Meaning of the Partition function

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of partition function and its application to a simple system, the harmonic oscillator. The confusion arises regarding the energy of the thermal bath and its connection to the energy of the oscillator. The suggestion is made to watch Professor Susskind's video lectures on Statistical Mechanics for a better understanding. The concept of ensemble and time averages are also mentioned as ways to understand the system through statistical mechanics.
  • #1
Hi all,
I am struggling to grasp the sense of the partition function.
First of all, I had a look at a couple of derivations (which the relevant Wikipedia page follows) in which the concept of heat"energy of a thermal bath" is invoked. Well this is already confusing me: if the thermal bath has an infinite heat capacity I cannot see how it could have a finite energy (or a finite size).
But then I somehow follow the derivation until I am presented with the partition function of a single harmonic oscillator. The partition assigns probabilities to the HO having a certain energy. Well, I do not follow. The HO will have an energy, at a certain moment in time, given by its Hamiltonian. If such energy starys constant, the concept of partition function loses meaning. So I am led to think the thermal bath varies the energy of the oscillator, but how? In derivation bases on gases I see the link between tempertaure and pressure (related to the particles kinetic energy) via the state equation, but I do not see such link for the harmonic oscillator. Finally I do not understand how statistical mechanics could be applied to such a simple system, the harmonic oscillator. For example, what is the meaning of the entropy of a harmonic oscillator?
Any help would be so appreciated.
Thank you lots
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  • #2
May I recommend Professor Susskind's video lectures. A 10 lecture course on Statistical Mechanics starts here.
Believe me, it will be well worth your time.
  • #3
muzialis said:
Hi all,
Well this is already confusing me: if the thermal bath has an infinite heat capacity I cannot see how it could have a finite energy (or a finite size).
It's an idealization. Just imagine a system big enough that any heat exchange you have with it will not change its temperature. In a real-life situation, for a small system the air in a room can be considered big enough.

muzialis said:
The HO will have an energy, at a certain moment in time, given by its Hamiltonian. If such energy starys constant, the concept of partition function loses meaning. So I am led to think the thermal bath varies the energy of the oscillator, but how?
But what is the Hamiltonian? I guess you are imagining the Hamiltonian of an isolated h.o. What you have now is a h.o. coupled to a termal bath. The full Hamitonian would consist of the Hamiltonina for the isolated h.o., plus that for the isolated bath, plus the coupling between the two. If you trace over the degrees of freedom of the bath, you are left with a system, the h.o., where the energy fluctuates.

muzialis said:
Finally I do not understand how statistical mechanics could be applied to such a simple system, the harmonic oscillator.
You can see it through an ensemble average, considering that you have many copies of an identical system, or though a time average of a single system. In both cases, since you don't know the exact state of the bath or its evolution, it is through statistical mechanics that you gain information.

Related to Meaning of the Partition function

What is the meaning of the partition function in statistical mechanics?

The partition function is a mathematical concept used in statistical mechanics to describe the distribution of particles in a system. It is a sum of all the possible states of a system, weighted by their energies. Essentially, it provides a way to calculate the probability of a given state occurring in a system.

How is the partition function related to entropy?

The partition function is directly related to entropy through the Boltzmann equation, which states that entropy is equal to the natural logarithm of the partition function. This means that the larger the partition function, the higher the entropy and the more disordered the system is.

What is the significance of the partition function in thermodynamics?

In thermodynamics, the partition function is used to calculate the thermodynamic properties of a system, such as internal energy, free energy, and heat capacity. It allows us to connect the microscopic properties of a system to its macroscopic behavior.

How does the partition function change with temperature?

The partition function is directly proportional to the temperature of a system. As the temperature increases, the number of accessible energy states also increases, resulting in a larger partition function. This relationship is important in understanding how a system behaves at different temperatures.

Can the partition function be used for classical and quantum systems?

Yes, the partition function can be used for both classical and quantum systems. In classical systems, the partition function is calculated by summing over all possible states, while in quantum systems, it is calculated using the trace of the density matrix. However, for large systems, it is more practical to use the classical partition function, as the number of possible states in a quantum system can become very large.

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