Mechanical waves transmission through different mediums

In summary, this conversation addresses the question of whether waves travel faster in dense or less dense mediums. It also discusses how the properties of waves, such as wavelength, speed, frequency, and amplitude, change as they move from a less dense to a denser medium. The conversation also explores the reason why we hear better through air, even though waves travel faster in solids, and the relationship between speed, density, and elasticity in determining the speed of sound. Ultimately, it is concluded that while many people believe sound travels faster in denser mediums, it actually depends on the elasticity of the medium.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Do waves travel faster in dense or less dense mediums?

As a wave moves from a less dense to a denser medium at a boundary end what properties change? (Wavelength, speed, frequency, amplitude...)

If waves travel faster in solids then why do we hear better through air, and if we listen in water or solid it's deep and slow.

Homework Equations

-none- it's a conceptional question
But maybe these are helpful:
Frequency=1/ period

The Attempt at a Solution

For the first question I previously thought that waves travel faster in more dense mediums, but I found this link. In the section about
"Transmission of a Pulse Across a Boundary from Less to More Dense"
It says the opposite.

So which is true ?

My second question is a result of the first and also refers to the same section in the link above. Why did the denser medium have a smaller amplitude and so did there reflected wave.

For my last question I don't have an idea on what might be the answer.Thank you for your help in helping me understand this confusing topic, because I am currently really frustrated with y lack of understanding the topic for many weeks now.
Physics news on
  • #2
I know that almost everybody I asked will tell me that mechanical waves like sound travel faster in denser medium. However that is actually not the case.
Initially I thought it had something to do with how sound is longitudinal while some other mechanical waves are transverse. I'm not sure how that relates yet.

The actual reason sound travel faster in medium that one might think to be denser is because of the 'elasticity' or 'tension' of the medium. It's about how much the medium wants to go back to its initial state.

The equation is v = sqrt(B/p) where B is the bulk modulus and p is the density. Bulk modulus is a measure of 'elasticity' of the medium. As you can see from the equation, speed is inversely proportional to density. Which means when density increase, speed actually decreases.

The reason I put ' ' on elasticity and tension is because I don't know the actual term and is my own way of explaining them.
  • #3

FAQ: Mechanical waves transmission through different mediums

1. How do mechanical waves travel through different mediums?

Mechanical waves travel through different mediums by causing particles in the medium to vibrate, transferring energy from one particle to the next. This vibration creates a wave that propagates through the medium.

2. What factors affect the speed of mechanical waves in different mediums?

The speed of mechanical waves in different mediums is affected by the density, temperature, and elasticity of the medium. Generally, waves travel faster in denser and more elastic mediums, and slower in less dense and less elastic mediums.

3. Can mechanical waves be transmitted through all types of mediums?

Yes, mechanical waves can be transmitted through all types of mediums, including solids, liquids, and gases. However, the speed and properties of the wave may vary depending on the medium it is traveling through.

4. How does the frequency of a mechanical wave change in different mediums?

The frequency of a mechanical wave remains constant as it travels through different mediums. However, the wavelength and speed of the wave may change, which can affect the overall behavior of the wave.

5. Are there any real-life applications of mechanical wave transmission through different mediums?

Yes, there are many real-life applications of mechanical wave transmission through different mediums. Some examples include sound waves traveling through air to allow us to hear, seismic waves traveling through the Earth to detect earthquakes, and ultrasound waves used in medical imaging.
