Memory Problems: Seeking Help and Solutions

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  • Thread starter Hyperspace2
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In summary, the speaker shares their embarrassment about their volatile memory and difficulty remembering their BIOS password for their computer. They wonder if it could be a form of disease and ask for suggestions or treatment. However, the other person responds that they cannot provide a diagnosis and suggests seeing a doctor for any concerns.
  • #1
Hello people,
I am so embarassed to share my weakness though I have to. Actually it's about my memory.
I have so volatile memory. For example(this is real)
I keep bios passwor at my computer. So its usual I have to type bios password to enter my windows. But I have encountered many times that I open my computer and directly found to encounter the window without typing bios password. But how can it be?,computer can't be wrong . It means that I have forgotten that I had forgotten that I typed my password.
How can I forget that event. where that pssword typing event got lost in my mind.
Is it the form of disease? I am just 19 years old . I am studying engineering.
And I am so embarassed to tell these weakness to my family member.

Do you people encounter these weakness? I have encountered it many times.
Can you suggest the treatment for this. I guess it is symptom of short term memory loss.
Any suggestion please.
Advance thanks
Biology news on
  • #2
We cannot diagnose you. Please go see a dcotor if you are concerned.

FAQ: Memory Problems: Seeking Help and Solutions

What are some common signs of memory problems?

Some common signs of memory problems include forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, trouble recalling recent events or conversations, and struggling to learn new information.

What are some potential causes of memory problems?

Memory problems can be caused by a variety of factors, such as aging, sleep deprivation, stress, certain medications, medical conditions (such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease), and head injuries.

When should I seek professional help for memory problems?

If you are experiencing persistent and significant memory problems that are impacting your daily life and functioning, it is important to seek professional help. This could include talking to your physician, a mental health professional, or a specialist in memory and cognitive functioning.

What are some potential treatments for memory problems?

The appropriate treatment for memory problems will depend on the underlying cause. It could include lifestyle changes (such as getting more sleep or managing stress), medications, cognitive therapy, or other interventions aimed at improving memory and cognitive functioning.

How can I prevent memory problems?

While there is no guaranteed way to prevent memory problems, there are some steps you can take to potentially reduce your risk. These include staying physically and mentally active, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, managing stress, and staying socially connected.
