Measuring acceleration of gravity

In summary, the acceleration of gravity can be measured by projecting a body upward and measuring the time that it takes to pass two given points in both directions. The magnitude of the acceleration is 9.8.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Measuring acceleration of gravity

Homework Statement

The acceleration of gravity can be measured by projecting a body upward and measuring the time that it takes to pass two given points in both directions.

Show that if the time the body takes to pass the horizontal line [tex] A [/tex] in both directions is [tex] T_A [/tex], and the time to go by a second line [tex] B [/tex] in both directions [tex] T_B [/tex], then, assuming that the acceleration is constant, its magnitude is [tex] g = \frac{8h}{T_{A}^{2} - T_{B}^{2}} [/tex] where [tex] h [/tex] is the height of line [tex] B [/tex] above line [tex] A [/tex].

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I am not sure how to approach this. I know that [tex] g = 9.8 [/tex]. The path the body takes is a parabola. And [tex] a = \dot{v} [/tex].
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Physics news on
  • #2
Since the path is a parabola, I would expect there to be a quadratic term?
  • #3
Draw a y-vs-t graph of the motion... a parabola.
Mark the two heights with [tex]y_B> y_A[/tex].
Note that there are four events.. label them sequentially as "1" (at A), "2" (at B), "3" (at B), "4" (at A).
Do you know any relationships among any of the quantities at those events?
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  • #4
By the way, this sounds like a Kleppner-Kolenkow problem.
  • #5
yes it is. I already solved it.

  • #6
Did my hint help? Or did you come up with it yourself?
Or did you use a different approach?

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  • #7
Yeah I just used [tex] y = y_0 + v_{y0}t - \frac{1}{2}gt^{2} [/tex] where we consider [tex] y_0 = y_A [/tex] and [tex] y_0 = y_B [/tex].

Then solve a quadratic, subtract, and rearrange.
  • #8
I see. Good.
My method avoids solving a quadratic explicitly by using
the velocity and velocity-squared kinematic equations and some symmetry.
  • #9

I have it now as I found the same problem in classical physics Thanks anyway

FAQ: Measuring acceleration of gravity

What is acceleration of gravity?

Acceleration of gravity is the rate at which an object falls towards the center of the Earth. It is a measure of the force of gravity on an object and is typically denoted as "g".

How is acceleration of gravity measured?

Acceleration of gravity is typically measured using a device called an accelerometer, which can detect changes in acceleration. This device can be attached to an object and will measure the acceleration caused by gravity.

What is the standard value for acceleration of gravity on Earth?

The standard value for acceleration of gravity on Earth is 9.8 meters per second squared (m/s²). This value may vary slightly depending on location and altitude.

How does acceleration of gravity change with altitude?

As altitude increases, the acceleration of gravity decreases. This is because the distance between an object and the center of the Earth increases, resulting in a weaker gravitational force.

Can acceleration of gravity be negative?

Yes, acceleration of gravity can be negative. This occurs when an object is moving in the opposite direction of the gravitational force, such as when an object is launched into the air and begins to fall back down.
