Measuring the phase in neutrino oscillations

In summary, the phase in neutrino oscillations refers to the offset in the composition of flavor eigenstates in a beam of neutrinos over time. This phase can be measured experimentally by comparing the composition of flavor eigenstates in a beam of "unevolved" neutrinos with those that have evolved with a geometric and dynamic phase. The phase is not related to an interference pattern, as previously assumed. It can be deduced by looking at the different compositions of flavor eigenstates in the beam. The equation for neutrino oscillations involves a phase, which can be expressed as a function of the mixing angle and time. By measuring the phase, the mixing angle can be determined. However, there is some confusion about how to measure the
  • #1
McLaren Rulez

When we talk about neutrino oscillations, the discussion is always about the phase that a particular flavour eigenstate picks up with time. The phase is usually partly geometric and partly dynamic. I have a question about this.

How do we measure the phase experimentally? What is the basic idea behind the setup that allows us to compare on beam of neutrinos which have evolved with a geometric and dynamic phase with a beam of "unevolved" neutrinos? This really puzzles me since most experiments involve straight paths i.e. nowhere does the neutrino beam travel in a circle or something to come back and recombine or something like that. I can see that if we bring them together, then of course, we will get an interference pattern but how do we do this?

Thank you.
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  • #2
The phase is relative to the point of origin, and it is measured by looking at the different composition of flavor eigenstates in the beam. It has nothing to do with an "interference pattern".
  • #3
Thank you for replying, Vanadium 50.

In Griffiths' Quantum Mechanics, he mentions that a beam of particles (all in the same state [itex]\psi[/itex]) can be split into two and one of the two acquires a relative phase to the other, then the beam, when recombined is of the form [itex]\Psi = \frac{1}{2}(\psi + e^{i\phi}\psi)[/itex]. Now, we see that [itex]|\Psi|^{2}= |\psi|^{2}cos^{2}(\frac{\phi}{2})[/itex] which is an interference pattern. I assumed this was what happened with neutrinos also.

I don't quite understand how we can deduce the phase by looking at the different compositions of flavour eigenstates in the beam. For instance, if we start with [itex]|\nu_{e}(0)>[/itex] and it acquires a phase [itex]e^{i\phi}[/itex] after time t, then we have [itex]e^{i\phi}|\nu_{e}(t)>[/itex]. Now, if we try to take any measurement [itex]|<\nu_{\alpha}(0)|e^{i\phi}|\nu_{e}(t)>|^{2}[/itex], where [itex]\alpha = \mu, e[/itex] or [itex]\tau[/itex] the phase will cancel away. So how can we measure it?

Thank you for your help.
  • #4
Can you write down the equation for neutrino oscillations? If so, can you identify the thing that's the phase?
  • #5
I'm not sure what exactly the equation you have in mind is. Basically, I consider a flavour eigenstate to start with, say the electron neutrino. The case considered here is a two neutrino mixing case. I express it at t=0 as follows

[itex]|v_{e}(0)>= cos\theta |v_{1}>+sin\theta |v_{2}>[/itex]

After time t, it evolves into

[itex]|v_{e}(t)>= e^{-i\omega_{1} t}cos\theta |v_{1}>+e^{-i\omega_{2} t}sin\theta |v_{2}>[/itex]

Suppose we consider a time [itex]T = \frac{2\pi}{\omega_{2} - \omega_{1}}[/itex]. Then, we see that we can express the previous relation as

[itex]|v_{e}(t)>= e^{i\phi}|v_{e}(0)>[/itex], where [itex]\phi=\frac{-2\pi \omega_{1}}{\omega_{2} - \omega_{1}}[/itex]

[itex]\phi[/itex] is my phase, the one I want to measure. After any time which is an integer multiple of [itex]T[/itex] we will get this form for the relation i.e.

[itex]|v_{e}(T)>= e^{in\phi}|v_{e}(0)>[/itex]

The previous analysis can be generalized to arbitrary t. Consider the inner product of this state with a muon flavour eigenstate [itex]<v_{\mu}(0)|v_{e}(t)>[/itex]. This is a complex number, so let's call it [itex]re^{i\phi}[/itex]. Again, the [itex]\phi[/itex] is my phase.

Let's say I want to see what is the probability of finding a muon neutrino at time t if I measure it. Then that probability is given by [itex]|<v_{\mu}(0)|v_{e}(t)>|^{2}[/itex] which is [itex]r^2[/itex].

I saw all this derivation in a paper which then proceeded to work out the [itex]r[/itex] and [itex]\phi[/itex] for each case (electron-electron, electron-muon, etc.) It turns out that both the [itex]r[/itex] and [itex]\phi[/itex] are functions of the mixing angle [itex]\theta[/itex] and the author proposed that by measuring the phase, one could work out the mixing angle. In that paper, the author considers a slightly different case; he separates the dynamic and geometric phase and the [itex]\phi[/itex] he uses is actualy the geometric phase. Nonetheless, my basic question is how to measure any type of phase for neutrinos.

The reference is
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  • #6
Bump! Any help on this?

I was also thinking, is it possible to have two separate coherent neutrino sources? This would be one way of getting an interference pattern between unevolved neutrinos and those neutrinos that have evolved as they travel from the first source to the second.

Thank you.
  • #7
You're kind of making a mess here. "Phase" is nothing magical - it's the offset you have in a function like cos(x). If you have an oscillation that can be expressed as Acos(something) + Bsin(something else), it's rewritable as Ccos(something + phase).

Nothing more, nothing less.

Related to Measuring the phase in neutrino oscillations

1. What is the phase in neutrino oscillations?

The phase in neutrino oscillations refers to the relative difference in the quantum mechanical wave function of a neutrino as it travels through space. This phase is an important factor in understanding the behavior and properties of neutrinos.

2. Why is measuring the phase in neutrino oscillations important?

Measuring the phase in neutrino oscillations is important because it provides crucial information about the fundamental properties of neutrinos, such as their masses and mixing angles. It also has implications for understanding the behavior of neutrinos in different environments, such as in astrophysical events or in particle accelerators.

3. How is the phase in neutrino oscillations measured?

The phase in neutrino oscillations is typically measured through experiments that observe the interactions of neutrinos with matter. These interactions can reveal information about the properties of neutrinos, including their phase. Different experimental techniques, such as long-baseline experiments or neutrino detectors, are used to measure the phase in different ways.

4. What challenges are involved in measuring the phase in neutrino oscillations?

Measuring the phase in neutrino oscillations can be challenging due to the elusive nature of neutrinos. They interact weakly with matter, making them difficult to detect and measure accurately. Additionally, the phase itself is a complex quantity that requires advanced mathematical and statistical methods to extract from experimental data.

5. How is the phase in neutrino oscillations related to neutrino flavor oscillations?

The phase in neutrino oscillations is an important factor in neutrino flavor oscillations, which refer to the phenomenon of neutrinos changing from one flavor (electron, muon, or tau) to another as they travel. The phase affects the probability of a neutrino oscillating between different flavors, and its measurement can shed light on the mechanisms behind flavor oscillations.

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