corresponds a constant of geodesic motion. (The qualifier is crucial--see below.)

Vrbic said:
if I'm talking about constants of motion and if I will move in direction of some Killing vector I'm still measure same value of these constants

No. You're mixing up two different things.

If you move along an integral curve of a Killing vector field, the local spacetime geometry stays the same. (Note that this "motion" might not actually be possible in terms of an observer following such an integral curve; that is only possible if the Killing vector field is timelike. In Kerr spacetime outside the static limit, the KVF corresponding to the ##t## coordinate is timelike. But the KVF corresponding to the ##\phi## coordinate is not; it's spacelike. So no observer can actually move along the integral curves of the ##\phi## KVF.)

If you move on a geodesic worldline, then for each KVF, there will be a constant of your motion. Note that your worldline itself will be timelike, but it will not, in general, be an integral curve of any KVF. But that doesn't matter for constants of the motion: the constant of the motion is just the inner product of your 4-momentum with the appropriate Killing vector. For example, in Kerr spacetime we have two KVFs, which we can call ##T^\mu## and ##\Phi^\mu##. Then, for an observer with 4-momentum ##P_\mu## moving on a geodesic worldline, there will be two constants of the motion: ##E = T^\mu P_\mu## and ##L = \Phi^\mu P_\mu##.

Vrbic said:
LNRF observer is moving only in direction of Killing vectors - true?

No. See above.
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  • #5
The velocity going into the energy and angular momentum is measured relative to the locally nonrotating observer (the ZAMO), and given by

[tex]\rm E_{total}= E_{kin}+E_{pot}+E_{rest} = \sqrt{\frac{\Delta \ \Sigma}{(1-v^2) \ ((a^2+r^2)^2-a^2 \Delta \sin ^2 \theta)}} + \Omega \ L_z = const[/tex]

for the total energy,

[tex] \rm {L_z = \frac{v_{\phi} \ \bar{\omega}^2 \ \sin \theta}{\sqrt{1-v^2}}} = const[/tex]

with the radius of gyration

[tex] \rm \bar{\omega} = \sqrt{\frac{\left(a^2+r^2\right)^2-a^2 \Delta \sin ^2(\theta )}{a^2 \cos ^2 \theta +r^2}}[/tex]

for the axial and

[tex] \rm p_{\theta} = \frac{v_{\theta} \ \sqrt{\bar{\omega}^2+z^2}}{\sqrt{1-v^2}}[/tex]

for the polar component of the angular momentum. So the kinetic component of the energy is always the special relativistic one:

[tex]\rm E_{kin}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^2}}-1[/tex]

where v is measured by a local and locally stationary probe. An observer at infinity does not measure

[tex]\rm v=\sqrt{v_{r}^2+v_{\phi}^2+v_{\theta}^2}[/tex]

but rather

[tex]\rm v'=\sqrt{\dot x^2+\dot y^2+\dot z^2}[/tex]

(overdot is differentiation by proper time τ) with

[tex] \rm x = \sqrt {r^2 + a^2} \sin\theta \ \cos\phi \ , \ y = \sqrt {r^2 + a^2} \sin\theta \ \sin\phi \ , \ z = r \cos\theta \quad[/tex]

using natural units with

[tex]\rm G=M=c=1[/tex]

The two shorthand terms Δ and Σ are

[tex]\rm \Sigma =a^2 \cos ^2 \theta +r^2 \ , \ \ \Delta =a^2+r^2-2 r[/tex]

Also see page 5, page 2 and Wikipedia: Kerr equations of motion
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FAQ: Meaning of Constants of Motion in General Relativity

1. What are constants of motion in general relativity?

Constants of motion in general relativity are quantities that do not change over time, even in the presence of gravitational forces. They are derived from the symmetries of spacetime and are important for understanding the behavior of objects in a gravitational field.

2. How are constants of motion related to the laws of physics?

Constants of motion are closely related to the laws of physics, specifically the conservation laws. They represent quantities that are conserved in a closed system, such as energy, momentum, and angular momentum. In general relativity, these constants are still conserved, but they are modified due to the curvature of spacetime.

3. Can constants of motion change in certain situations?

Yes, constants of motion can change in certain situations, particularly when the spacetime is not static or has strong gravitational fields. In these cases, the equations of motion may not have symmetries that allow for the existence of constants of motion.

4. How do constants of motion affect the motion of objects in a gravitational field?

Constants of motion determine the trajectories of objects in a gravitational field. They provide information about the direction and magnitude of an object's motion at any point in time. The values of these constants also play a key role in determining the shape and properties of orbits, such as the precession of Mercury's orbit.

5. Are constants of motion unique to general relativity?

No, constants of motion are not unique to general relativity. They exist in other areas of physics, such as classical mechanics and electromagnetism. However, in general relativity, constants of motion take on a different form due to the effects of gravity on spacetime.

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