Memories of Growing Up in Indiana

  • Thread starter selfAdjoint
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In summary: I can't remember the word.In summary, the Indiana legislature debated seriously a proposal to define pi as 3 1/6.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Ah, Indiana. Lived there for years; high school and college there. Maximally insular. The legislature once debated seriously a proposal to define pi as 3 1/6.
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  • #2
selfAdjoint said:
Ah, Indiana. Lived there for years; high school and college there. Maximally insular. The legislature once debated seriously a proposal to define pi as 3 1/6.

I hope you're not serious.
  • #3
selfAdjoint said:
high school and college there

Should this concern us? :rolleyes:
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  • #4
Ivan, I was just giving evidence to support my ability to comment on the Hoosier character.
  • #5
Tony11235 said:
Hermitian said:
Ah, Indiana. Lived there for years; high school and college there. Maximally insular. The legislature once debated seriously a proposal to define pi as 3 1/6.
I hope you're not serious.

It was approved, 67-0:


"A bill for an act introducing a new mathematical truth and offered as a contribution to education to be used only by the State of Indiana free of cost by paying any royalties whatever on the same, provided it is accepted and adopted by the official action of the legislature of 1897.

"Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana: It has been found that a circular area is to the square on a line equal to the quadrant of the circumference, as the area of an equilateral rectangle is to the square on one side. The diameter employed as the linear unit according to the present rule in computing the circle's area is entirely wrong, as it represents the circles area one and one-fifths times the area of a square whose perimeter is equal to the circumference of the circle. This is because one-fifth of the diameter fils to be represented four times in the circle's circumference. For example: if we multiply the perimeter of a square by one-fourth of any line one-fifth greater than one side, we can, in like manner make the square's area to appear one fifth greater than the fact, as is done by taking the diameter for the linear unit instead of the quadrant of the circle's circumference.
In his article, he writes (according to Edington):

"An ex-teacher from the eastern part of the state was saying: 'The case is perfectly simple. If we pass this bill which establishes a new and correct value for pi , the author offers to our state without cost the use of his discovery and its free publication in our school textbooks, while everyone else must pay him a royalty.'"
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  • #6
selfAdjoint said:
Ivan, I was just giving evidence to support my ability to comment on the Hoosier character.

I was just teasing you about being a Hoosier. :biggrin:
  • #7
Ivan Seeking said:
I was just teasing you about being a Hoosier. :biggrin:

Oy, I hope I'm not a Hoosier!:eek:

One good Hoosier I know is Dick Lugar, the Senator. I was in HS with him. He is pretty sharp, and his effort (which the administration pretty much ignores) to control nuclear material left around by the collapse of the Soviet Union, is one of the worthiest causes I can imagine.
  • #9
My math professor at Butler U, Harry Crull of honored memory, taught us about that bill in the state legislature, he had a copy of the proceedings for us to peruse.
  • #10
So, science will forever be subjected to the "Hoosier" test?
  • #11
Hoosiers, like cockroaches, will survive the singularity!
  • #12
-Split from another thread-
  • #13
I want to see their buildings.
  • #14
Just an interesting tidbit of information: in St. Louis, the word "hoosier" has a very different connotation to it, and is basically a synonym for "hick" or "redneck." Thus, when I hear the word, that's what I think of.
  • #15
I did a presentation on the classic geometry problems that are unsolvable and used that article in it. I believe some nutjob convinced the indiana senate to change the value of pi so that he could "solve" the impossible like doubling the volume of a cube or trisecting an angle with just a straight edge and compass.
  • #16
To avoid these situations from occurring in the future we could ask the legislature to once and for have a new law that simply writes out the complete number. :smile:
  • #17
gravenewworld said:
I did a presentation on the classic geometry problems that are unsolvable and used that article in it. I believe some nutjob convinced the indiana senate to change the value of pi so that he could "solve" the impossible like doubling the volume of a cube or trisecting an angle with just a straight edge and compass.

As I heard the story from Professor Crull, one of the senators was a rich man who owned a race track, and got his idea after he measured its circumference and got a different ratio than pi. He then persuaded a committee to consider his theory.
  • #18
I infer that suggests Indiana is the place to be for aspiring politicians.

Related to Memories of Growing Up in Indiana

1. What inspired you to research and write about memories of growing up in Indiana?

I grew up in Indiana myself and have always been fascinated by the unique experiences and perspectives of individuals who grew up in this state. I was also interested in exploring the common themes and differences among people's memories of growing up in Indiana.

2. How did you collect and analyze the data for this study?

I used a combination of methods to collect data, including surveys, interviews, and focus groups. I then analyzed the data using coding and thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns in participants' memories.

3. What were some of the most common memories shared by participants?

Some of the most common memories shared by participants were outdoor activities such as fishing and camping, community events and festivals, and family traditions such as attending church or family reunions. Many also mentioned the importance of agriculture and farming in their upbringing.

4. Did you notice any significant differences in memories based on age or location within Indiana?

Yes, there were some noticeable differences in memories based on age and location. For example, older participants tended to have more memories related to rural areas and farming, while younger participants often mentioned more urban experiences such as attending concerts or sporting events. There were also differences in memories based on the specific region of Indiana that participants grew up in.

5. What do you hope readers will take away from your research on memories of growing up in Indiana?

I hope readers will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the diverse experiences and perspectives of individuals who grew up in Indiana. I also hope this research will spark conversations and connections among people who share similar memories and experiences of growing up in this state.

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