Men: Knitting makes you a babe magnet.

  • Thread starter Kerrie
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In summary: I disagree completely. While yes they probably do just assume that, you have o look at the alrger picture here. Never say you are gay, make friends, get introduced to their friends, and voila, access to many women to date. TH women in the aerobics classes were merely stepping stonesbut who am I to judge, I wore a dress.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Gold Member

I think this is absolutely terrific. Of course, some guys wouldn't think so.
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  • #2
If Mean Joe Green did needlepoint...who am I to say anything. To each his own.
  • #3
The girls I live with had a mad knitting phase just before Christmas. I gave it a go, (I really did, I knut* for a whole week!) but was dropping stitches everywhere, it absolutely did my head in. My mum got a really nice rag for Christmas though!

*past tense of 'knit' sponsored by brewnog
  • #4
I don't know about making them a babe magnet, but joining a knitting circle might be an easy way of meeting women who aren't the type to go out to bars and stuff like least until all the men start trying that (sort of like all the guys who signed up for Home Ec class in high school thinking they'd be in a class full of girls to find out girls don't sign up for Home Ec because they're all in wood shop hoping to be in a class full of boys :biggrin:).

I picked up knitting for a while, made a few ugly scarves and a pillow cover. It's pretty calming since you are just focused on counting stitches, so can clear all the other clutter out of your mind for a while to relax. It stops working as well when you improve your skill and don't have to think so much about every stitch.
  • #5
Moonbear said:
I don't know about making them a babe magnet, but joining a knitting circle might be an easy way of meeting women who aren't the type to go out to bars and stuff like that...

I think you're right on the money about this. Things like aerobics classes, dancing classes, etc. are largely populated by women. I don't think there's too great of a fear of men overrunning them for a while because most of us still have these programmed responses that say 'that's too girly, my friends would think I'm gay if I did that.'
  • #6
Grogs said:
I think you're right on the money about this. Things like aerobics classes, dancing classes, etc. are largely populated by women. I don't think there's too great of a fear of men overrunning them for a while because most of us still have these programmed responses that say 'that's too girly, my friends would think I'm gay if I did that.'

Does it really matter if they think that when you're getting all the women? Nope. Of course, the lost dignity might matter.
  • #7
Real men don't knit! :mad: :mad: :mad:

They embroider.
  • #8
franznietzsche said:
Does it really matter if they think that when you're getting all the women? Nope. Of course, the lost dignity might matter.

Actually, what matters is that all the women in those aerobics classes or the knitting circle, upon seeing a man join, will just assume he must be gay (especially if he's coordinated enough to do the aerobics). Sort of defeats the purpose if he isn't. :smile:
  • #9
Moonbear said:
Actually, what matters is that all the women in those aerobics classes or the knitting circle, upon seeing a man join, will just assume he must be gay (especially if he's coordinated enough to do the aerobics). Sort of defeats the purpose if he isn't. :smile:

I disagree completely. While yes they probably do just assume that, you have o look at the alrger picture here. Never say you are gay, make friends, get introduced to their friends, and voila, access to many women to date. TH women in the aerobics classes were merely stepping stones
  • #10
Knitting is for wimps...

but who am I to judge, I wore a dress.

FAQ: Men: Knitting makes you a babe magnet.

What is the scientific evidence behind knitting making someone a babe magnet?

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that knitting makes someone a babe magnet. Attraction and perceived attractiveness are influenced by a variety of factors, including personality, physical appearance, and social interactions. Knitting may be perceived as a unique or interesting hobby, but it is not a guaranteed way to attract romantic partners.

Is knitting a gender-specific activity?

No, knitting is not a gender-specific activity. While it may be more commonly associated with women, there are many male knitters and the hobby is open to people of all genders.

Does knitting have any health benefits?

Yes, knitting has been shown to have various health benefits. It can reduce stress and anxiety, improve cognitive function, and even lower blood pressure. It also provides a creative outlet and can promote a sense of accomplishment.

Can knitting improve hand-eye coordination?

Yes, knitting can improve hand-eye coordination. It involves using both hands simultaneously and requires precise movements, which can strengthen fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Is there a specific type of knitting that is more attractive to potential partners?

No, the type of knitting does not affect attractiveness to potential partners. Whether someone is knitting a scarf, a sweater, or any other item, the act of knitting itself does not determine attractiveness.
