Media's live coverage of the war

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  • Thread starter Kerrie
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In summary: It's a tough question, but news of this sort must neccessarily straddle the line between informing the public (which is definitely necessary for a democracy at war. The public must confront the reality of what is done in their name) and entertainment (which is tasteless and disrespectful of the people fighting it)Hence, I am tempted to say: "If you don't want to watch it, change the channel!"In summary, a parent has decided to boycott news coverage of the war on television due to the disturbing effect it has on their 6-year-old child. They question whether it is right for journalists to broadcast violent activities up close while children are watching. Some argue that it is important for children to understand the realities
  • #36

Originally posted by Kat….sorta!

I have some mixed feelings here. I do believe that there is without doubt propaganda in the U.S. news..well in actuality all news. I do my best to compare reports in the media to the first hand news of people I know around the world. Sometimes it correlates at other times it appears as though they must be speaking of two different worlds. On the other hand, I also believe that U.S. news is effected by ratings and consumer influence, perhaps inordinately. I cannot imagine that there would not be outrage by americans if such graphic displays were put on national television. I would be outraged if anyone I knew where displayed for all the world to see in such a manner. Maybe, I'm mistaken but I do not think I'm the minority view in this matter in the U.S. So, because of this I don't think I can just blame my president. Even if I were to blame someone I would probably look above and beyond him, as I do not think it's the 4 term president that pulls the strings in corporate America.

So Kat, you don't think that it is your Presidents doing, the aphorism of Mass media News marketing "If it bleeds it leads" is now, for some strange and in-apparent reason, no longer applicable, Why?

That you don't recognize the efforts that are propaganda inclined, especially given the nets ability to ensure that 'somewhere' the story gets out, lends to you having a position that seeks, and wants, for deflection from the reality.

Problem is that all good judgments, are only enabled, when they are derived from the reality in it’s fullest presentation.

They say that the “Truth is the first victim in war” even though I can guarantee that the truth of it is being played out to it’s fullest, without error, or lie, it is only in the recounting of it, that it is victimized, hence the people’s of Iraq suffer that fate from the support that your President is getting, for his war effort, via propaganda.

How Sad.
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  • #37
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons

So Kat, you don't think that it is your Presidents doing, the aphorism of Mass media News marketing "If it bleeds it leads" is now, for some strange and in-apparent reason, no longer applicable, Why?

No offense, but I think that sentence is broken.

That you don't recognize the efforts that are propaganda inclined, especially given the nets ability to ensure that 'somewhere' the story gets out, lends to you having a position that seeks, and wants, for deflection from the reality.

Yup. That one's broke too.

Problem is that all good judgments, are only enabled, when they are derived from the reality in it’s fullest presentation.

Since this is the Physics Forum, I bet we can all agree that thanks to Heisenberg(sp?) the previous statement has no value. (even though it's not broken)

They say that the “Truth is the first victim in war” even though I can guarantee that the truth of it is being played out to it’s fullest, without error, or lie, it is only in the recounting of it, that it is victimized, hence the people’s of Iraq suffer that fate from the support that your President is getting, for his war effort, via propaganda.

You could say that about any leader and any war. What's your point?
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  • #38
gee, and i was hoping that sense this is Physics Forum, we would not have to deal with such absurd abstractions.
  • #39
Broken, as in 'grammatically incorrect' to the point of rendering the sentence unintelligible.
  • #40
Alias, clearly a sentence fragment is an "abstraction" that is above the understanding of many in this forum.
  • #41
In all seriousness, with absolutely zero sarcasm,
Could someone please translate Mr. Parson's post for me?
  • #42
Ahem, the TOPIC is the media's live coverage of the war, the responce that is, is followed by Alias's question;

Originally posted by Alias

You could say that about any leader and any war. What's your point?

Yes, you could, but no, not all of them follow that as a doctrine, and given that the United States penchant for 'a wee spot of bragadoccio', with respect to the "Freedom" of it press, the reality that is televised, as presented, is intentionally being skewed by influences that are not a makeup of the 'past' American Media's "Freedom" in reportage.

Apparenlty something has changed the manner in which your media, the American media, is reporting on this war, as they are clearly not following in their previous footsteps of news journalism that was inclusive of the "If it bleeds, it leads" line.

Now it is simple enough, from the perspective of one who has watched and studied the US extensively, this is NOT the behaviour of America, nor of Americans.

Further to that is this notion that they do not want to show "horriffic pictures" to the American public, you mean like the ones I saw concerning 9/11?? cause I saw quite a few of those...

Why the difference, now?

(P.S. Alias, russ, quick! your wanted in the "Ask a stupid quention get a stupid answer" forum, RIGHT NOW, SO HURRY!)

As for the 'grammer', what's that?
  • #43
A little side dish...perhaps?

Just out of curiosity concerning media coverage, how many of you, Americans only, know that your government is presently making statements, here, in the press, in Canada, telling us that we "Should be on your side", that "You would have been there for us", and slipped in is the notion, the alleged suggestion that Canada might just be financially punished (contracts cancelled)for the stance we have taken as an independant country standing for repecting International law.

Curious to know if any Americans know that this is going on,the Canadian media has reported that there is NO coverage of this in the American press.

  • #44
Originally posted by Alias
Broken, as in 'grammatically incorrect' to the point of rendering the sentence unintelligible.

oh i am sorry, i was reffering to your Heisenberg comment.
  • #45
In all seriousness, with absolutely zero sarcasm,
Could someone please translate Mr. Parson's post for me?
Sorry Kat, I can't seem to find my "Parsons to English" dictionary. I've given up.
  • #46
If you work at Fox News, this isn't Gulf War II -- it's Christmas.
[PLAIN] - this is funny. Lots of profanity, so caveat lector.
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