Measurement Issues: POVM, Neumann and generalized

In summary, the conversation discussed the differences between POVM measurement and Neumann measurement theory, with the conclusion that the former is a more realistic and general formulation. POVMs allow for "fuzzy" measurements and do not have a unique representation, but they are necessary for solving certain problems. References to lecture notes and Wikipedia were provided for further information.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Measurement Issues: POVM, Neumann and generalized

What is a POVM measurement? How is it different from Nuemann
measurement theory and what would be the most general measurement
Please keep things discrete and not continuous.
Physics news on
  • #2
km wrote:
> What is a POVM measurement? How is it different from Nuemann
> measurement theory

It is much more realistic - von Neumann measurements are highly
idealized. For example, the latter don't capture such things as
approximate joint measurements of position and momentum (to
accuracies allowed by the uncertainty relation).

> and what would be the most general measurement formulation?

The POVM is the most general formulation in current use.
is a set of lecture notes about quantum computation
which gives a reasonable background on measurement models.

p. 39 features the ideal Copenhagen measurement of a pure
quantum system; both pureness and ideal measurement are,
however, unrealistic idealizations in most circumstances.

p. 49ff discusses the density matrix, describing more realistic
quantum systems, and p. 81ff discusses POVMs, describing more
realistic measurements.Arnold Neumaier
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  • #3
Here's a gentle summary:

In the orthodox formulation of quantum mechanics, real observables are
represented by self-adjoint operators. The thing that is really special
about these operators is that they can be represented as
Projection-Valued Measures (PVMs). In the three-dimensional case this
means that each possible value of the observable is 'linked to' an
orthogonal projection operator in such a way that the self adjoint
operator can be written: A = aP + bQ + cR, where P, Q, and R are
mutually orthogonal and sum to the identity (i.e. P+Q+R=I). This turns
out to be equivalent to saying that A can be written in an appropriate
basis as diag(a,b,c), but the PVM form turns out to lead to an
important generalization - namely the Positive Operator-Valued Measure

There are lots of arguments for the utility of the POVM but one
important one is that they allow us to extend the standard formalism in
a consistent way to allow us to admit 'fuzzy' measurements rather than
perfectly 'clean' ones. The extension consists in demanding only that
the P, Q, and R be postive Hermitian operators which sum to the
identity, which entails the PVM as a special case. In the case of a
POVM the value of the expression <a|P|a> could be interpreted, for
example, as the probability of outcome 'a' occurring in a measuring
arrangement which sometimes makes mistakes about the thing it is
'trying' to measure.

One reason they are trickier to work with is that they don't in general
have a unique representation as a self-adjoint operator, which means
you have to work with measure-theoretic constructs rather than the more
ubiquitous algebra of our old friend Dirac. But since there are
important problems that can only be solved using POVMs, it looks like
they're here to stay.

Hope this helps a little.

Vonny N.
  • #4
Thus spake km <>
>What is a POVM measurement? How is it different from Nuemann
>measurement theory and what would be the most general measurement
>Please keep things discrete and not continuous.

I don't think I can do better than reference you to wikipedia

The orthogonal projectors referred to there are the Von Neumann
measurement operators. It explains the distinction quite nicely.


Charles Francis
substitute charles for NotI to email

Related to Measurement Issues: POVM, Neumann and generalized

1. What is a POVM measurement?

A POVM (Positive Operator Valued Measure) measurement is a type of measurement in quantum mechanics that involves a set of positive operators that sum up to the identity operator. It is used to describe the probability of obtaining a certain outcome in a quantum measurement.

2. What is the significance of Neumann measurement in quantum mechanics?

Neumann measurement, also known as projective measurement, is a type of measurement in quantum mechanics that involves projecting a quantum state onto a specific basis. It is significant because it allows for the prediction of outcomes of quantum systems with a certain probability, and it is the only type of measurement that preserves the quantum state.

3. Can you explain the concept of generalized measurement in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, a generalized measurement is a measurement that is described by a set of operators that do not necessarily sum up to the identity operator. This allows for more complex measurements that can provide more information about the quantum system being measured.

4. How do POVM, Neumann, and generalized measurements differ?

POVM and Neumann measurements are specific types of generalized measurements. POVM involves a set of positive operators that sum up to the identity operator, while Neumann measurement involves projective operators that preserve the quantum state. Generalized measurements, on the other hand, do not necessarily follow these rules and can involve a wider range of operators.

5. What are some potential measurement issues with POVM, Neumann, and generalized measurements?

One potential issue with POVM measurements is that they may not always be physically realizable, meaning that the positive operators may not correspond to actual measurement devices. Neumann measurements can also be difficult to perform in practice, as they require precise control over the quantum state. Generalized measurements can be challenging to interpret and may not always provide intuitive results. Additionally, all three types of measurements can be affected by noise and other sources of error, which can lead to inaccurate results.

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