Measuring dB Level: Receiver or Field Strength Meter?

In summary, dB is a measure of the relative power or amplitude between two signals. It is an exponential unit because signal strength covers such a wide range of values, basically all you need to know is that every 3dB change is a doubling of power and every 6dB is a doubling of amplitude.
  • #1
can anyone describe wat is dB level.
can dB level be showed through receiver or field strength meter?
thx for helping
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  • #2
dB is decibel is a measure of the relative power or amplitude between two signals.
It is an exponential unit because signal strength covers such a wide range of values, basically all you need to know is that every 3dB change is a doubling of power and every 6dB is a doubling of amplitude.
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  • #3
When referring to the ratio between two power levels, it is defined as:
[tex]dB = 10 \log_{10}{\frac{P_1}{P_2}}[/tex]
Be careful, though: when you're dealing with field quantities (e.g. voltage), the 10 out front becomes a 20 since the power is proportional to the field strength squared.
  • #4
mgb_phys said:
dB is decibel is a measure of the relative power or amplitude between two signals.
It is an exponential unit

i think it's more common to call it a "logarithmic unit".

because signal strength covers such a wide range of values,

there are more intrinsic reasons. it's because, if viewed linearly, no particular value of signal strength (or relative change in signal strength) deserves to be defined as the unit for which all other signal strengths to be measured against.

for example, regarding the price of stocks:

[tex] \% [/tex] ( dummy - the first % symbol is not rendered correctly)

if we redefined the meaning of "percent change" from the existing:

[tex] \% \mathrm{ change} = \frac{ V_{after} - V_{before} } { V_{before} } \ \times \ 100 \% [/tex]


[tex] \% \mathrm{change} = \log _e \left(\frac{V_{after}}{V_{before}} \right) \ \times \ 100 \% = \left( \log _e (V_{after}) - \log _e(V_{before}) \right) \ \times \ 100 \%[/tex]

then we can confidently say that if the stock rose in price exactly 5%, then later fell precisely 6%, then later rose another exact 1%, with the latter definition we could say that the final value of the stock is exactly what we started with. not so with the conventional definition of % change.

dB is similar to that but a dB would be more like 11.5%, the difference being just one of convention. we can say that a signal that increases exactly 5 dB, then later fell precisely 6 dB, then later rose another exact 1 dB, has the exact same amplitude at the end as it started with.

basically all you need to know is that every 3dB change is a doubling of power and every 6dB is a doubling of amplitude.

it would be good to know more than that.
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  • #5
keetat said:
can anyone describe what is dB level.
can dB level be showed through receiver or field strength meter?

i think so, if there is a reference value for what 0 dB means.

in acoustics, they sometimes assign "0 dB" to the threshold of hearing which, in SI units, is 0.0000204 N/m2 pressure variation or 10-12 watts/m2 intensity at a frequency of 1000 Hz.
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  • #6
The decibel is a way of expressing ratio -- nothing more, nothing less.

A ratio of -10 dB is 1:10 (10^-1.0)
A ratio of -6 dB is 1:4 (10^-0.6)
A ratio of -3 dB is 1:2 (10^-0.3)
A ratio of 0 dB is 1:1 (10^0)
A ratio of 3 dB is 2:1 (10^0.3)
A ratio of 6 dB is 4:1 (10^0.6)
A ratio of 10 dB is 10:1 (10^1.0)

etc. The conventions regarding 20 and 10 are just that: conventions. They're not always followed, so consider the context carefully when comparing two numbers expressed in dB from two different sources.

- Warren
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  • #7
chroot said:
The decibel is a way of expressing ratio -- nothing more, nothing less.

i think there is a teeny bit more than that. although it comes from convention, the convention is informed a little by psychoacoustic data. for a person of normal good hearing, a dB roughly corresponded to a Just Noticeable Difference in loudness.–Fechner_law

that's where the 10 (for power ratios) or 20 (for voltage ratios) came from. it may have been fudged slightly (because they liked powers of 10 and nice even numbers), but the size of a dB (as opposed to some other log unit) was chosen in such a way that you might be able to just barely hear a 1 dB change, if you have good hearing and are in an otherwize quiet environment.
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Related to Measuring dB Level: Receiver or Field Strength Meter?

What is a dB level and why is it important to measure?

A dB level, or decibel level, is a unit used to measure the intensity of sound or the strength of an electrical signal. It is important to measure because it allows us to quantify and compare the loudness or strength of different signals or sounds.

What is the difference between measuring dB level using a receiver and a field strength meter?

A receiver is a device used to pick up and decode radio signals, and it typically has a built-in dB level meter. A field strength meter, on the other hand, is a device specifically designed to measure the strength of radio frequency waves. While both devices can measure dB level, a field strength meter is more accurate for measuring signals from a distance.

How do I use a receiver to measure dB level?

To measure dB level using a receiver, you will need to tune the receiver to the desired frequency and then adjust the volume until the dB level meter reaches the desired level. It is important to make sure the receiver is set to the correct scale (usually dBu or dBm) and that any external amplifiers are turned off.

How do I use a field strength meter to measure dB level?

To measure dB level using a field strength meter, you will need to first calibrate the meter by adjusting the sensitivity and zero controls. Then, hold the meter at least 3 feet away from the source of the signal and record the reading. It is important to note that the distance between the meter and the signal source can affect the accuracy of the measurement.

Are there any limitations to measuring dB level with a receiver or field strength meter?

Yes, there are limitations to both methods of measuring dB level. A receiver may not be as accurate for measuring signals from a distance, and a field strength meter may not be as accurate for measuring signals up close. Additionally, both methods may be affected by external factors such as interference or environmental conditions.

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