Measuring refractive index of liquid using lens and mirror

In summary, the conversation discusses the measurement of the refractive index of a liquid using a mirror and lens. The refractive index of air is also mentioned and it is suggested to measure the focal length of the lens in air. The process of measuring the focal length of the lens in the liquid is explained, as well as the equations involved in calculating the refractive index of the liquid. The concept of finding the image and real pin in focus simultaneously is also discussed. Alternatives for measuring the radius of curvature of the lens are mentioned, such as using a spherometer or making very accurate measurements of thickness.
  • #1

i've got to do measure hte refractive index of a liquid with mirror and lens

first of all how can i measure hte refractive index of air in this way? i don't get how i can do this, please explain :|

and then for the liquid, I've been told to put the liquid over the mirror and then the lens on top of the liquid, and then hold up a pin until it coincides with something, but i don't understand that.

please hlep!
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  • #2
Please Help!
  • #3
The refractive index of air is 1.0003 . Unless you have very good measuring devices, I don't immediately see how you are to measure that. Usually, it is assumed to be 1.000 unless you need extreme precision.

Are you sure you have conveyed the requirements correctly? ARe you perhaps supposed to measure the focal length of the lens in air?
  • #4

Apparently i have to hold a pin above the lens and find out where the image coincides, I don't know what that means.
  • #5
Hold the pin held horizontally above the lens. The lens should be resting on the mirror. Move the pin vertically until its image coincides with the real pin (you see both in focus simultaneously). This gives you the focal length of the convex lens, [itex]f_1[/itex], the distance from the pin to the lens. Repeat the process with the lens resting in the liquid on the mirror. The liquid lens is then a plano-convex lens with the same radius of curvature as the convex lens, [itex]r[/itex]. This gives you their combined focal length, [itex]F[/itex].

You can now calculate the focal length of the liquid lens from

[tex] \frac{1}{F} = \frac{1}{f_1} + \frac{1}{f_2}[/tex]

(it should be negative). Using the lens maker's equation for the liquid lens we next get that

[tex]n_{liq} = 1 + \frac{r}{f_2}[/tex]

for the refractive index of the liquid. In this formula r is also negative for the liquid lens. If you know the refractive index of the convex lens it can be shown that

[tex]n_{liq} = 1 - 2(n_{lens} - 1)\frac{f_1}{f_2}[/tex]
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  • #6
Thanks for your reply. But I have no idea what you mean by "its image coincides with the real pin (you see both in focus simultaneously)", I'm not even sure where to hold the pin with respect to the lens horizontally.

I suppose I can ask my teacher.

Thanks for your help with the equations.
  • #7
An convex lens will form a real image of the pin if the object distance is equal to or further than the focal length of the lens. Such image can be viewed with the eye if you position yourself looking up against the rays, that is in this case looking down onto the mirror. If the image do not coincide with the real pin your eye will only be able to focus on the one or the other (image or object). When the real pin and its image is simultaneously in focus we know that they are both in the same plane. This happens when the real pin (and the image) is at the focus of the lens.

So what you need to do is move the pin vertically up and down until you see the image and the pin both in focus simultaneously.

Allow me to correct myself. What you should be looking for is relative motion between the real pin and its image when you move your head slightly in a horizontal direction. If the two are not in the same plane you will observe that the pin and image seem to move separately when you move your head. When they are in the same plane you will observe that they move in unison.

So while you move the pin up and down shake your head slightly (saying no) and observe the relative motion of the pin and its image.
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  • #8
Slight correction to previous post.
  • #9
Thanks For The Reply And Sorry For Not Posting This Before!
  • #10
I will try and post a photograph of such a setup soon. How did it go with the experiment?
  • #11
It went well (I think). However I haven't worked out the refractive index yet because I need to figure out the radious of hte curvature of the lens (the equation needs it).

Am I right in saying that the radius of the curvature of the lens (I read it in a book) is v in:
1/v = -1/u + 1/f

Again thanks for you all your help.
  • #12
I've realized that v can't = radius of curvature cause if you change u then v will change....

Is there any way to measure the radius of curvature of the lens without being in a lab? I have a mirror, lens and pin...

Also, what would you say is a typical value for the radius of curvature of a convex lens with focal length 10cm and diameter 50mm?

  • #13
blackcat said:
Is there any way to measure the radius of curvature of the lens without being in a lab? I have a mirror, lens and pin...

There is a relationship between the focal length of the lens, its index of refraction, and the radii of curvature of its surfaces. I think it was already posted earlier.

Come to think of it, you could measure the radius of curvature of the lens if you can see reflections in the lens surface. Have you done the experiment to find the focal length of a convex mirror? The focal length of a spherical mirror is half the radius of curvature.
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  • #14
Yeah, but I have to find using an alternative method that doesn't involve refractive index and/or lens maker's equation etc. And I haven't done that experiment :(

There has to be another way.
  • #15
blackcat said:
Yeah, but I have to find using an alternative method that doesn't involve refractive index and/or lens maker's equation etc. And I haven't done that experiment :(

There has to be another way.
There is another way, but it may be difficult to make the measurements. There is a device called a spherometer for measureing the curvature of a surface, but you probably do not have one of those laying around. You could accomplish what it does if you could make very accurate thickness measurements with a micrometer or vernier caliper, and if your lens is symmetrical (same radii on both sides). A very accurate measurement of the thickness of the lens in the middle, and at a known distance from the center (25mm) can be used to find the radius of curvature. Most thin lenses are not knife sharp on the edge, so you might want to move in a bit and make an actual measurement just inside the radius. Is this a possibility?
  • #16
I'll take a look if my brother has one. I found an article in Wikipedia about it:

My lens is symettrical (it looks it), so I guess if I find one of those it should work properly?
  • #17
Do you think -0.07 is a sensible figure for the radius of curvature?
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  • #18
blackcat said:
Do you think -0.07 is a sensible figure for the radius of curvature?
I know you are not supposed to use the lens maker's formula to get the answer, but the formula says that for an index of refraction of 1.5 (about the same as glass), with equal radii, the focal length is the radius. You should expect the radius to be about the same as the focal length.
  • #19
I see. I suppose 0.07 is close enough to the focal length (0.104)

Thanks for the help.

(one more q: is it right the radius is negative?)
  • #20
blackcat said:
I see. I suppose 0.07 is close enough to the focal length (0.104)

Thanks for the help.

(one more q: is it right the radius is negative?)
The sign conventions can be tricky, and there are a couple of different ones used in optics. In the link to the lens-maker's equation I posted earlier, one of the two radii would be positive and the other would be negative becuse the centers are on opposite sides of the lens. It is very important to keep these signs straight for computations, but not for describing the lens. If I say I have a plano-convex lens with a radius of curvature of 10 cm, there is no ambiguity about the shape of the lens. I don't need the sign to describe the lens because I have the words that define its shape.

If you know the focal length of your lens is 10cm, then the 7cm might not be good enough for what you are doing. Why do you think you are not allowed to use the lens-maker's formula to get the radius from the focal length? Aren't you going to use it to calculate the index of refraction of the liquid? According to what you said earlier, you were not given a device like a spherometer to measure the radius. You have to deduce it from some other observation.
  • #21
well teh thing is

I'm supposed to find the refractive index of a liquid using this method, putting liquid on a lens and using the pin to do all that stuff

so these are the only things I know: the focal length of lens, and the combined focal length of liquid and lens from measuring the distance between pina nd lens.

and the equation to work out ref. index is = 1 + r/f2, and i don't have r (obviously)

and len's maker's equation requires ref index of lens or/and the liquid, and that's an unknown, and icant measure the refractive index of lens anyway

so that's why i can't use it :(

btw: you're saying that 7cm isn't good enough. do you know for sure that every convex lens with symmetrical stuff or whatever has the same curvayturte as its focal length?
  • #22
blackcat said:
well teh thing is

I'm supposed to find the refractive index of a liquid using this method, putting liquid on a lens and using the pin to do all that stuff

so these are the only things I know: the focal length of lens, and the combined focal length of liquid and lens from measuring the distance between pina nd lens.

and the equation to work out ref. index is = 1 + r/f2, and i don't have r (obviously)

and len's maker's equation requires ref index of lens or/and the liquid, and that's an unknown, and icant measure the refractive index of lens anyway

so that's why i can't use it :(

btw: you're saying that 7cm isn't good enough. do you know for sure that every convex lens with symmetrical stuff or whatever has the same curvayturte as its focal length?
I'm only saying that if the index of refraction of the glass is 1.5, and if the two radii are the same, then the focal length is the radius of curvature. The index of refraction of glass is close to 1.5. You said you thought the radii were the same.

If .07 is the best measurement of the radius you have, then that is what you will have to use. How did you get the .07 for r, and what did you find for f2?
  • #23
My teacher recalled that the previous student measured it with a spherometer and that was what he got.

what did i find for f2? well for water i got -0.201.
  • #24
blackcat said:
My teacher recalled that the previous student measured it with a spherometer and that was what he got.

what did i find for f2? well for water i got -0.201.
Sometimes it helps to know the answer :smile: The spherometer measurement should be quite accurate, and the combination of that r and that f2 are quite reasonable for water. I'm a bit perplexed how a thin bi-convex lens made of glass or plastic with equal radii of 7cm winds up with a focal length of 10cm, but if you have done the best you can to make your measurements then you have what you have.

Just to satisfy my curiosity, can you tell me what you found for the focal length of the combination of lens and water that you used to calculate f2?
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  • #25
yep, it's 0.215m

the refractive index when r = -0.07 works out to be 1.347 (not too far off)!

FAQ: Measuring refractive index of liquid using lens and mirror

1. How does a lens and mirror measure refractive index of liquid?

A lens and mirror work together to measure the refractive index of a liquid by using a phenomenon called total internal reflection. When a ray of light passes from a medium with a higher refractive index to a medium with a lower refractive index, it bends away from the normal. When the angle of incidence is increased to a certain value, the light ray undergoes total internal reflection and is completely reflected back into the first medium. By measuring the critical angle at which this occurs, the refractive index of the liquid can be calculated.

2. What is the critical angle and how is it related to refractive index?

The critical angle is the angle of incidence at which total internal reflection occurs. It is directly related to the refractive index of a medium, with a higher refractive index resulting in a smaller critical angle. This relationship is described by Snell's law, which states that the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is equal to the ratio of the refractive indices of the two media.

3. Can the refractive index of a liquid be measured using only a lens or only a mirror?

No, a lens and mirror must be used together to accurately measure the refractive index of a liquid. This is because the lens provides the light source and the mirror reflects the light back into the lens, allowing for total internal reflection to occur. Without one of these components, the experiment would not work properly.

4. How can the accuracy of the refractive index measurement be improved?

The accuracy of the measurement can be improved by using a monochromatic light source, such as a laser, to minimize the effects of dispersion. Additionally, using a high-quality lens and mirror with precise measurements can also improve the accuracy of the results. Repeating the experiment multiple times and taking an average of the measurements can also help to reduce error.

5. What are some practical applications of measuring refractive index of liquids?

The measurement of refractive index is commonly used in industries that produce and use liquids, such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and chemical manufacturing. It can also be used in scientific research to study the properties of liquids and in medical diagnostics, such as measuring the sugar content in blood. Additionally, measuring refractive index can help identify and differentiate between different types of liquids, making it a useful tool in forensic analysis and quality control processes.

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