Medical Physicist resident from Australia

In summary: If not, you'll likely have more difficulty finding a job in Canada than if you did. The situation for foreign-trained physicists in Canada is a bit complicated right now, but I think it's worth trying to get in touch with the CCPM to see what they can do.
  • #1
Medical Physicist "resident" from Australia

Hi everybody,

I'm looking for advice with regards to moving to North America, particularly Canada, and becoming a medical physicist. I am Canadian, born and raised. I earned my B.Sc. in Canada (McMaster's non-CAMPEP radiation physics program), but earned an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Australia in medical physics. Obviously, neither my M.Sc. or Ph.D. were earned from CAMPEP approved programs.

In Australia, the clinical residency (or "registrar" in Australian-ese) program is around 4-5 years. This sounds like a long time, but I'm always surprised when I hear that the Canadian and American program for radiation oncology physicists is only 2 years! I've been a resident for ~4 years, and am ~12 months from completing my residency.

I was hoping to move back home to Canada, and may return before I finish my clinical training in Australia. After all, if the Aussie qualification is non-transferrable between countries, there's little benefit of being qualified in Australia. My contract ends soon anyway, which is my way out.

My primary concern with my "Canada plan" is my education. I'm afraid of being asked to repeat my M.Sc. or/and Ph.D. because my program isn't CAMPEP approved. Personally, I think it would be silly to immediately exclude or discredit a degree earned outside of North America, or that it means that you cannot fulfil the role of a medical physicist. I strongly believe that the education I received in Australia was excellent, and that my 4 years of clinical experience would make me an immediate asset and contributor to any clinic that requires a physicist. Unfortunately, I don't know how my education and work experience will be "viewed", or valued, by Canadian or US centres.

Can anybody give me their opinion on this, or perhaps some personal insight if you're a clinical physicist? I have looked at the COMP, CCPM, and AAPM websites, but it's not the same as hearing it from a real person. ;) I would hate to discover that due to my curious and adventurous side, I'm going to be professionally and personally handcuffed, barred from working in my country. :(Cheers,
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  • #2
I'm not sure how well it's been publicized, but my understanding is that the CCPM is following suit with the ABR accreditation requirements in 2016, so technically if that's the certification you're after, you should be able to write it. As you've been trained in Australia, you would need to either (a) have Canadian citizenship, or (b) have a medical physics job/residency position in Canada.

I don't know what their plan is for treating such situations after 2016 though. I know a number of foreign-trained physicists who are very good at what they do and it would be a shame not to have an avenue for others like them to come into Canada.
  • #3

Thanks for the reply. I'm really unsure about what I've read and heard about this.

On the one hand, I have read that beyond 2014, I'm out of luck in the US, and by 2016, I've run out of time in Canada, hence my urge to move back to Canada ASAP.

On the other hand, some people are saying that I could still sit the exams despite not being from a CAMPEP approved M.Sc. program. Would this still apply beyond 2016, or only before 2016? I don't see how this makes sense in any case, because what's to stop someone from going to a non-CAMPEP approved university and simply writing the exam anyway? CAMPEP was meant to prevent this very issue.

I've also read that as long as your program fulfils the topics covered in the AAPM Report 197 ("The Essential Medical Physics Didactic Elements for Physicists Entering the Profession through an Alternative Pathway: A Recommendation from the AAPM Working Group on the Revision of Reports 44 & 79"), you're fine. However, that document uses the term "alternative pathways" to refer to people who may have graduated from a pure physics or biomedical engineering masters program that wish to enter medical physics.Australia's work situation, work-life balance, and overall salaries is far better than in Canada, as far as I'm aware. However, it would be heartbreaking if I didn't even have the option to return to Canada as a physicist. I'm still a Canuck.Nawksi
  • #4
If you're really concerned you could try contacting the CCPM.

As far as I understand it, in 2016 the CCPM is going to require either a CAMPEP graduate program or a CAMPEP residency as a condition for membership. I don't know if they are planning for some kind of loophole around it, such as an "exceptional circumstances" clause... but I wouldn't count on it.

The other thing is that depending on where you want to work membership with the CCPM may not be a requirement. In Ontario for example, it's my understanding that you complete a "peer review" process at the completion of a residency - which is very much like the CCPM membership oral exam, but that has become the defining credential for employment in that province. I don't know why they don't just go along with requiring CCPM membership, as looking at it from the outside, it seems like a duplication of effort in my opinion.

In a worse case scenario there are "post PhD" programs that you can take that allow you to just do the CAMPEP coursework which will qualify you for the ABR or CCPM membership. In general they are set up for people with PhDs in other fields of physics who want to get into medical physics to provide an "alternative entry" process.

In general, it's best to read the fine print on these things rather than listen to people who say "you'll be fine if..."
  • #5

Hi Nawksi,

As a fellow medical physicist, I can understand your concerns about moving to a different country and having your education and experience valued. While I cannot speak for specific institutions in Canada or the US, I can offer some general advice.

Firstly, it is important to research the requirements for becoming a medical physicist in the specific country you are planning to move to. In Canada, for example, the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine (CCPM) sets the standards for certification and registration of medical physicists. It may be helpful to contact them directly to inquire about the recognition of degrees earned outside of North America.

Secondly, it is important to highlight your clinical experience and skills in your resume and cover letter. This will demonstrate to potential employers that you have practical experience in the field, which is highly valuable in medical physics.

Additionally, networking with other medical physicists in the country you are planning to move to can also be beneficial. They may be able to offer personal insights and advice based on their own experiences.

Lastly, it is important to remember that every institution and hiring committee may have different requirements and preferences. While some may prioritize CAMPEP-approved degrees, others may value clinical experience and practical skills more. Do not get discouraged and continue to apply for positions that interest you.

I wish you all the best in your move and future career as a medical physicist.

Best regards,


Related to Medical Physicist resident from Australia

1. What is a medical physicist resident?

A medical physicist resident is a professional who specializes in the application of physics principles to the field of medicine. They work closely with other healthcare professionals to ensure the safe and effective use of radiation in diagnosing and treating medical conditions.

2. What qualifications are required to become a medical physicist resident in Australia?

To become a medical physicist resident in Australia, one must have a postgraduate degree in medical physics, such as a Master's or PhD. They must also be registered with the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) and complete a two-year supervised residency program.

3. What types of tasks does a medical physicist resident perform?

A medical physicist resident performs a variety of tasks, including quality assurance of radiation equipment, treatment planning for radiation therapy, and radiation safety procedures. They also research new techniques and technologies to improve patient care and outcomes.

4. What is the job outlook for medical physicist residents in Australia?

The job outlook for medical physicist residents in Australia is positive, with a growing demand for their expertise in the healthcare industry. According to the Australian Government's Job Outlook website, employment for medical radiation scientists (which includes medical physicists) is expected to increase by 10% over the next five years.

5. How does a medical physicist resident contribute to patient care?

A medical physicist resident plays a crucial role in patient care by ensuring the safe and accurate use of radiation in diagnostic imaging and treatment. They work closely with doctors and other healthcare professionals to develop treatment plans that target tumors while minimizing harm to healthy tissues. They also perform quality assurance checks to ensure that radiation equipment is functioning properly, which helps to reduce the risk of errors and improve patient outcomes.

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