Member of Michio Kakus's organisation

  • Thread starter SoumyaBanerjee
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In summary, a member of Michio Kaku's organization has inquired about the potential effects of the sun's expansion on Earth in 3 billion years. Michio Kaku explains that the sun's mass will only decrease by less than one percent, which will not significantly change the Earth's orbit. However, the sun's temperature and size will increase, causing it to eventually run out of hydrogen and swell up like other stars. This will not happen for several billion years as the sun still has plenty of hydrogen to convert to helium.
  • #1
I am a member of Michio Kakus's organisation.Some days later i have ask this organisation a question about astrophysics and in reply they have told me to send this question in Michio Kaku's forum. As a member of the organisation i would like to ask you a question about astrophysics.If you give me a reply i will be very much obliged.In a serial of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY they say that, after about 3 billion years the sun will expand and covers almost all the distance between the Earth and sun.As a reult the Earth will turn to magma due to excesive closelyness to sun.Now it is also said that this will happened due to the hydrogen of the sun will turn to helium.Here i found some problem,if the hydrogen of the sun will turn to helium then certainly there is some loss of mass in the sun,because some mass will turn to energy.Now if there is a reduction of mass then the attraction power of the sun will decrease.So the attraction to the Earth will also decrease.So the Earth will be situated in a bigger distance than the preasent and this will happen in same ratio of the reduction of mass.So if the sun covers the distance between sun and earth,then at that time the Earth will be situated in much further distance,and the distance remain almost same and the radiomagnetic wave have to coverthe same distance.So how can they say that the Earth will turn to magma after 3 billion years due to the reduction of distance.It may happen that the Earth will be cooler than the preasent,because the power of the sun will decrease.
Please give the answer of my question.
Yours faithfully
Astronomy news on
  • #2

what if the sun gets to be only a little bit
less massive, while it becomes much bigger?

The sun operates by converting hydrogen to helium (thermonuclear fusion deep inside it where the temperature and pressure are high enough). But when hydrogen fuses to form helium the decrease in mass is less than one percent

So the sun, in several billion years, will be nearly the same mass,
and have nearly the same gravity as it does today. It will be reduced in mass by less than one percent.
This will not allow the size of the Earth's orbit to change very much.

The big change will be in the temperature and size of the sun, because of running out of the customary hydrogen fuel.
We have seen this happening with other stars that have run out of their hydrogen. They swell up!

What happens is, when there is no more hydrogen in the core of the star for it to fuse, the core contracts until the pressure and temperature conditions are so extreme that it it is able to fuse helium and convert it to carbon

unfortunately once this helium-fusion begins, it happens at a somewhat faster rate than the star can normally accommodate (perhaps this resembles an
attack of indigestion or fit of cholic in one of us) and the star swells up to an abnormal size

Because we have seen the results of this bloating in other stars (like the one in the shoulder of the constellation Orion) we can reasonably expect it to happen to the sun.

But it will not happen until the sun has finished consuming the hydrogen in its core and coverting that hydrogen to helium. Therefore we can expect several billion years of good behavior before this happens.

best wishes


FAQ: Member of Michio Kakus's organisation

1. Who is Michio Kaku?

Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist, futurist, and popular science communicator. He is a professor of theoretical physics at the City College of New York and CUNY Graduate Center. He is also the co-founder of String Field Theory.

2. What is Michio Kaku's organization?

Michio Kaku's organization is the Kaku Institute for Theoretical Physics, also known as Kaku Institute. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and advancing theoretical physics and related fields.

3. What is the purpose of Michio Kaku's organization?

The purpose of Michio Kaku's organization is to provide a platform for theoretical physicists and researchers to collaborate, share ideas, and advance the field of theoretical physics. It also aims to educate the general public about the latest developments and theories in physics.

4. How can I become a member of Michio Kaku's organization?

Becoming a member of Michio Kaku's organization is by invitation only. Members are typically distinguished physicists and researchers who have made significant contributions to the field of theoretical physics. However, individuals can support the organization by attending events, seminars, and conferences organized by the Kaku Institute.

5. What are the benefits of being a member of Michio Kaku's organization?

The benefits of being a member of Michio Kaku's organization include opportunities for collaboration with other distinguished physicists, access to the latest research and developments in the field of theoretical physics, and the opportunity to attend exclusive events and conferences. It also provides a platform for networking and exchanging ideas with other members of the organization.

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