Mechanical energy equation for flow b/n 2 points

In summary, the conversation discusses the steady-state mechanical energy equation for flow from a point in a creek to a point in a tank, assuming atmospheric pressure at both points. The equation includes terms for pressure, velocity, height, shaft work, and friction. For part b, the unsteady equation is derived by taking the time derivative of the steady-state equation. This includes terms for changes in depth, shaft work, and friction.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a) Write down the steady-state mechanical energy equation for flow from
point (1) (located at the free surface of the creek) to point (2) located at the free surface of
the tank. For the purposes of this problem you can assume the pressures at both points
are atmospheric.

b)The steady-state mechanical energy balance will still apply at every
moment of time if terms in the equation adjust much faster than changes in tank water
level. Under such conditions, the unsteadiness in Darcy’s system can be modeled by
taking the time derivative of both sides of the mechanical energy equation obtained from
Part 1. Write down this unsteady equation.

Homework Equations

Mechanical energy equation:
[itex]{\frac{\Delta P}{\rho}}+{\frac{\Delta V^2}{2}}+g\Delta z + Ws + F = 0 [/itex] between two points.
Where v = average velocity, z = height, Ws = shaft work, and F = work done per unit mass against friction between points 1 and 2.

The Attempt at a Solution

So for part a) I'm not really sure what assumptions are reasonable given the attached diagram.

Can the [itex]V^2[/itex] term be canceled due to continuity? i.e. area is the same along the pipe and so velocity is the same?

The question also says that pressure is atmospheric at P1 and P2, so does the pressure term disappear as well? I would have thought we needed to include the weight force = [itex]\rho gz[/itex] which increases as the pump transfers water from the creek to the tank, reducing the volumetric flow rate with time. So does it just mean we can ignore the atmospheric pressure component?

Also can [itex]\Delta z[/itex] just equal z2, taking z1 as reference point? i.e. z1 = 0?

So would my equation look something like this?
[itex]{\frac{P_{atm}}{\rho}} = {\frac{(P_{atm} + \rho gz)}{\rho}}+z+Ws+F[/itex]

Then the left hand side term disappears and would become:
[itex]0 = gz+z+Ws+F[/itex]

I could then divide the equation by g to make the mech energy eq. in head form, allowing me to substitute [itex]{\frac{W_s}{g}}[/itex] and [itex]{\frac{F}{g}}[/itex] for others with more appropriate variables. E.g. Ws/g in terms of mass flow rate and actual power transferred. "g" would also disappear from the "gz" term.

But then I'm missing a time variable because the following step requires me to take the time derivative and I can't in its current form..

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!


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  • #3
Sorry Chet - original post has been updated with the relevant diagram.

  • #4
OK. Here are some thoughts:

1. The tank velocity is much lower than the velocity in the pipe. The two are related by the continuity equation. The velocities at points 1 and 2 need to be included. The velocity at point 2 is also the rate of increase of depth in the tank.

2. The difference in elevations should be included in the gz term. But shouldn't be included twice (as you did).

3. The ΔP is indeed zero.

  • #5
Hi Chet, thanks again for the reply.

I've taken another look at the problem and my equation, can't we assume the velocity term is 0, because the points are taken at the surface level and we assume that the tank and creek are large enough that the surface velocity is unaffected by the flow?

The flow velocity is still considered, however as a part of the shaft friction term - i.e.:
Where f = fanning friction factor, V = average velocity, L = pipe length, D = diameter of pipe

So taking into consideration your above thoughts, my equation becomes:
[itex]g\Delta z+W_s+F=0[/itex]
[itex]\Delta z+{\frac{W_s}{g}}+{\frac{F}{g}} = h_p[/itex]

Then for part b) taking the time derivative, I think I should end up with:
[itex]{\frac{\partial z}{\partial t}} = - {\frac{\partial}{\partial t}}({\frac{W_s}{g}}) - {\frac{\partial}{\partial t}}({\frac{F}{g}})[/itex]

Thanks again!
  • #6
schmiggy said:
Hi Chet, thanks again for the reply.

I've taken another look at the problem and my equation, can't we assume the velocity term is 0, because the points are taken at the surface level and we assume that the tank and creek are large enough that the surface velocity is unaffected by the flow?
Yes. My mistake.

The flow velocity is still considered, however as a part of the shaft friction term - i.e.:
Where f = fanning friction factor, V = average velocity, L = pipe length, D = diameter of pipe

So taking into consideration your above thoughts, my equation becomes:
[itex]g\Delta z+W_s+F=0[/itex]
[itex]\Delta z+{\frac{W_s}{g}}+{\frac{F}{g}} = h_p[/itex]

Then for part b) taking the time derivative, I think I should end up with:
[itex]{\frac{\partial z}{\partial t}} = - {\frac{\partial}{\partial t}}({\frac{W_s}{g}}) - {\frac{\partial}{\partial t}}({\frac{F}{g}})[/itex]

Thanks again!
Looks good. I must admit, I had trouble figuring out what they were driving at in part (b), but this looks like it is probably what they were looking for.


FAQ: Mechanical energy equation for flow b/n 2 points

What is the mechanical energy equation for flow between two points?

The mechanical energy equation for flow between two points is a fundamental equation in fluid mechanics that relates the pressure, velocity, and elevation of a fluid between two points. It is expressed as:

E1 + P1/ρg + V1^2/2g + z1 = E2 + P2/ρg + V2^2/2g + z2

where E is the internal energy of the fluid, P is the pressure, ρ is the density, g is the gravitational constant, V is the velocity, and z is the elevation.

What is the significance of the mechanical energy equation in fluid mechanics?

The mechanical energy equation is significant because it allows us to understand and analyze fluid flows by considering the energy balance between two points. It helps us to determine the pressure and velocity changes in a fluid as it moves between two points, and is a key tool for designing and optimizing fluid systems.

How is the mechanical energy equation derived?

The mechanical energy equation is derived from the principle of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. In fluid mechanics, this principle is applied to the energy balance between two points in a fluid flow, taking into account changes in pressure, velocity, and elevation.

What are the assumptions made in the mechanical energy equation?

The mechanical energy equation makes several assumptions, including:

  • The fluid is incompressible and non-viscous
  • The flow is steady-state (constant velocity and pressure)
  • The flow is one-dimensional (along a single line of flow)
  • The effects of friction and turbulence are negligible

While these assumptions may not hold true in all fluid systems, the mechanical energy equation provides a good approximation for many practical applications.

How can the mechanical energy equation be used in real-world applications?

The mechanical energy equation is commonly used in the design and analysis of fluid systems, such as pipelines, pumps, and turbines. It can also be applied to problems involving open channel flow, such as rivers and canals. By using the mechanical energy equation, engineers can determine the optimal design and operating conditions for these systems, and troubleshoot any issues that arise.

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