Measuring distances with diffraction experiment

In summary, the conversation discusses an experiment to investigate how the rate of water passing through a cloth depends on the separation of individual threads in the material. The available equipment includes an ammeter, battery, cloths, wires, funnel, large tank of water, low power laser, measuring cylinder, metre rule, oscilloscope, screen, top pan balance, and umbrella. The conversation discusses potential uses for the voltmeter and ammeter in the experiment, such as measuring resistance and voltage, and also suggests using them as weights to fix other equipment. The inclusion of an umbrella in the equipment list is questioned, but it is suggested that it could be useful if the experiment is done outside in the rain. Overall, the conversation concludes that the
  • #1

Homework Statement

The individual threads in a cloth are very close together.
Design an experiment to investigate how the rate at which water passes through the material depends on the separation of the individual threads in the material.

Available equipment:
Ammeter,battery,cloths,wires,funnel,large tank of water,low power laser,measuring cylinder,metre rule,oscilloscope,screen,top pan balance,umbrella,voltmeter

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

So I know how to measure the distance between the cloth via diffraction, with the laser light using the interference patterns. What I actually want to know is how the ammeter,voltmeter and oscilloscope actually fit into this.

Best I could think of is that they are used to regulate the power flowing into the laser to keep it constant?

Also in measuring the water, why would you need a top pan balance if you can measure the water with a measuring cylinder? So wouldn't the weight of the water be irrelevant?
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  • #2
Similar to the umbrella, I don't think you need them (if you know how to operate the laser) - you can just pick what you need.
  • #3
But if we had to include those things: voltmeter,ammeter etc. where would they be placed, what would be their use?
  • #4
Potential uses of voltmeter and amperemeter I can see:
- Use the voltmeter to check the voltage of the battery. Compare it with the laser specifications.
- Put equipment on top of them, if that position is better for the actual experiment.
- Use them as weight to fix other equipment
- Use them to heat the room
- Trade them in exchange for more useful tools
- Use battery, volt- and amperemeter to measure the resistance of water (from one side to the other, for example) in the measuring cylinder. Use this value to calculate the amount of water inside (after calibrating the whole method with the measuring cylinder?).
- Disassemble to oscilloscope (dangerous!) to get electromagnets. Use them to build a simple scale, and determine the amount of water in the measuring cylinder.
- Measure the resistance of the cloths to evaluate the possible density, assuming all probes are made out of the same material.
- More speculative: Remove the insulation of two metal wires, put a probe of cloth on top of one of them and pull the tip of the other along the cloth material. Measure current flow between them with the oscilloscope, count the number of peaks observed (corresponding to holes in the material). Measure the linear distance of the probed region, calculate the density.

How to use the umbrella? Well, it could be useful if the experiment is done outside in the rain.
  • #5
mfb said:
Potential uses of voltmeter and amperemeter I can see:
- Use them as weight to fix other equipment

A paperweight, perfect!
lol, thanks for the help though, good to know that the apparatus is as useless as I thought. Just needed to verify. The fact that the umbrella was included in addition to the cloth itself made me begin to wonder, now I can confirm.thanks.

FAQ: Measuring distances with diffraction experiment

1. How does the diffraction experiment work to measure distances?

The diffraction experiment involves shining a laser or a light source through a narrow slit or a grating. The light waves diffract, or spread out, as they pass through the slit or grating. By measuring the angle at which the diffracted light hits a screen placed at a known distance, we can calculate the distance between the source and the screen.

2. What is the accuracy of the diffraction experiment in measuring distances?

The accuracy of the diffraction experiment depends on several factors, such as the width of the slit or grating, the wavelength of the light used, and the distance between the source and the screen. Generally, the smaller the slit or grating and the longer the wavelength of light, the more accurate the measurement will be. With careful setup and precise measurements, the accuracy can be within a few millimeters.

3. Can the diffraction experiment be used to measure long distances?

The diffraction experiment is most accurate for measuring relatively short distances, such as a few meters or less. This is because as the distance between the source and the screen increases, the angle of diffraction becomes smaller and harder to measure accurately. However, with specialized equipment and techniques, it is possible to use diffraction to measure longer distances, such as the distance between Earth and the moon.

4. What are some real-world applications of the diffraction experiment?

The diffraction experiment has many practical applications, such as measuring the size of microscopic objects, determining the spacing between atomic planes in crystals, and analyzing the composition of materials through spectroscopy. It is also used in the fields of astronomy and geodesy to measure distances between celestial bodies and on Earth's surface.

5. Are there any limitations or sources of error in the diffraction experiment?

Like any scientific measurement, the diffraction experiment has limitations and potential sources of error. These may include imperfections in the slit or grating, fluctuations in the intensity of the light source, and human error in measuring the angle of diffraction. It is important to carefully control these variables and take multiple measurements to minimize errors and increase the accuracy of the results.
