Measurable Function Composition: f∘g

In summary, the conversation discusses the measurability of the composition of two functions, where one is measurable and the other is Borel measurable. It is proven that if both functions are measurable, then their composition is also measurable. However, it is asked if this still holds true if only one function is measurable. It is mentioned that a suitable definition of measurability is that the pull-back of open sets must be measurable. The second part is deemed tricky and a counterexample is found on Stack Exchange. This helps the person tremendously and they express gratitude for the assistance.
  • #1
Another analysis review question:

Suppose that \(\displaystyle f:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) is a measurable function and that \(\displaystyle g:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) is a Borel (i.e. Borel measurable) function. Show that \(\displaystyle f\circ g\) is measurable.

If we only assume that g is measurable, is it still true that the composition \(\displaystyle f\circ g\) is measurable?
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  • #2
I'm fairly confident in my proof that \(\displaystyle f\circ g\) is measurable in the instance that g is Borel.

Note that a suitable definition of measurability is that f is measurable iff \(\displaystyle f^{-1}(U)\) is measurable for an arbitrary open set U in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{R}\). A similar definition can be written for a Borel function, i.e. that g is Borel iff \(\displaystyle g^{-1}(U)\) is a Borel set for an arbitrary open set U in \(\displaystyle \mathbb{R}\).

That being said, the first proof amounts to using the fact that the measurable sets form a sigma-algebra, and we may write the pull-back of a Borel set as the arbitrary union, intersection, and complement of the pull-back of open sets.

The second part is tricky. What I need to know is whether for an arbitrary measurable set \(\displaystyle E\subset\mathbb{R}\) and a measurable function f, we have \(\displaystyle f^{-1}(E)\) is measurable. My intuition is that this should not be the case, but finding a suitable counter-example has proven to be difficult.
  • #3
See the Wikipedia page about the composition of measurable functions, and see StackExchange for a counterexample concerning the composition of two Lebesgue-measurable functions.
  • #4
The Stack Exchange counterexample was exactly what I was looking for. You have helped me tremendously. Thank you.
  • #5

The composition of two measurable functions, f and g, is also measurable. This is because the composition of two measurable functions results in a new function that maps measurable sets to measurable sets. This can be proven by considering the preimage of a measurable set under the composition function f∘g. Since g is Borel measurable, the preimage of any Borel measurable set will also be Borel measurable. Then, since f is measurable, the preimage of the Borel measurable set under f will also be measurable. Therefore, the composition function f∘g maps measurable sets to measurable sets, making it measurable.

If we only assume that g is measurable, it is not necessarily true that the composition f∘g is also measurable. This is because the preimage of a measurable set under the composition function may not be measurable. For example, let g(x) = 1 for all x∈ℝ. This function is measurable since it maps all Borel measurable sets to the entire real line, which is measurable. However, let f(x) = 1 if x is rational and 0 if x is irrational. This function is not measurable since the preimage of any Borel measurable set under f will either be the entire real line (if the set contains a rational number) or the empty set (if the set contains only irrational numbers), neither of which are measurable. Therefore, the composition f∘g is not measurable.

FAQ: Measurable Function Composition: f∘g

1. What is Measurable Function Composition?

Measurable function composition is a mathematical concept that involves combining two measurable functions, f and g, to create a new function, f∘g. This new function represents the composition of the two original functions, where the output of g becomes the input of f.

2. How is Measurable Function Composition different from regular function composition?

Regular function composition involves combining two functions, where the output of the first function becomes the input of the second function. Measurable function composition, on the other hand, involves combining two measurable functions, which means that their outputs can be measured and compared in a meaningful way.

3. What are the properties of Measurable Function Composition?

There are several important properties of measurable function composition, including associativity, commutativity, and distributivity. These properties allow us to manipulate measurable functions in various ways and simplify complex expressions involving measurable function composition.

4. How is Measurable Function Composition used in real-world applications?

Measurable function composition has many practical applications, especially in fields such as economics, physics, and engineering. For example, it can be used to model complex systems and analyze data, as well as to optimize processes and make predictions based on measurable inputs.

5. Are there any limitations to Measurable Function Composition?

While measurable function composition is a powerful tool, it does have some limitations. For instance, it may not be possible to compose two measurable functions if their outputs are not compatible. Additionally, measurable function composition may not always result in a measurable function, depending on the properties of the original functions.

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