Mechanical Engineering 3D force system

In summary: I think so! In summary, the tensions in the cable segments are: -TA=36.0\circ-TD=7.05\circ-TE=20.0\circ
  • #1

Homework Statement

A system of cables suspends a crate weighing W = 420 lb. The dimensions in the figure are as follows: h = 20.9 ft, l = 5.70 ft, x = 7.05 ft, [tex]\theta[/tex] = 36.0[tex]\circ[/tex], and [tex]\phi[/tex] = 20.0[tex]\circ[/tex]. Determine TA, TD, and TE, the tensions in cable segments CA, CD, and CE, respectively.

Homework Equations

vector F = (magnitude F)(unit vector)
[tex]\sum[/tex]F = 0
FCA + FCB + FCD + FCE + FCF + W = 0

The Attempt at a Solution

How do I start by finding the coordinates:
C(0,0,0), D(x,0,h), A(?) E(?)

I can't see how to find the correct coordinates A,B,C,D,E,F


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  • #2
Do you agree that A B C and D all lie in the xz plane?
  • #3
yes they do. coordinates for D:(7.05,0,20.9)
C is at origin (0,0,0)
E and F are at some weird y plane (here's my attempt)
E: (x,l,-h)
F: (-x,-2l,-h)
A is all over the place with a weight
  • #4
It looks to me like E is at 0, l, -h and F is at 0, -l, -h
For the vagueness of A, you might realize that it's the angles that matter. The forces are independent of the actual distances. more dependant on distance ratios, that is angles. So to solve it you could say: Without loss of generality x of A=1 etc
  • #5
I see how E(0,l,-h) and F(0,-l,-h). They're at the same y-plane just at opposite ends.
Now A makes those angles at the x-plane. AB forms phi and AC forms theta. All I really know about B is that it's in the -h z-plane. Can I treat A as a 2D problem in the xz-plane?
  • #6
Sloppy language when saying "They're at the same y-plane just at opposite ends", when you mean y-z plane. When you say "All I really know about B is that it's in the -h z-plane" I think you should say the x-z plane.
When I said that WLOG, x of A can be set at unity, I implied that x of B can similarly be attributed a distance as long as it is bigger that x of A.
If you suppress the y-axis and look only at the x-z plane with E on top of F, you will get a meaningful result for DC CA and AB, but the result for C to EF will need to be partitioned in the y-z plane. That's the simple way to look at it. Or you could invoke vector algebra with i j k terms. If you start with the joint at A, you can solve the forces there. Then you have enough information to go to C, where you will need three equations for the three unknowns. That's where 3 reference axes are helpful to bring the question to a successful conclusion. Can you do it now?
  • #7

FAQ: Mechanical Engineering 3D force system

1. What is a 3D force system in mechanical engineering?

A 3D force system in mechanical engineering refers to the analysis and understanding of forces acting on an object in three dimensions. This includes the magnitude, direction, and point of application of forces, as well as their effects on the object's motion and stability.

2. How is a 3D force system different from a 2D force system?

A 3D force system takes into account forces acting in three dimensions, whereas a 2D force system only considers forces acting in two dimensions. This means that a 3D force system includes forces acting in the x, y, and z directions, while a 2D force system only considers forces acting in the x and y directions.

3. What are the main components of a 3D force system?

The main components of a 3D force system include the forces acting on an object, the point of application of these forces, and the direction and magnitude of each force. These components are used to calculate the net force and moment acting on the object.

4. How is a 3D force system used in mechanical engineering?

A 3D force system is used in mechanical engineering to analyze and understand the forces acting on an object, which is essential in designing and building structures and machines. It is also used to calculate the stability and safety of these structures and machines.

5. What are some common applications of 3D force systems in mechanical engineering?

Some common applications of 3D force systems in mechanical engineering include designing and analyzing structures such as bridges, buildings, and aircraft, as well as understanding the forces acting on mechanical components in machines and vehicles. It is also used in fields such as robotics and biomechanics to study the forces involved in movement and manipulation of objects.
