Measurement of Momentum in Neutron Interferometer

In summary, the conversation discusses the behavior of a neutron interferometer and the probability of measuring a neutron with negative momentum at a specific location in the interferometer. The solutions given for the probability are \sin(\varphi)^2, but there is confusion about the validity of this answer since only neutrons with positive momentum can reach the top detector. Possible explanations for this discrepancy are discussed, including the idea that the position uncertainty of the neutrons may play a role in their behavior. The conversation also mentions the role of phase shifts in the interference pattern.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a neutron interferometer (NI), such as the Mach-Zehnder interferometer in the figure.

We send in a beam of neutrons. We assume that the flux of neutrons is so low (neutrons can be very slow) so that only one neutron is present at any time inside the interferometer. The neutrons are initially in an eigenfunction of the momentum with eigenvalue [itex]p = \hbar k[/itex], [itex]\left|\psi\right> = \left|+k\right>[/itex]. The first beamsplitter divides the neutron flux into two parts, that will go into the upper arm or the lower arm with positive or negative momentum. The lower and upper beams are then reflected at the mirrors and recombined at the second beam splitter, after which the neutron flux is measured at one arm. We assume that both beamsplitters work in the same way, delivering an equal flux to each arm (that is, the transmission and reflection are the same).

What is the probability of measuring a neutron with a negative momentum at the location marked 4 in the interferometer?

Homework Equations

If [itex]\left|\psi\right> = a\left|+k\right> + b\left|-k\right>[/itex], then [itex]P(-\hbar k) = \left|b\right|^2[/itex]

The beamsplitter transforms the states by the matrix
\left( \begin{array}{cc}
1 & 1 \\
1 & -1 \end{array} \right)
According to our lecture notes the output at the end of the detector will be [itex]\left|\psi\right> = \cos(\varphi)\left|+k\right> + \sin(\varphi)\left|-k\right>[/itex] (this is a bit sketchy since it depends on

The Attempt at a Solution

I answered 0, since the detector is placed only at the top beam, but the solutions state that the answer is [itex]\sin(\varphi)^2[/itex]. However, this confused me since only neutrons with positive momentum would be able to reach the top detector, even though the positive and negative beams interfere at the second beamsplitter. This differs from the photon spin interferometer experiment since photon spin isn't correlated with the photon beam momentum.

I consulted with my TA but he wasn't able to produce a satisfactory explanation (this is a nuclear engineering class so quantum physics isn't the main focus of the class). I came up with a number of possible scenarios and I was wondering which was the correct resolution to this problem:
  • The solutions are correct with no fine print
  • The solutions are incorrect and the probability of measuring negative momentum is 0
  • The solutions are correct for true momentum eigenstates, since the position uncertainty is infinite and so the location of the detector does not matter, but the solutions are incorrect for "real" states since the position uncertainty is finite and so, far enough away from the second beamsplitter, the beam will split back into a beam of positive momentum neutrons and a beam of negative momentum neutrons.
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  • #2
If your initial neutrons all have +k, where is the point in the lower arm of the interferometer?

The given answer suggests regular interference with a variable phase shift ##2\varphi##. I guess between 2 and 3 there is something to introduce a phase shift ##2\varphi##?

Normandy said:
However, this confused me since only neutrons with positive momentum would be able to reach the top detector, even though the positive and negative beams interfere at the second beamsplitter.

FAQ: Measurement of Momentum in Neutron Interferometer

1. What is a neutron interferometer?

A neutron interferometer is a scientific instrument used to study the wave-like behavior of neutrons. It consists of a series of beam splitters and mirrors that split and recombine a beam of neutrons, creating interference patterns that can be measured and analyzed.

2. How is momentum measured in a neutron interferometer?

Momentum in a neutron interferometer is measured by observing the interference pattern created by the split and recombined neutron beam. The position and intensity of the interference fringes can be used to determine the momentum of the neutrons passing through the interferometer.

3. What factors can affect the accuracy of momentum measurements in a neutron interferometer?

The accuracy of momentum measurements in a neutron interferometer can be affected by several factors, including the quality of the beam splitter and mirrors, the stability and alignment of the interferometer, and external factors such as temperature and vibrations.

4. How does the measurement of momentum in a neutron interferometer contribute to scientific research?

The measurement of momentum in a neutron interferometer is important in various fields of scientific research, such as quantum mechanics, material science, and nuclear physics. It allows for the study of wave-particle duality and can provide insights into the properties of materials and subatomic particles.

5. Are there any limitations to using a neutron interferometer for measuring momentum?

Like any scientific instrument, a neutron interferometer has limitations that can affect the accuracy of momentum measurements. These include the precision of the instruments used, potential sources of interference, and the limitations of current technology. Additionally, the interpretation of results from a neutron interferometer may also be subject to human error or bias.

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