Measuring photon momentum without annihilating it

In summary, it is possible to build an apparatus that could do the following (at least ideally in principle): measure the momentum of a photon arbitrarily precisely.
  • #1
Swamp Thing
Insights Author
Is it possible to build an apparatus that could do the following (at least ideally in principle)? If so, what would it be like?

A fairly localized light wave packet (with a corresponding spread in momentum) reaches the origin of our coordinate system from any direction in the XY plane (taking 2 dimensional case for simplicity).

It now interacts with the apparatus.

After the interaction, a pointer points along a certain direction which is the direction of the measured momentum. Another analog pointer with a scale shows the magnitude of the momentum. (Or maybe two pointers for the X and Y momentum respectively).

Meanwhile, the wave packet is instantly (?) converted into a highly extended, nearly plane wave -- ideally extending over all of space, since it has to be a momentum eigenstate. Of course, the pointer readings have to be consistent with the wave number of this extended wave.
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  • #2
The usual wisdom is that you cannot interact with a photon without destroying it...
Take care you are not conflating the QM wave-packet with an electromagnetic wave packet. In QM, the photon is a packet of energy ... the "wave-packet" is a mathematical construct encoding the statistical behaviour of photons in general in that situation.

You seem to be asking if one can, in practise, measure the momentum of a photon arbitrarily precisely, and still have a photon of some kind afterwards.
For instance - maybe you can do a scattering experiment and infer the (initial) momentum off the target recoil?
The scattered photon won't have the same momentum as the incoming photon - some went into the recoil.

What you ,may want to try is finding out how photon momenta may be measured ... how precisely can you measure it without having to absorb the photon... that boils down to how small a recoil you can measure.

Of course, in principle, the maths allows us to contemplate the ideal case...
The single narrow slit kinda measures position carefully, making (a component of) momentum very uncertain, resulting in a distribution of photons on a screen - are you looking for an analogous description where some ideal apparatus measures momentum precisely but leaves position uncertain? i.e. you know the momentum but you don't know where the measurement was taken?
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
are you looking for an analogous description where some ideal apparatus measures momentum precisely but leaves position uncertain? i.e. you know the momentum but you don't know where the measurement was taken?

Yes, that is pretty close to what I'm looking for. Only, I think that "where the measurement was taken" could be fairly localized if the incoming wave is prepared as a fairly compact wave function, approaching zero outside a reasonable sized volume. But after the measurement, the particle's probability of being found (by a subsequent position measurement) would be much more spread out if our momentum measurement is really precise. On the other hand, repeated momentum measurements should keep giving the same answer, preserving the particle in the same state. (Just like the well known behaviour of Stern Gerlach and polarizers etc.)

So I guess my question has two parts. Firstly, if we just assume that a "black box" momentum measuring device exists whose precision can be squeezed down as close as we like, then is my description valid according to QM. And secondly - if it is theoretically valid - then can we try to be more specific as to how this black box would work?
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  • #4
Also, if it is not feasible to do this with photons without destroying them, we could consider anything else like an electron. The point is how to practically demonstrate the principle with actual apparatus for any particle.

FAQ: Measuring photon momentum without annihilating it

1. How can photon momentum be measured without annihilating it?

Photon momentum can be measured using a technique called photon pressure, which involves using a highly sensitive material to detect the momentum transfer from the photons. This technique does not destroy the photons, allowing for accurate measurement of their momentum.

2. What is photon pressure and how does it work?

Photon pressure is the force exerted by photons on a surface when they are reflected or absorbed. This force can be measured using a device called an optical trap, which uses a laser beam to hold and manipulate tiny particles. By measuring the change in position of the trapped particles, the momentum transfer from the photons can be calculated.

3. Can photon momentum be measured in a vacuum?

Yes, photon momentum can be measured in a vacuum. In fact, this is the ideal environment for measuring photon momentum as there are no other particles or forces that could interfere with the measurement.

4. Are there any limitations to measuring photon momentum without annihilating it?

There are some limitations to this technique, as it requires highly sensitive equipment and can only measure the momentum of photons in a specific direction. Additionally, the accuracy of the measurement may be affected by factors such as the reflectivity of the surface and the intensity of the laser used.

5. What are the practical applications of measuring photon momentum without annihilating it?

The ability to measure photon momentum without destroying the photons has many practical applications in fields such as astronomy, where it can be used to study the properties and movements of celestial objects. It also has potential applications in quantum mechanics, where precise measurements of photon momentum are crucial for understanding the behavior of particles at the subatomic level.
