Measuring motor resistance and speed of a geared DC motor

In summary, the conversation is about measuring the motor resistance of a gear DC motor using experimentation and Ohm's Law. The person is trying to obtain values for Equation 4 in a specific website and is asking for advice on how to measure different components of the motor such as Ke, Ri, and inductance. They also discuss the best approach for measuring the current and back EMF, and the importance of measuring without the gear head to avoid distortion in the results. The conversation also touches on the number of terminals and their labels on the motor.
  • #1
Hi, I want to measure the motor resistance of a gear DC motor by experimentation and Ohm's Law. Should I measure the current without the gear head, with the gear head, stall current (with gear head) or stall current (without gear head)?

I am trying to obtain values for Equation 4 in:

Similarly, when measuring the spinning speed, should I have the gear head installed or removed during the measurements?

Thank you
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  • #2
bbq_build said:


I assume he meant

Usually in lab we determine
Ke by and measuring armature circuit voltage at open circuit with known RPM and excitation.

we measure Ri by mounting the motor in a dynamometer(torque measuring device) locking the shaft which forces θdot to zero, applying some current and measuring voltage;;;
reading torque at same time let's us measure Kt

do you have access to armature and field terminals , or are they connected internally?
  • #3
Not sure what you mean by armature and field terminals. I have no access to dynamometer. We only have access to a function generator, three digital multi-meters, an oscilloscope and power supply.

Basically, we need to measure the resistance, inductance, turning speed, back EMF constant, torque constant and voltage caused by back EMG in order to model the motor as shown in the video:

Is the current in the video just a reading from the multi-meter placed in serial with the motor (without gear) or it is a stall current (with gear head installed and the hand forcing the motor to stop spinning)?
  • #4
bbq_build said:
Basically, we need to measure the resistance, inductance, turning speed, back EMF constant, torque constant and voltage caused by back EMG in order to model the motor as shown in the video:

bbq_build said:
Is the current in the video just a reading from the multi-meter placed in serial with the motor (without gear) or it is a stall current (with gear head installed and the hand forcing the motor to stop spinning)?
If you stall the motor what happens to its back EMF (θdot = 0) ?
So you're left with V=IR. Seems measuring V and I would tell you R.

If you run it completely unloaded(no gears) and measure current,
then you know from R X that I what is voltage drop across R of armature. Rest of V must be due to back EMF ?
Reason to do that measurement unloaded is so armature current doesn't distort the internal flux from your fixed field (described in the exercise you linked) which will give you a wrong number for Ke.
Ideal would be to measure voltage at zero armature current but you'd have to spin the motor with an electric drill or something.
Unloaded may be as close as you can get to zero current.I didn't see him figure out inductance in that video.
What experiments can you think up to determine inductance of the armature ?
Think of it as just an inductor.

bbq_build said:
Not sure what you mean by armature and field terminals.
Does the motor have a place to connect wires? How many? How are they labelled?
  • #5
The current is whatever your current meter in series with the motor shows. It is simpler to characterize motor behavior without the gear drive. The gear drive adds friction and multiplies torque.
  • #6
jim hardy said:
If you stall the motor what happens to its back EMF (θdot = 0) ?
So you're left with V=IR. Seems measuring V and I would tell you R.
If the motor's not turning, it's also a good idea to measure resistance with the shaft in different positions. (When a brush bridges two commutator segments, it will affect the resistance.)
  • #7
jim hardy said:
If you stall the motor what happens to its back EMF (θdot = 0) ?
So you're left with V=IR. Seems measuring V and I would tell you R.

If you run it completely unloaded(no gears) and measure current,
then you know from R X that I what is voltage drop across R of armature. Rest of V must be due to back EMF ?
Reason to do that measurement unloaded is so armature current doesn't distort the internal flux from your fixed field (described in the exercise you linked) which will give you a wrong number for Ke.
Ideal would be to measure voltage at zero armature current but you'd have to spin the motor with an electric drill or something.
Unloaded may be as close as you can get to zero current.I didn't see him figure out inductance in that video.
What experiments can you think up to determine inductance of the armature ?
Think of it as just an inductor.Does the motor have a place to connect wires? How many? How are they labelled?
Thanks. What do you mean by "from R X that I what is voltage"? Could you please clarify?

Yes, there are two terminals at the back of the motor. No label.
  • #8
David Lewis said:
If the motor's not turning, it's also a good idea to measure resistance with the shaft in different positions. (When a brush bridges two commutator segments, it will affect the resistance.)

Thanks for the excellent suggestions. I shall make several measurements and take the average.
  • #9
bbq_build said:
Thanks. What do you mean by "from R X that I what is voltage"? Could you please clarify?
You determined R in previous step
you measure I (current) when motor is running lightly loaded
ohm's law V = IR tells you how many volts are dropped in R of the armature and brushes,
remainder of applied volts must be "Back EMF" .

knowing back emf and rpm let's you figure Ke

bbq_build said:
Yes, there are two terminals at the back of the motor. No label.
So are you saying we have no idea how this motor establishes its field ? Indeed we don't know if it's series field, shunt field, a combination of the two(compound), or permanent magnet field ?
How do you know it's the same type motor described in the exercise you are trying to perform, linked in first post as
which specifies constant field ?
Or is that unknown ?

Not being argumentative, just trying to nail down the question. A question well stated is half answered. I often have to do experiments three times because of "Assumptions" that turned out not so.
That's how we learn.

old jim

Related to Measuring motor resistance and speed of a geared DC motor

1. How do you measure the resistance of a geared DC motor?

To measure the resistance of a geared DC motor, you will need a multimeter. Set the multimeter to the resistance (ohm) setting and connect the probes to the two terminals of the motor. The reading on the multimeter will be the resistance of the motor.

2. What is the purpose of measuring the resistance of a geared DC motor?

Measuring the resistance of a geared DC motor can help determine the condition of the motor and identify any potential issues. It can also be used to calculate the current and power ratings of the motor.

3. How do you measure the speed of a geared DC motor?

The speed of a geared DC motor can be measured using an optical tachometer or a digital tachometer. These devices use a laser or reflective tape to measure the rotational speed of the motor and display it in revolutions per minute (RPM).

4. What factors can affect the speed of a geared DC motor?

The speed of a geared DC motor can be affected by various factors such as the voltage and current supplied to the motor, the load on the motor, and the type and condition of the gears used in the motor.

5. How can the motor speed be controlled in a geared DC motor?

The speed of a geared DC motor can be controlled by adjusting the voltage or current supplied to the motor, using a variable speed drive, or by changing the gear ratio of the motor. Additionally, using a pulse width modulation (PWM) controller can also help regulate the motor speed.

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